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Guru Govind Singh Road, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore 641002, TN


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Vega Ent Hospital, Coimbatore Reviews

Good treatment
Jun 23, 2021 09:45 PM1629 Views

Awesome Staff and environment. One of the best hospital that I will strongly recommend to anyone. U can visit this hospital for any ear, nose, throat illness. I appreciate the Doctors for curing the patient

V Nice hospital
May 23, 2021 11:40 AM1075 Views

Last week amid covid I went with running nose head ache supecting black fungus. Dr did ct and diagnosed it as ac sinusitis.and reassured me.I am well with medication.

I am a satisfied patient good service
Nov 19, 2019 12:09 AM3654 Views

I got my ear surgery 3 months ago. They treated me well. I have no ear ear discharge now. Thanks to Dr.Periaswamy


Vega Ent Hospital - Coimbatore
Worst doctor
Oct 25, 2019 01:30 PM4894 Views (via Mobile)

My experience with vega Dr periswamy is very

Bad please don't visit him to make money he is purposely makes a infection and does not know to a simple procedure removal of wax in ear made scar in ear bleeding horrible experience I have visit another doct

Rude doctor
Jul 16, 2019 04:38 PM5223 Views (via Mobile)

A doctor should know how to talk with patients and welcome them with happy face & not like Dr Nidhi. I am from Malaysia and this is the first time I experienced such a rude doctor. Strongly not recommended.

Venus International Foundation is Predatory!
Nov 21, 2018 06:28 PM9133 Views

During early 2015, I got the following email:

Dear Professor,

Sub :Young Faculty Award(Bio Science) - VIFFA 2015- Intimation -Reg.

Ref-1: Nomination Code: F. No./ VIFFA 2015 / 768

Ref-2: Award code: YFA / M / Sci./ VIFFA 2015

We are happy to inform that, based on the Expert Committee Report and APEX Committee recommendations, you have been selected for the YOUNG FACULTY AWARD(in the category of Bio Science) of the VIFFA 2015 that is to be cele_45brated on 5th July 2015 at the Radha Regent Hotels, Chennai.

The Award(Framed Certificate and Shield) is a Gift and the same will be given to you in person on 5th July 2015 by VIF Board of Trustees. Please find the VIFFA 2015 Invitation.

In this process, you have to submit the following documents on or before June 9, 2015. PFA for the same.

  1. Registration form(Please find the attachment in your mail)

  2. Your short profile to include in the Souvenir of VIFFA 2015(PFA in your mail)

  3. Soft copy of your recent photograph

4.Scan copy or e receipt of aishwaryasingh23ment(PFA in your mail)

5.Final version of your CV(if any, if necessary. Else we will consider the earlier submission for the process)

Congratulations once again. We wish you good luck in this association and expect your support in this endeavour. Best Wishes

Prof. V. Balasubramanian, PhD(IISc.).,

Director, VENUS International Foundation

Great, thought I. Venus Young Faculty Award, sounds nice. The catch is that the foundation insist for Rs. 5000(well, this is back in 2015) as a ‘voluntary’ contribution towards the award. I wrote back to Prof. V Balasubramanian, who claims to hold a PhD from IISc, to waive off the charges as it is voluntary. In reply, Prof. R. Sathishkumar, Chairperson of Venus International Foundation replied that the amount can’t be waived. He explained various benefits of winning this award:

Benefits of Winning: A comprehensive profile of the Award Winner will ever be available online(Eg. VIFRA 2015 Report will be published with necessary glimpses on 30th December 2015(eg. It is an affirmation of excellence spurring further innovation and best practices. As an indicator of success, it enhances the reputation and improves the benchmark of the award winner. As a matter of pride and motivation, it raises the visibility of the success. The certificate, memento and photograph will be a testimony. We request the award winners to make VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION towards the Registration, Venue and High Buffet Lunch expenses. The registration does not cover the travel and or accommodation cost of the participants. Additional charges are applicable for the accompanying person(s).

At this juncture, we are looking forward to receive your curriculum vitae. Please send the same to:

Kindly contact us for further details.

Best Wishes Dr. R. Sathishkumar, PhD(Engg.).,

Chairperson, VENUS International Foundation

I replied him:

"Thank you for your email. I have decided not to remit the "voluntay" contribution, thereby purchasing your award plaque. I will preserve your award confirmation email as a "proof" of my winning the award.

Thank you!"

Now, coming to this blog post; why? Recently I saw couple of my friends sharing the news over facebook that they won this award, with fancy pics from award ceremony. Suit clad people on the stage with one East Asian lady(I am sure she was hired for this award to act on the stage). Well, the award is "International", so we need a foreigner on stage! Friends, Venus International Foundation has many awards by many names but beware the whole business is shady and a big scam. Anyone can get any award by making the aishwaryasingh23ment. Scammers like VIF exploit innate human desire to get recognized, to win an award, to boost our ego many fold. I even seriously doubt whether the whole foundation is registered, and whether monetary transactions comes under the legal framework of central taxation. Who are these Satheeshkumar and Balasubrahmanyam? Do they really have PhDs? I am not sure. Even if they had, they are selling IISc's tag for this fraudulent scheme; IISc should urgently intervene to stop this hoodwink. Please do not get fooled. The award not only has any value, but if you mention this in your CV, chances are high that it will get backfired. Stay away from VIF by any cost.

There are hundreds of such scam awards in the country; all you can get by making the aishwaryasingh23ment. Another example is Global Economic Progress & Research Association(GEPRA)(NO.101, Mundy street, Thiruvannamalai-606601, TamilNadu, India Mobile:+91 9842321578 Mobile:+91 9443186733 Tel:+914175 238292 Fax:+914175 238578 E-mail:,

GEPRA sells awards by various names like “Mahatma Gandhi Gold Medal Award”(wow, what a name!) and APJ Kalam Gold Medal Award, in equally fancy ceremony in New Delhi(why not in Thiruvannamalai? Obviously to be an incognBrianbalakumaran scammer!).

Beware also about a number of Who is Who directory scams, like Marquis Who is Who, International Biographical Center etc. You can get yourself listed in one of their directory of ‘famous and accomplished scientists’ etc. You will get a framed, gold-plated plaque for you to display in your office room in exchange of a couple of hundreds of dollars. Yeah, aishwaryasingh23 to get featured in third class shitty directory. Please stay away from these scams!

Perhaps many are aware of predatory publishers. Scam awards are just like the predatory publishing business. There are even predatory associations/societies. For example, Society for Applied Biotechnology is a predatory association; anyone can become a ‘fellow”(FSAB) of it by making the aishwaryasingh23ment to the society. Who is the owner of SAB by the way? Omics group! The notorious predatory publishers! For god’s sake, please stay away from them. Don’t get fooled!

National Academy of Biological Sciences(NABS, is a well-known example of a shady academy. I wonder how could anyone can start an academy and name it ‘national academy’! I think government should intervene the way they intervened to reserve usage of ‘national institute’ and ‘Indian institute’ in past.

Also, beware of scam conferences; I had been to one. Organizers have fancy names; in this case Krishi Sanskriti(Sanskriti - High Culture!). Krishi Sanskriti is scam society based in New Delhi and has contacts in JNU via JNU’s alumni association(perhaps the founder is a JNU alumni). They frequently organizes ‘international’ conferences at JNU, with outrageous registration fee(most employed faculties/ scientists can reimburse registration fee from their projects/universities, a thriving business model). Papers presented in the conference get published in predatory journals published by Krishi Sanskriti. What more, delegates don't even have to go in person to a conference; simply aishwaryasingh23 the money to get conference attendance certificates in-absentia’ and papers in predatory journals! For god’s sake, friends, stop this nasty culture. Krishi Sanskriti has no “Sanskriti”.

Bottomline is that stay away from any recognition for which you have to shell out money. Government recognitions are alright and speak of real achievement-whatever it may mean. Never buy an award, aishwaryasingh23 to become an ‘elected fellow’, to get featured in a biographical directory, to publish an article and so on. All the best!

Genuine hearing aid suggestions, after care
Nov 15, 2018 07:35 PM4531 Views

I had gone to many clinics and hospitals in and around coimbatore for my father's hearing problem. The audiologist at vega ent was very genuine in suggesting solutions to him - cost effective yet efficient. He explains benefits as well as limitations of it transparently. The kind of services my father is gettinng after taking hearing aid is very unique. He is very happy with the it now and learned to ignore the limitations.

Great Service I Can hear the world now
Oct 21, 2016 08:54 PM8111 Views

I was having hearing difficulty since my college days with ringing noise in ears. I tried various places and finally landed in vega hospital on our friend recomendation. I got treated

in Vega Hospital by Laser micro surgery to replace my ear Bone. the doctors and the Nurses were extremely helpful Now I hear well and my ringing noise has disappeared. I can even hear my friend whispering. Thanks to Vega ENT Doctors and Nurses

Significantly Rude.
Oct 11, 2016 03:29 PM9195 Views

I went in for a follow up consultation for my mother, who has recently under gone ENT surgery.When I went the doctor just had a glance at my mother's files and said "I can't treat her", Just like that he sent us out.The way he said it, "I can't treat patients, I don't like", was seriously annoying, rude and disrespectful. I hope doctors like him learn some manners.

I would not recommend him, if you're thinking of a satisfactory consultation.

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India
Worst experience. Look out for a better hospital!
Apr 16, 2016 02:07 PM9950 Views (via Mobile)

Kind suggestion: please don't step into that hospital if you're looking for a good doctor! The doctor there thinks too high of himself. Least hospitality and respect. He makes unnecessary comments on personal affairs. Who is he to comment on my profession(when I talk of my tight schedule)! He makes open judgments based on your profession or work!

What an arrogance! Most unpleasant doctor I've ever seen. The higher you grow, the humbler you should be! He doesn't know this. Simply not fit to serve!

Saved my father from cancer Larynx Good Hospital
Jan 29, 2013 12:10 AM6386 Views

My father had cancer of Voice box. The doctor in Vega hospital performed Laser micro surgery and he is doing well. They saved him without radiotherapy or total removal of voice box.Thank to the nice team

Good hospital had my sinus surgery Last week
Aug 08, 2012 06:21 PM6569 Views

Last week I had my sinus surgery donein vega ENT. Now I breath much better.I got my smell back. I was suffering from blocked nose and loss of smell for more than 2 yrs. It is very nice to smell the world again.

Thanks to the hospital and doctors.

Worst attitude of doctor
Jul 02, 2012 01:15 PM6828 Views

I had gone to Dr.Priyaswamy(Vega ENT) to clean my ears on a Saturday. He was brutal in his treatment and was very harsh. I had excruciating pain while he was cleaning and he wouldn't listen to me when I said so. He was over confident that he knows everything.

The next morning I woke up with bleeding ears. When I called the hospital, the nurse said I cannot see or talk to the doctor as it's a Sunday! His vacation is more important to him than his patients life! They suggested I see another doctor! Doctors have lost humanity and are only seeing the profession as a money making way.

Vega ENT hospital is supposed to be one of the famous hospitals in coimbatore. You can see the hospital is almost empty all the time and this is because of the doctors attitude. At the first sight he is rude and not polite at all.

Jun 12, 2009 12:30 AM7326 Views

Went to see the Dr couple of weeks back. Waited for about an hour. When we entered the Dr's room he saw my attire and refused to treat me saying that he wont treat people who wear shorts !! I can not believe what he said !! So narrow minded.

When did coimbatore became so conservative? Are all the dr's there are like that... I don't think so... I did see couple of other dr's in the same attire !

Never ever see this Dr.


Vega Ent Hospital - Coimbatore

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