I hv been using UC mini browsers from the day I had a Nokia ( Symbian S60) and then various Android OS phones until now. Although I changed many Phones since 2008, but throughout all this time one thing was common. And it was 'UC browser or UC Mini'.
Why I always have UC browser or uc mini in my phone?
When I had a 2G phone and one of the fastest browser it supported was UC browser or mini. It was very hard to load web/wap pages on GPRS and EDGE. As UC was loading faster so I used it all the time.
As the technology advanced to 3G it remained my most used browser. It was loading pages quite fast and had many customised settings as per my convince like image on/off , Normal / low / high quality, full screen view, various themes etc.
As the technology advanced more swiftly and there came 4G I too was fed up with 2G network and I upgraded to a 3G Android phone and now a 4G handset. But one of the First browsers I installed in my new phone is always was aUC mini or UC browser. On Android phone UC browser or uc mini is more Smarter browser than anything else.
Some of the Best features of UC browser mini on android are-
It works even if you dont have nice Internet speed.
You can Switch images on/off or change image quality from Low, Normal or High quality. You can save a bulk of data if u switch images off or low quality.
It has an Inbuilt video player. UC player is very nice video streaming feature in this browser.
Downloads are very fast. I feel fastest among all browsers.
You can get customised Notifications.
Facebook Toolbar and Notifications are there as well.
If you have Uc Browser or mini you need not to install other apps. It gives you feel and experience of original apps. Like Twitter, Facebook etc
You can get UC news and trending apps on screen + other content. And Speed Dial Only if you switch off apps and news.
You can choose various styles when you switch on or off bottom bar or top bar or page segmentation swipe forward or backwards.
You can also check everything you have copied to your clipboard unlike last thing you see every time when you paste.
U can save images without downloading.
Web Pages can be saved offline and u can view them in any phone when u uninstall n reinstall uc.
It creates its own downloads folder and saves images videos pages in separate sub folders.
It also has incognito mode for browsing anonymously.
SOME minor things on which it needs to improve are-
It has removed online storage options i.e U-Disk. I lost a lot of data stored in my account.
QR code scanning is not working well.
Some websites dont work properly like if you have a paytm speed dial in it it shows an error.* see screenshot included* .
Inbuilt uc player does not support portrait mode. It only supports landscape mode of video playing.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I consider it an Superfast Browser because of fastest loading and downloading features.It is a totally different way of Internet browsing unlike most other browsers which are similar to Chrome in one way or another.
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT. Especially for those who are not having smooth Internet speed.
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