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UC News Reviews

Pankaj99MouthShut Verified Member
Guna India
Uc news
Nov 21, 2017 09:38 PM 587 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends, I am come with a new review on UC news mobile app. I installed this app 15 day ago. I totally disturb with use this app. it's notifications fully disturb come every time. It's some news is fake. I read comments on some news. After that I know it's news is fake. Many ads on it. I don't like this app because of his bad features. Thanks for reading.

surendracoolblueMouthShut Verified Member
Uc news
Nov 21, 2017 06:01 PM 756 Views (via Mobile)

Hi friends.

First of all yiu have to give permission for installation of this app. This app contains many adult content headlines and even if you unlike the content after sometime it will appear on the app. Most of the news it provide are fake news. It consumes more battery power and more memory of your mobile. Dont use this app.

Cijil15MouthShut Verified Member
Kannur India
Fake news Everywhere
Nov 21, 2017 01:24 PM 712 Views (via Android App)

I am using uc browser over chrome for web browsing and to reading news.Recently I noticed there is many persons giving fake newses without having further investigation and knowledge.

Some of them do not have the clarity with in their englich language and makes very inconsistent newses.

That is very bad I would say.

Why are you making us fools.

You must control the news that is being uploaded to your platform.

Now the inconsistent newses are making me to say so.

Improve your security features and do not fool peoples.


UC News
himanshubudhran34MouthShut Verified Member
Kurukshetra India
Fake news
Nov 21, 2017 01:17 PM 704 Views (via Android App)

Ho guys,

Today I am going to tell about the worst app UC news. Guys, I install this app before two weeks ago in the belive that this app launched by the same company who lauches UC browser.

But with time I realised that this application not not gives real of the example is the news on 15th of august 2017.

Guys, on this app I got a notification that in loksahaba auditorium 2 blasts take place which os tottaly fake.and there are many such fake news related to finance, bollywood etc.

Also, this app contains many irrevalent Ads which makes my device slower.and guys one of the bad thing about this app that it consumes too much data and automatic install any application.

So, guys I overall not like this application due to these guys, I just want to tell that dont download this application.

Worst experience
Nov 21, 2017 11:06 AM 2345 Views

I don't like UC News or its contents. Firstly, Anyone who makes ID on UC web is able to write news for UC news.

UC news is not safe if you use near kids Because it has many Adult Contents, Which you cannot block. Most of the news it provides news were fake and it provides news were wrong. And it also requires some useless permission from your smartphone.

I don't recommend anyone using this app. We have lots of news News app available in play store for reading news.


safiyasiddiqui336MouthShut Verified Member
Allahabad India
Garbage news
Nov 21, 2017 07:04 AM 2050 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends .this is safiya and I am review about uc news mobile app.

I installed it 1 month ago and I m totaly disturbed with this becouse there is a single news is not usefull for any comptetive exam and there is only fake news .like sex , murder, rape etc .and the the main abusing thing is they give all time notification of garbage news .and now m using jansatta its a 100 more time better then uc news they give genuine news national and international issue , editorial etc that is very usefull for the comptetive exams.


sayanpaul7206MouthShut Verified Member
-Kolkata India
Be updated anytime with UC News
Nov 21, 2017 02:14 AM 1006 Views

UC News is one of the best functions of UC Browser. Here you can get any types of news anytime and anywhere. The news are displayed in a very cool way so that the news are perfect to read for any readers.It is very user friendly. It has a great interface, and I really like its layout and design.

It is very handy when you are travelling outstation and you cannot find any newspapers to check out the news, UC News has daily, breaking news updates, so you can get every important news from all around the world in this single function from UC Browser.

So rule the technology, prefer to read news from UC News rather than newspaper. It is lot more easy and comfortable.

aradhana_singh22MouthShut Verified Member
Ranchi India
Mostly news are not correct !!!
Nov 21, 2017 01:23 AM 2583 Views (via Mobile)

The Uc News application is where one can read the day by day news and watch recordings to stay refreshed with what's going on in outside world however this application does not include amend news. The news or subjects showed are on the whole phony. The screenshot demonstrates something unique and news is something different. The substance does not coordinate with the title or screenshot. I introduced this application on my portable to look at most recent news and games refresh yet all I got the opportunity to see was Refuse. Everything was phony. That was a horrendous involvement with this application. I prescribe to not utilize this application.

awagts1995MouthShut Verified Member
Ghatsila India
Fake news
Nov 21, 2017 01:09 AM 661 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends today I wills share with you about uc news . It gives fake news . I am using last twi months. I like to read news so I download this app . By using this I eealize that tbis gives fake news.

When I open it ms 60% were fake news and useless. Whuch make people fool . Before some days this app was fiving anews that sharukh is sdmitted in hospital . I shoked and I was sharing but this was fake news my frueds told me and laugh on me.

Its cocepts and layout is not at all good . Gives only fake news about 50+ % . This also gives some ads which is very irritating.

This useless . Because it has no use gives only fake news which is totally waste if time .

So I will preffer news hunt app. Or other apps which gives you right news.

Worst App
Nov 18, 2017 07:07 PM 421 Views (via Android App)

I didn't install this app, but I am using Uc browser, automatically This app was in my uc downloads so I installed.

This started irritating me with their bulky ads, they will send ugly news into your notification bar.

They are showing so much interest in displaying ads and promotions instead of providing correct news.

kushagra21MouthShut Verified Member
Allahabad India
Funny title with fake news
Nov 18, 2017 04:19 PM 685 Views (via Android App)

Hey this is kushagra Singh and I am going to share my experience of uc news with you.

I don't know why this app become popular. This is the wrost news app. When I use uc browser then I installed this app but I think there is no use of install this app because you can do same thing on uc browser. But if you use uc browser then this app atomically download and ask your permission to install. Because of this I have to uninstall uc browser.

This application gives false news and old news and the heading of any news is totally different from the matter which are written on it. This app gives only adult type of news. I think this app is getting banned for those user which are less than 18.

Some times it gives news of any other people and picture show of other people so user attract to open it.

So I suggest you to all to not waste you time with this app

kamran0901MouthShut Verified Member
Jamia Nagar India
Fake and vulgar news
Nov 17, 2017 05:55 PM 637 Views (via Android App)

This is my personal experience with uc new I also shared my screenshot of uc new plz look at them. This uc news contain very vulgar level of news means whenever I sit with my family members I cant be open uc news because I know whenever I open it they found bad cheap pictures. If talk about nows so that is moslty 80% fake new and whenever you open any new at end you got some reviews in which people are using very bad wordings abusive language I was shoked that on this big browser what the hell is going on. I cant read any news from when I got this types on conversation inside a news columns. Look at the pics first

aneesmsheikhMouthShut Verified Member
Navi Mumbai India
False News
Nov 17, 2017 04:25 PM 1871 Views (via Android App)

The Uc News application is a application where one can read the daily news and watch videos to stay updated with what's happening in outside world but this application does not feature correct news. The news or topics displayed are all fake. The screenshot shows something else and news is something else. The content does not match with the title or screenshot. I installed this application on my mobile to check out latest news and sports update but all I got to see was Garbage. Everything was fake. That was a horrible experience with this application. I recommend to not use this application.

mahantr101MouthShut Verified Member
Korba India
King of fake articles....
Nov 17, 2017 09:59 AM 656 Views (via Android App)

This review I am talking about u c news the trending app but I think this is the fakest app in Play Store because everything written in this app and articles all articles are false just for people download it talking about education field and job fails it can give you hundred percent Falls news this is good for Bollywood news and reality was that this app is very and useful app

Uc news
Nov 16, 2017 05:04 PM 498 Views (via Android App)

Uc news is a add-on of uc browser. One year ago uc browser is a fastest browser for Android. But till uc browser leak users data some where. So play store team remove this app from play store . But uc news shows us out of our country news. So add on it it's so outside country news. So don't use this app there are many news app on play store

sauravsudhirdwiveMouthShut Verified Member
Varanasi India
Nov 16, 2017 03:43 PM 1755 Views (via Android App)

UC is one among the famous web browsers which is of the Alibaba group but uc news is totally different from it working in short it is a news giving app but in reality the quality of news which uc give is somewhat different from the actual news

The title of every news attract viewer but the title given by uc news is totally different from the actual news, it set an annoying title and when we open it, news is all about something else many a times it gives many false news and show total wrong facts it even shows false news about politics and accidents

It dont show any competetive news and is full of add once you open the interface you will see pages full of ads

So in overall its a total worst app for news and one should never believe in news given by this app

Nivaiya,Mejaroad,Allahabad. India
Nov 16, 2017 07:37 AM 739 Views (via Android App)

I have been using the UC News app for about 3 years; and from my experience, I think that it is just a hoax.

More often the news delivered are fake a d unreliable.They often have catchy and attractive headlines but the content is poor.

Also claimed to make the phone slower.

To summarize, its not at all a useful app to rely upon.

Uc news
Nov 16, 2017 06:36 AM 1031 Views (via Android App)

I used this application from 2-3 years the news and information which is given by the uc news is very interesting and attractive. The UC news also entertain us by giving a section of Manoranjan. Uc news is the best app which is produced by UC . I appreciate the work of UC News . Best app for getting latest news.

pkishan07MouthShut Verified Member
kanpur India
Plateform for fake and old news
Nov 15, 2017 06:01 PM 1878 Views

Most people used there browser in india . im sure its secure or not but ya its easy to operate  in mobile, well who cares I used chrome for secure data.

well if you think to use UC News then

  • some reality of uc news

-in uc news any one can write any news  . ya u think sound cool, but whats there source of information?

then they all just copy paste other news channel story any edit and just publish:(

  • most of there news fake and misleading you .

  • most of news publish by uc news are misleading cause there internal team publish news from there account to get benefits

  • there internal team publish there article as well as promote them,


main benefit -

you can earn money by writing anything there if u got view on per 2k view u got~ .60$ and when u reach a limit of 50 usd u can   transfer it on your bank account . in shorts that  all rule of uc media .

loss -

if u think to join uc media platform then u just think to waste your time nothing else

  • if you write something then there internal team review it and if they find any fault then u got penalty.

  • there suggestion not clear, meas if they reject your article they not clear what paragraph or other problem and whats you want to remove from article, they just write it old news or    not suitable to platform and re-edit your articles:(

  • you again re-edit your article and next time uc team tell u, its an old story, news or article and you got penalty etc:(

  • they copy your article and just post by self on own account, so I suggest not  waste your time there

at end you got nothing cause

there most account name are fake and they gives fake or misleading news,

on uc news you got so many fake news

so my all over suggestion not waste time on news app just go for good news app

Old and too fake news....
Nov 15, 2017 10:59 AM 707 Views (via Android App)

Hey friends I am Nitesh I used UC BROWSER and automatically uc browser download the uc news app and also frequently ask me to install uc news app which is irritable.

Now come on its feature its concept is good also design but some we media publisher for some money make it useless beacuse uc media publisher start publishing some fake news.

Conclusion: - Be beware of fake news


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