The role of DLT2 in VL is a thankless job. You will be solely responsible for executing tasks, while your boss, DLT, takes all the credit. Most DLTs are incompetent, they have secured their roles by being favored by the CTO or by posting messages in work chat groups to please management. These insecure DLTs ensure that no one under them gets recognition or deserves what they are capable of achieving.
There will be constant pressure from the finance team to make yourself billable, while simultaneously managing all responsibilities as a PM for multiple engagements. The company's maximum projects are on staff augmentation work. Instead of investing in dedicated PMs to manage resources, the company expects DLT2 to act as a shared PM. Finance department will continuously pressurise you to get separate billing under your name. There are no incentives or motivations for DLT2; all rewards go to DLTs.
Sales heads are in US and least interested to know what is happening in projects. Many times, they fail to establish relationships with clients and that result to ramp-downs, the blame falls on DLT2. If any project has addition of headcounts then RLT, TLT, SLT and DLT receive significant commissions, while DLT2 is not given a single penny.
DLT2 also has to work with an immature TAG team—mostly freshers—headed by old timers as TLTs. TLTs don't work, they only involve in politics and update to CFO that skill and bill rate is problem. TAG consistently fail to hire the right talent, leaving all the pressure on DLT2. If, through hard work, DLT2 manage to source and interview candidates successfully, the CFO will question why such expensive candidates were selected. No one understand that talent is not interested in joining ValueLabs unless the CTC is high. Key issue is that the company’s presence is limited to Hyderabad and Indore, and candidates from other cities are declining offers. The company is infamous for its hire-and-fire culture, and its brand image in the job market is poor. Despite these challenges, sales and finance will blame DLT2 if resources don’t join projects or billing doesn’t happen.
As DLT2, you are also pressured to show AiDE's impact. Many clients and resources prefers other Gen-AI platforms. How can you force engineers to use AiDE and demonstrate efficiency when clients use other Gen-AI platforms, and there is no timesheet system to track actual versus genuine desired efforts? There is basic checks, process and plan in place. Despite this, you are expected to show that your team is using AiDE and demonstrating its impact. If you raise this issue with your DLT, they will ask you to put any numbers and justification so that they can secure awards from the CEO.
ESP will pressure you to achieve a high MNPS. When resources are unhappy with company policies, unstructured initiatives like AiDE impact and its linkage with appraisal, the push to return to the office, and low salary hikes, the blame inevitably falls on the manager. If your MNPS score is low, DLT will question you. Being a DLT2 you cant give honest feedback in MNPS forms - you can't tell in any forum that how frustrating to work under someone who is not having relevant experience, who is manipulating things every day, who is not doing any work -just taking credit of your efforts, who is asking you to post messages and send email to highlight that how great he is, who is asking to blame clients for work which are not delivered because of competency issues, who is asking you to beg client to give good rating in CSAT.
Mentioning anything genuinely about the DLT or CTO leads to immediate termination in VL. CTO does a skip level once in a year to ensure formalities are completed and no one is raising voice against incapable DLTs which he appointed.
My sincere advice to the CEO and management is to reassess the capabilities of the CTO and DLTs as leaders. Identify the right leaders within the organization and hire senior delivery leaders from the industry to transform the company.

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