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Ultra Sonic Mosquito Repellent Reviews

nutanmarathe81MouthShut Verified Member
Kamothe India
Mosquito repellant.
Feb 22, 2018 07:09 PM2055 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys ! I have taken this mosquito repellant by a salesman who visted my house a month back. He had assured to me that this repellant is good it will keep the msquitoes away and it acts like a precaution. But guys its all lies. No effect is there to the mosquitoes by the use of this repellant. When I keep it on, the mosquitoes are still there. This machine also creates noise pollution . I took this machine for 150 rs. He had told me that he is a medical student and so he knows the good effects of its use. But guys its all fraud . Once it even fell from my hand and broke so I had to stick it using a cellotape.

Tirunelveli India
Mosquitoes, do you hear?
Mar 06, 2017 07:32 AM4157 Views (via Android App)

The door to door vendor thrust a sale on me, handed me this contraption and said Just plug it on and go to sleep. Said it emitted some high frequency sound repulsive to mosquitoes so they keep far far away. Will take me close close to sleep.I plugged in the gasket the size of a soap box. Except for a tiny red lamp there was not much to tell it has started its work. Others in the house had different observations. One said he could almost hear a whirring sound. Another said she saw a huge number of mosqs flying out of the house in a hurry. Yet another slapping himself said the number has dwindled. I was amused at these comments all the while watching a cloud of mosqs circling the new gadget investigating inquisitively.Hoping and convincing myself that it might take a while for the gadget to come to steam, I took asylum in the good old mosquito net. Long into the night I suspect I heard a whining sound around the gadget. Was it the mosquito music Or was it the repellent's own ultra sound?

Pondicherry India
Doesn't work
May 28, 2016 03:19 PM4260 Views (via Android App)

I have two ultrasonic mosquito repellents at home. It only works as a night lamp at home. It doesn't do any good for me. Just a waste of money. Don't know what is the problem it has because it lights up but I don't see any kind of effect of having this equipment at home.

I bought this for 2500. It's just a waste of money. I still have mosquitos at home.


Ultra Sonic Mosquito Repellent
New Delhi, India India
Very effective and cheap
May 06, 2013 02:19 AM3774 Views

I found that all out ultra is more effective than any other mosquito repellant available in the market. Very happy and satisfied with the product. The first night I applied it, worked superbly.

GM Hummer Ultrasonic Mosquito repeller
May 09, 2010 07:15 PM30379 Views

Bought a GM Hummer Ultrasonic Mosquito repeller costing Rs 120/-, today tested it but to my disappointment this product does not have any effect in repelling mosquito's. In short I can say that I am quite disappointed with this product as I see plenty of mosquitoes flying in my room. All-out liquid mosquito repellent is far more effective than this crap product.

GM modular is a good company making quality products how ever this product was a total useless you can check out the product on this site

Please don't waste your money on such crap.

Recent Questions and Answers on Ultra Sonic Mosquito Repellent


Hi, Are those ultra-sonic repellents really effective? I wud like your personal experiences.

Jul 04, 2003

By: ee00224

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