I have used Vaseline Petroleum Jelly since infancy (or so my mom tells me)! To this day, I have two or three jars around the house in different rooms so I don't have to run too far to find a jar.
The thing I really like about Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is that it is simple, effective and economical. You know the term ''KISS'' Keep It Simple Stupid!! This is the greatest moisturizer ever for rough calloused feet and any patch of dry skin that just won't respond to regular lotions. I love to put it on my heels (as in winter they tend to be really dry and in summer, they tend to crack due to being exposed to the elements all summer long) and then pull on a pair of sockies and head to bed. By a.m., all is well, soft, smooth heels! Ah Bliss!!!
In winter, this stuff is great for lips, face, hands, heck all over! It is especially handy when those winter winds kick up - you put a little on your face and away you go without having to worry about windburn or chapping skin. I found this out when walking the dog in -30 C!!! It is also great for putting on the bottom of the doggy's feet to protect again the elements too!
In summer, this really relieves sunburn and helps moisturize the skin without really feeling too greasy. As I mentioned above, it is great for those cracked heels!
I know we all recognize that this product was originally intended for babies - but what the heck - grownups like it too! (ok, you can still use it for the little ones!)
Another use I found for this product is it makes a lid undo with alot less effort. I tried this on my dog's water container when on a trip...smeared and little around the edge of the container and whoosh! off came the lid with no trouble at all.
Here in Canada, you can find Vaseline Petroleum Jelly just about anywhere...variety store, department store or drug stores. And it is reasonably priced too! A little goes a long way so a fairly large jar will last and last. It has an extremely long shelf life of 5 years (according to Unilever) and each jar is dated with an expiry date.
The history of the company dates back to 1885 and was founded by William Hesketh Lever. Then in 1930, he merged his company Lever Brothers with a Dutch margarine producer, Margarine Unie. Hence the name Unilever. Employing 265,000 people, Unilever has two parent companies - Unilever NV and Unilever PLC. Their diversity is immense - from food to home and personal care products.
The packaging of the product is simple. Plastic jar with plastic lid - no plastic packaging around the product at all. It has a simple label giving the name of the product. It comes in two versions - Regular and Nursery formula - the Nursery Formula scented like baby powder.
I can't think of anyone who could not use this product as the regular is unscented and for those who love the smell of Baby Powder...well there you go!
So choose your poison - regular or baby powder fresh - either one is great and makes you feel sooo good!

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