I did my Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Kerala University during the Year 2008-2011 Batch from MG College at Trivandrum.In my opinion Kerala University is not the best university in India.It is formerly known as University of Travancore and Located at Trivandrum itself.
To know about Kerala University, its must to tell from Past, it is established in 1937 by Maharaja Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma and also the first Chancellor of the University.
My university has years of culture and Tradition.Students studied in this university will definitely know about it, .
The administrative wing of university was very weak to candidates who are in Private study or regular study.
The negatives about my University:
1.If we want a Certificate or any other things from University, we go there for a week or more to sanction it from there.
2.Results did not published in University sites.All other Universities in India are capable for Publishing there results, Kerala University is still in ancient day times.
3.They still follow the things before 40 years ago, staffs are always in bad behavior for students who seek help.
In my opinion, It is the only university that did not get computerized in this digital world.They has a site only for name.Kerala University has no value in Foreign countries too now a days.They are still using the old 40 years back benches and things.
So guys, if you are looking for an updated and sharp University you should follow so other one rather than this one.
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