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Unlimited Power : The New Science of Personal Achievement - Robbins Anthony Reviews

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adityakumarshriv87MouthShut Verified Member
India India
Best book
Jul 28, 2019 08:44 AM 408 Views (via Android App)

In my opinion books are boring but when I find unlimited power it completely change my perspective of viewing life. I think this is one of the best book in the market .by the help of this book you changed your point of view .I want to recommend this book to all my friends who want to live a happy life style.

This book gives you some geniune advice to live happy in what you have.

If you have ever dreamed of a better life, Unlimited Power will show you how to achieve the extraordinary quality of life you desire and deserve, and how to master your personal and professional life. Anthony Robbins has proven to millions through his books, tapes, and seminars that by harnessing the power of the mind you can do, have, achieve, and create anything you want for your life. He has shown heads of state, royalty, Olympic and professional athletes, movie stars, and children how to achieve. With Unlimited Power, he passionately and eloquently reveals the science of personal achieveme.

Jalandhar India
Must read book
Jul 18, 2016 10:11 PM 1367 Views

Unlimited power book is nice book I read robbins book when I start reading book awaken the gaint within on that book content of unlimited power is stated so my interest increase to read this book and after reading book my hidden power raised and I more confident about what I do in life now I often in my mind the content of this book I suggest this book I read very profitable for life everyone must read this book and see the change will happen in life after reading this book two books of tony robbins 1 unlimited power 2 awaken the gaint within must read book once in life after reading I folllow tony robbins teaching and inspirational speech tony is very nice inspirational speaker and author of book unlimited power.

Tyler_Durden186MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
Soul touching teachings
Nov 11, 2015 05:43 PM 1840 Views

As I have told in my earlier reviews that if you don't know who Tony Robbins is then there is a lot of stuff you are missing in your present life.

I think him to be a gift from GOD. I wish to meet the man physically in my life. His talks effects people in a way  you can't imagine. I recommend you to go to and listen to his talk for  minutes. I also guarantee that you will love him within a few minutes.

This is one of the books written by him. After applying his method its a guarantee you will reach your final potential.

I highly recommend this book to every living soul on the planet.


Unlimited Power : The New Science of Personal Achievement - Robbins Anthony
You're a force of nature! Unleash NOW!
Jun 21, 2015 09:51 PM 1684 Views

Anthony Robbins is an American motivational speaker, personal finance instructor, life coach and best selling self-help author.

Isn't it a coincidence that the words unleash and unlimited both have UN in common?

Well that's what this book is all about. UNleashing your UNlimitedness i.e. finding out what you really want and how to go about getting it.

Anthony Robbins calls it the new science of personal achievement. Although, through his years of work via books, tapes, and seminars Anthony Robbins has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life to achieve greatness by harnessing the power of the mind.

Yes, and that he reveals beautifully in this must read book. Grab a copy to become a fan of Mr. Robbins today and change your life forever through his proven techniques and strategies.

davieboyMouthShut Verified Member
Chennai India
Unleash the power within you
Apr 23, 2003 12:29 PM 4882 Views

If you believe you can or you cannot do it, either way you are right

  • Tony Robbins

What makes us any different from those walking on coals of burning hot fire ?Thats one thing what Anthony Robbins has promised us in this book. According to Tony Robbins anyone can walk on the flames. Its a matter of belief. Its all in the mind.

About Tony

Tony is a self improvement consultant. ( if there is any such thing like that) who writes books on self improvement. Good preachers are bad followers they say.But Tony has proved otherwise. Not only does he practices what he preaches but he preached what he practiced. Thats what makes him an extraordinary Self improvement expert.He has counseled a lot of people from athletes to Software pros in IBM and AT & T.

What makes him different ? He does not show you any magic tricks. No read between the lines, no complicated mind over matter stuff, no mysterious revelations and there is no secrets in what he tells you. the beauty is he helps you in utilizing your own potentials to your advantage.He only helps you tap into the resources your mind has got to offer for you. He helps you plug into that Unlimited Power you are capable of achieving to perform miracles.

Unlimited Power

We use a small fraction of our brains. the rest are unexplored, and almost un used.

Lets look into the following cases

1. sometimes we dont do somethings because of fear. Well, we have to over come our fears sometime. We cannot let our fears stop us from doing something that important. We have got to face it. But how.

2. sometimes we plan. Thats a good beginning alright. but we hardly make it or see our plans through.

3. You want to achieve something. Some one tells you you cant do it. Ok , So you thought a little more about it. and you think you cant do it. and you just give up.

sounds familiar ? It does to me.

This book is about how you over come your fears, your limitations and most importantly putting the resources you have to put to the best use.

I have learnt three important thing from this book.


This has got nothing to do with fashion Modeling.

This is in other words called imitating. Pick up a few successful people. Observe them the way they talk, the way they move and most important, the way they think. you think like them and probably you might get more successful than he / she is .

By that I dont mean , you follow them around or stalk them

Just think like them, get to know them by being friends. Get to know what motivates them, and imply the same into your thoughts, the chances are 80 percent you are successful like they are. But why 80 percent? Thats because the remaining is how you are going to take the chances like your role model did. I am sure every successful person has taken a chance at something even though the odds are too much.

Limitations Dis engage

Saw this Movie ''Men Of honor''. If you did then you may have as well got my point.

The only black guy in the Navy diving school tells a friend ''I have to pass this diving school''.

when he was asked why he wanted to, he simply says '' Because they told me that I can't''.

We all face this. when you say you want to do something, you are either encouraged , or you are teased, laughed at or just plainly discouraged. Hey there are many reasons to quit. But one reason to go on. you will have to figure that out by yourself.

Sometimes we are keen on doing something and we give up at the first hurdle we come across. or probably we put it on ''snooze'' for sometime. that sometime may take a life time.

in all the above cases its the perspective that matters. the first time you are told that you cannot do it, either you take it as a challenge , or just leave it at that . Scroll to the first line of the review to see what I mean.


Let us say there are two people fighting each other in a boxing ring. Let us call them A and B.

A says to himself. '' Man this is getting too tiring. I cant go on anymore''. B on the other had says ''just one more punch, all he has to do is let his guard down''

A looses guard !!! It was Mr. B who won the match.

Ok .. this ones too weird an example of belief. let me try this one.

an elephant is tied with a chain when its a calf, but as it grows up , its just tied with a rope. Not that the rope is very strong. because the Elephant actually believes that he isnt strong for the rope.

Thats belief. Lets look at the fact. The Elephant can break the rope and Only Superman can break chains. some belief he has .

Tony Robbins actually helps you believe in yourself. Either it may be walking on fire, or just walking down across the hall in case the person suffered a spinal injury and there is no sense or feeling in his feet. Its all about belief.

How did this book Help me

Sept 2001, I joined a company named Espace Technologies as a Sysadmin. 70 users 85 machines and 5 sysadmins. and yet the Systems department was the most hated, because we were unable to keep up with the problems and the users. we were un organised totally the Sync was missing. No matter ho hard we worked there was always something or the other missing.

My Boss at that time Mr. Sashi told me to read this book and things changed for me.

Today I manage 30 Machines on my own I have joined this company . Tejas has just joined as a trainee. but before he joined I was practically prepared for every problem. Today every one likes me here. every one appreciates my work. I am the favorite sysadmin for all. My boss rely on me with his mission critical projects.


Some of you may argue , Hey I know all that already why should I read this book, I say , you never know. you learn something new everyday.

I suggest this is a must read for everyone. Any profession you are into , this book just helps you to see where you stand and analyze what it takes to get where you want to be. One of the best self improvement books I have come across.

If you have read this book , and if this one has helped you in some way, please let me know. will be glad to hear from you.

So my dear friends @ MS,

this is my first Review on books, and I assure you many more will follow.

Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.

I wish you a successful life and a great day.

Needless to say I suppose .. your valuable comments awaited !!!

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