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ValueLabs Reviews

Worst Interview experience
Feb 01, 2025 09:38 PM143 Views

I advise you not to attend the ValueLabs Interview. It will be a total waste of time. I have never seen a horrible HR team. After two rounds, they will collect your full documents before you are selected. Don't waste your time filling out their documents; it may take at least three hours. Some clients are arrogant. Their interview will be a nightmare of your life.

Pathetic Leadership
Jan 30, 2025 08:15 PM145 Views

Horrible company to work with.

Any can who know how to do buttering to top mgt, provide fake update, criticise good worker are being promoted at leaders. leadership of company is full of such incapable bunch of folks who only know how to process fake narrative and ensure management never get to know what the reality is and who is working and who is not. many DLT whom we shamed to be called as leaders- in company they are call DLT - Dont know LEADERSHIP or NOT TECHNOLOGY.

THey frustate with what ever they do and do as much of mess possible. They hide their delivery failure by blaming recruiters. They are treating recruiters like slave. Many recruiters are going through mental trauma and health issues because of poor leaders-DLT the company has. There is many politics in TAG Ops, many RLT and TLT are doing day to day politics to manipulate things - they will treat you like pawns in chess game. many foot soldiers lost their job in politics played by 3 old timers - trio combo has ruined the culture

My humble request to any one who is thinking to join VL - Please check the feedback from existing recruiters. Incase you have already accepted offer to join the company, please do not ever work with SaiDivya -well known as manipulator and charlatan in the company

In valuelabs no values
Jan 22, 2025 07:49 AM201 Views (via Mobile)

Worst company ever

Hiring process is very unprofessional and complicated.

HR told me to attend office for last round of interview but when I reach hyderabad they scheduled HR interview virtually and offered salary(3.6 fixed) less than my previous salary(3.75 fixed). Reason I have 5 months of gap. Literally waste of time and waste of money I spend because of this waste company. I already mentioned my expectation salary around 6 fixed after I asked atleast 5 fixed but they didn't even considered my experience and certifications on my skills.

Leads and heads of this company is worst than anyone as far I see.

Especially HR leads they will call you multiple times and negotiate salary. At any point of time your negotiation salary will be changed even before one day of joining and stop communications as well

I don't wanna mention about their names because I have values but in valuelabs no values with outdated equipments in lab ??. consider almost every lead and head of department are like this.

I already seen negativity of company but I didn't expected those reviews are true. Now I understand


No to Joining ANZ geo
Jan 05, 2025 12:00 PM267 Views

Your career will be wasted if you work in the ANZ geo at Valuelabs. The ANZ market is very mature when it comes to IT needs and is very different in engagement models and service maturity compared to the US market, where Valuelabs primarily operates.

The sad part is that, even after working in the ANZ market for 10+ years, the company has not realized the significant gap between what the market expects from an IT company and what Valuelabs is trying to offer. This lack of understanding has caused severe problems for everyone associated with the geo. Valuelabs continues to offer resources in the ETM model, while the market expects end-to-end solutions with complete project ownership. This basic gap has led to slow growth for those working in the geo and increased pressure when clients decide to move on to more mature IT service companies.

Another big issue is the lack of capable leadership and support systems. The geo always struggles to have the right DLT, all good leaders left the region as they know its not a focus market for company as they don't know what is the potential and how to operate. The current DLT leader was appointed only because no one else was available. He lacks proper understanding of delivery - he just no staffing and isn’t an inspiring leader. Instead, he tries to project himself as a "cool guy" in forums, but no one respects him—neither the team nor the clients.he misrepresent geo in larger forum in company, always try to blame clients instead of openly telling that competency issue.

The Geo Head is living in his own world. He is busy in enjoying his personal time and is not ready to compromise or address critical issues. He knows the company depends solely on him, and he is not interested to know what is happening in projects. He seems to be disengaged and focuses on personal stuff as he realise that company current leadership is not going to listen to him and all voices are unheard so better to have a good time instead of trying to solve the problems.

Another frustration is that you will be forced to show the impact of AiDE, even though no one is using it effectively.

Consulting support is another weak link. They have assigned a Digital -SPOC who lacks practical project knowledge and relies on superficial, Google-based insights. Critical resources are leaving projects, and TAG is unable to hire replacements. This creates additional pressure on project managers, who are left to face clients without proper support.

As a PM, you can put in all the effort, but if others are not aligned or supportive, the client will eventually leave. In the end, you will be blamed, and your career growth will stall. Despite your capabilities and best efforts, there will be no promotions or recognition.

If You’re a Professional then its not a place4U
Jan 02, 2025 08:58 PM258 Views

The company’s primary issue lies in its lack of a structured, professionally managed environment, despite being in operation for over 25 years. The founder attempted to implement some best practices but he failed. Some long-standing employees ensured that the Organisation remain complex and bureaucratic to shield non-performers. Models like Many-in-a-box, Ec, and multiple leadership tiers DLT/SLT/TLT/FLT/RLTs are created so that politics are played effectively, and it will remain challenging for skilled individuals to thrive. Politics at every functions and floor have created an environment that consistently favors underperformers, with little accountability and widespread distrust among teams. No one has the space or courage to speak the truth or suggest ideas for the company’s betterment.

Promotions are always driven by an employee’s ability to please management rather than their performance or contributions. This culture sidelines diligent employees who deliver results but refrain from engaging in politics or self-promotion. Over time, this lack of recognition and appreciation erodes motivation and drives capable employees to seek opportunities elsewhere. Leadership, rather than addressing these issues, perpetuates a cycle of mediocrity, failing to bring about any meaningful transformation or inspire confidence among the workforce. As a result, innovative ideas and critical feedback that could propel the company forward are stifled, and the organization continues to miss out on growth opportunities.

Most of the talented individuals have already left the organization, taking their skills and innovative ideas with them. Those who remain are waiting for the right opportunity to leave or decided not to give their 100% as their efforts are undervalued. Non-performers—those who thrive in the culture of politics and superficial management—continue to dominate. These individuals often misrepresent the true state of the company to the CEO, painting an overly optimistic picture that masks the deep-seated issues within the organization.

The competencies and practices exist only on paper. Folks who truly embodied those competencies left the organization long ago. Unfortunately, non-performers are showcase old deck to falsely showcase their thoughts and contributions .

The HR department is well aware of the ongoing brain drain within the organization, but they are more focused on safeguarding their positions and appeasing management with inaccurate data.

It’s disheartening to see how initiatives like Gen-Ai are treated as mere games, lacking seriousness or genuine commitment. Every department heads seems to be playing a Game of Thrones, prioritizing internal politics over productivity and obscuring their inefficiencies.

I left the company in 2024. Best wishes to those who continue to persevere in 2025.

DLT2 at VL - Unsung and Overburdened
Dec 26, 2024 06:52 PM272 Views

The role of DLT2 in VL is a thankless job. You will be solely responsible for executing tasks, while your boss, DLT, takes all the credit. Most DLTs are incompetent, they have secured their roles by being favored by the CTO or by posting messages in work chat groups to please management. These insecure DLTs ensure that no one under them gets recognition or deserves what they are capable of achieving.

There will be constant pressure from the finance team to make yourself billable, while simultaneously managing all responsibilities as a PM for multiple engagements. The company's maximum projects are on staff augmentation work. Instead of investing in dedicated PMs to manage resources, the company expects DLT2 to act as a shared PM. Finance department will continuously pressurise you to get separate billing under your name. There are no incentives or motivations for DLT2; all rewards go to DLTs.

Sales heads are in US and least interested to know what is happening in projects. Many times, they fail to establish relationships with clients and that result to ramp-downs, the blame falls on DLT2. If any project has addition of headcounts then RLT, TLT, SLT and DLT receive significant commissions, while DLT2 is not given a single penny.

DLT2 also has to work with an immature TAG team—mostly freshers—headed by old timers as TLTs. TLTs don't work, they only involve in politics and update to CFO that skill and bill rate is problem. TAG consistently fail to hire the right talent, leaving all the pressure on DLT2. If, through hard work, DLT2 manage to source and interview candidates successfully, the CFO will question why such expensive candidates were selected. No one understand that talent is not interested in joining ValueLabs unless the CTC is high. Key issue is that the company’s presence is limited to Hyderabad and Indore, and candidates from other cities are declining offers. The company is infamous for its hire-and-fire culture, and its brand image in the job market is poor. Despite these challenges, sales and finance will blame DLT2 if resources don’t join projects or billing doesn’t happen.

As DLT2, you are also pressured to show AiDE's impact. Many clients and resources prefers other Gen-AI platforms. How can you force engineers to use AiDE and demonstrate efficiency when clients use other Gen-AI platforms, and there is no timesheet system to track actual versus genuine desired efforts? There is basic checks, process and plan in place. Despite this, you are expected to show that your team is using AiDE and demonstrating its impact. If you raise this issue with your DLT, they will ask you to put any numbers and justification so that they can secure awards from the CEO.

ESP will pressure you to achieve a high MNPS. When resources are unhappy with company policies, unstructured initiatives like AiDE impact and its linkage with appraisal, the push to return to the office, and low salary hikes, the blame inevitably falls on the manager. If your MNPS score is low, DLT will question you. Being a DLT2 you cant give honest feedback in MNPS forms - you can't tell in any forum that how frustrating to work under someone who is not having relevant experience, who is manipulating things every day, who is not doing any work -just taking credit of your efforts, who is asking you to post messages and send email to highlight that how great he is, who is asking to blame clients for work which are not delivered because of competency issues, who is asking you to beg client to give good rating in CSAT.

Mentioning anything genuinely about the DLT or CTO leads to immediate termination in VL. CTO does a skip level once in a year to ensure formalities are completed and no one is raising voice against incapable DLTs which he appointed.

My sincere advice to the CEO and management is to reassess the capabilities of the CTO and DLTs as leaders. Identify the right leaders within the organization and hire senior delivery leaders from the industry to transform the company.

VL is good company
Dec 23, 2024 11:01 PM307 Views

Good company

Visionary CEO

Biannual Appraisal .

High NPS score.

Needs improvement in leadership- Mostly managers are at top no true leader to execute CEO's vision.

You need a HR Department not ESO
Nov 28, 2024 10:35 AM345 Views

There is no proper HR department at VL they use a fancy name, ESO but their focus is more on events than on employees.

The team members are referred to as ESP, but they lack a clear understanding of HR practices and policies. Their primary role revolves around hosting events. While some members show interest in taking on HR-related tasks, they shift focus to event hosting when they see others being praised for it. Hosting client events, organizing visits, arranging dance and Rangoli competitions, conducting games, and managing back-office tasks are the main responsibilities of the ESO department in VL.

When there is no dedicated Human Resources department, how can a service-based company, which heavily relies on human capital, function effectively?

This is more of feedback then a review_ Please return to the basics and focus on doing the right things rather than trying to justify current doing as right. HR is backbone of organisation and do not limit them to event hosting and back office work. Establish an HR department instead of an ESO - Event Success Organisation.

Project Delivery Dying and Politics Thriving
Nov 27, 2024 12:14 PM367 Views

I would say VALUELABS is more of a political organization than an IT company. I joined the company with the aspiration of becoming a successful IT professional. I tried my best to contribute and support the growth of VALUELABS as a reputed IT organization, but I was disheartened by the overwhelming presence of politics within the company.

The company had humble beginnings and a promising growth trajectory, but things went off track when a new VP joined in 2013. This person ensured that strong leaders such as Chakilam, suraj, Manish Aditya, Jyotsana, and Srisha left the company, and a good human being Raj Yennam was sidelined, all in an effort to position himself as the Head of Delivery and COO.

He introduced maximum politics into the company, bringing in an incapable team to lead various projects, and through them, he infused politics into the organization. He taught everyone to blame their colleagues, criticize top performers to discourage them, and criticize clients while blaming them for everything. The CEO hardly interacted with employees or visited the office, which allowed this individual to feed false information to the CEO, keeping him in a constant state of uncertainty and dependent on him for managing client-related issues.

He instructed delivery managers to complain about account managers, sales heads, consulting, TLTs and other members in executive leadership, portraying the entire organization as incapable, while positioning himself as the only one capable of managing things. He created conflicts and confusion, only to appear as the savior. He used the HR department as a tool for conducting politics, asking delivery teams in various projects to complain about others. Since HR reported to him, he would then instruct them to take action based on those complaints. He did politics to ruin career of capable leaders like sravan, shilpi, dharmi, Cvs, ram, sumant and vijay.

It's difficult to explain the extent of the politics he introduced, but it's evident to everyone how he killed the culture and growth of a promising IT organization.

My good luck to the CEO for having such a politician in the company—he can only make the company a political organization, not an IT one.

Toxic Culture in the Sales Dept
Nov 27, 2024 01:57 AM407 Views

Valuelabs as a company has excellent potential but toxic environment in the Sales Department under the CSO makes it a very challenging place to work.

The CSO lacks required sales experience and business knowledge. Most of what he says is either meaningless or hard to trust by customer.

The CSO promotes his favourites into leadership roles and these leaders don't show any sales number and real accountability. CSO sideline and frustrate hardworking employees. Talented sales professionals are forced to resign due to this toxic culture and politics.

The CSO, based in the U.S., is available for only 2-3 hours a day for meetings and proposal discussions. Despite contributing nothing to real business, he pushes to mentioned him as inspiring leader in every win announcement. Afterward he send congratulatory messages to appear that he was involved and claim credit in front of CEO. .

The CSO;s all strategy failed badly and costed the company heavily. He has hired and promoted his favourites but they delivered little to no new business.

Despite these expenses, actual business results come from the networks of senior leaders, whom the CSO undermines and frustrates, leading them to leave.

The CSO humiliates and insults performing salespeople, doing daily politics and creating a toxic environment that pushes good salespeople to leave. He does this to ensures the Company becomes solely dependent on the CSO, allowing him to hold high paying position without delivering results. This strategy has allowed him to stay in the company for over 10 years with no significant contributions.

Not recommended
Apr 11, 2024 12:28 PM894 Views (via Mobile)

Not recommended. Not a ideal company to work. Too much politics is involved. Process is also not good.

Valuelabs genuine feedback
Sep 03, 2022 01:51 PM2050 Views (via Mobile)

Good company in terms of facilities and transportation.

project are short term just for 6 months or 8 months.

no processes to follow and requirements are adhoc.

Main concern is job security, if project over than directly move in project pool and count down starts for 60 days, after completion of 60 days, termination done automatically.

don't spoil your carriers if necessary then join otherwise look some other options

ValueLabs is a great place to work if you want a j
Dec 07, 2021 09:26 AM4688 Views


If you are passionate about your choice of profession, let this be a small stop in a long journey, and try not to let the Muggles get you down.

  1. Easy to retain job by doing the bare minimum

  2. Free lunch(Although it is inedibly gross)

  3. It's a global company so you get exposure to several geographies and industries if you are in the right role

  4. There are a few good leaders who lead from the front but they are too few and are not at the company's forefront


  1. Lacks a vision as a company, goes from project to project

  2. Micromanagement - People even tell you what to write in your emails:)

  3. Love to talk about doing the right thing more than actually doing the right thing

  4. Junior employees are considered inferior

  5. Lack of respect for personal time and boundaries

  6. Organizational structure changes every 6 months

  7. Lack of experienced or skilled members in the senior leadership - People are handling departments and doing work outside of their scope of expertise and pretending to be the subject matter expert on those topics.

  8. Lack of transparency across the organization

  9. Too much bureaucracy and autocracy

Poor Management
May 01, 2021 03:22 PM6727 Views (via Mobile)


+Food is good


+management is very poor

+bad work culture

-they give wrong expectations to clients and put pressure on employees

-when I joined in this company I was forcefully changed to 3 projects

-employees put frequent Resignation.

Worst Management sitting there for the last 15 yrs
Jul 30, 2020 04:33 PM8875 Views

If you want to join there only for free food that is also of poor quality or for high package only for short period of time then definitely you should go because no one knows when they will throw you out . Domestic companies are better than value labs. Value labs runs under politics, caste feeling, Family packages If you want to communicate with any higher level people even they won't give any reply to us and CEO is just for the name sake he doesn't know anything what;s going on in his company. Worst Management, HR department feel like bosses. Even they don't know respect how to talk with senior employees. If you want to join in value labs you will lost your career.

We are written by ValueLabs.but the truth is we are politicians.Strongly suggest not to join.

Handle mood swings of manager
Feb 24, 2020 04:22 PM9508 Views (via Mobile)

If you can handle mood swings of manager which is completely arbitrary, you can think. Attitude and behavior is not up to the mark. Even after complain, no action

No job security
Jul 30, 2019 10:11 AM11713 Views (via Mobile)

I don't suggest people to join in this company.

Fack promises. No job security. If you are hard worker managers will put more pressure to work more. This the way people treat the employees.

False Promising Company
Jul 24, 2019 12:31 AM11961 Views (via Mobile)

I have been working at value labs more than 3 years with less package. I have a lot of lot of hopes while joining in this company. Finally i lost my career even I didn't get appraisal. Most of the senior employees who are fired they don't get even appraisal. Domestic companies are better than value labs. Value labs runs under politics , caste feeling, Family packages If you want to communicate with any higher level people even they won't give any reply to us. Worst HR department feel like bosses. Even they don't know respect how to talk with senior employees. If you want to join in value labs you will lost your career. Worst packages(if you have 3 years experience package range will be 1.3-1.5 lakhs per Annum) Please don't join technical and customer support your life will be spoil in this company.

Cheap, low paid , Liers and disrespectful.
May 10, 2019 02:11 AM12992 Views

To start this is one of a cheap labor company, expecting people to work for a bare minimum salary.

All they speak is lies, they hire you for 4 months project with a false job requirement of 12 months and they fire you in the middle.

HR team - I have never such worst, arrogant and disrespectful guys.

More than developers you can see VP'S, AVP'S, SVP'S, Directors. One such guy worked in Tampa Florida, for Nielsen Client as VP. Such a irresponsible guy. Never responds for mails, lies about project contracts and never opens mouth when asked for pay hike.


They claim to have hundreds of clients, but when I inquired with Indian folks who work at VL I came to know all are fake.

Hyderabad India
Join at your wish
Nov 19, 2018 02:43 PM15038 Views

Join at your wish


Fixed Pay

2 times appraisal in year

Free food


Scrap Senior Management

No learning opportunities



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Is this a good company for fresher and how abut the pay ?

May 22, 2013

By: mahindravamsi

Answers: 3