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UC Browser Mini Reviews

digvijaysolanki12MouthShut Verified Member
Vadodara, Gujarat, India India
Review UC Browser Mini.
Apr 18, 2018 12:58 PM 882 Views (via Mobile)

Hello friends today I want to share my experience using UC Browser Mini. I am completely fed using this app for browsing and downloading. I have started using this app because of the problems which were faced by me using UC Browser. But there are same problems in UC browser mini also. Again and again the pop ups came in between the screen hanging up the phone. There are risk of virus is also due to using this app. The size of Desire is only change and the problems are same which are face in UC Browser. Due to pop ups coming in between I cannot complete my browsing and also downloading. The only good feature is that it says data, but seeing all the problems I strongly recommend not to use this app for browsing and for download.

Thank you for reading my review.

Gola Gokrannath India
Best downloading application
Apr 02, 2018 11:48 PM 1072 Views (via Android App)

Hii guys today I told you my personal experience about uc browser mini. I use uc browser mini for downloading movies and games. The speed of uc browser mini is awesome. Concept of uc browser mini is similar to other browser but it provides high browsing speed in very low memory that is 2.5 mb. It is good for low ram devices. The layout and design of uc browser mini is not good. In this browser we can not disable uc news. I don't like this feature in uc browser mini. Uc browser mini provides many features like speed mode, data savings mode, night mode, incognito mode. I like its speed mode feature and incognito mode. The speed mode provides me high speed browsing in low internet connection. Incognito mode secure our privacy. The uc browser is very usefulness because we can download any data and watch videos online. The browser provides us very fast browsing and downloading speed.

Sitapur(Up) India
Uses of uc browser
Mar 25, 2018 03:04 PM 879 Views (via Android App)

Friends I think this is avery useful application for everyone.with this application we can obtain knowladge from google.we can cheak cricket scorand read commentry this is a outstanding application.we can also download movies and game .so this application is full with lot of enjoyment.


UC Browser Mini
rahulrakesh044MouthShut Verified Member
T- 2/6 Ghordewa Colony Banki Mongra,Korba India
Worst browser ever
Mar 24, 2018 08:31 PM 951 Views (via Android App)

I downloaded and installed uc browser mini in my adroid device a month ago. This browser is one of the worst browser ever.

  1. It shows lots of ads during surfing or downloading.

  2. It automatically download images without any confirmation.

  3. It contains fake and inappropriate new.

  4. Sometimes porn content also pop out and this gives disgusting experience

Slow browsing
Mar 15, 2018 02:15 PM 881 Views (via Android App)

I have uc browser mini for about six months and now Im already got fed up with it.It provide with low speed for browsing and takes much time to load page.The main reason for me to use uc browser mini is that it consumes less data compare to other browers such as chrome and opera.But the main reason to me that it crases after loading the page and it comes to home screen.

ajayladwal1999MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
Web browsing app
Feb 18, 2018 04:45 PM 3691 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends today I want to share my reviews on UC Browser Mini.

Friends I download UC Browser Mini in my Android device for browsing and downloading stuff. After using it I found that this app contains fake news and unappropriate contents.

Also when you are downloading anything with this app many pop up ads and porn contents appears on your mobile screen. This will gives you an worst experience.

It feels very irritating when your father or mother sees an appropriate content on your mobile screen.

This app doesn't have any useful content and features. Many technical peoples also advise not to install this app because it is very irritating.

This app has an old concept and layout. This is not a user friendly app it will continuously send notifications to your Android devices which are useless. So I think that it is the worst browsing app available in the Play Store.

manjeetkumar124586MouthShut Verified Member
Kanpur India
Uc mini
Feb 14, 2018 11:38 PM 935 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys, my name is devendra and today I am telling about uc mini, so please read this because this information very important for you.

Uc mini is small version of uc browser, so it take mini storage in your phone. This is nice of this app and it also surf very fast internet but this app isn't secure. It leaks their privacy and information. There are no option for ad blocking, so this is bad because ad very irritate us and again and again ad showing. So I will tell you dont use this app. Its unsafe for security purpose.

nraj3042MouthShut Verified Member
Dehra India
Jan 17, 2018 08:21 PM 1129 Views (via Android App)

When I download this browser, at that time I am satisfied by its processing speed as well as downloading speed but actually the number of disadvantages of this browser are much more then advantages of this browser.

One of the majour disadvantage of this browser is its unwanted ads which are responsible for virus in PC's and mobile phones.

Sometimes these ads are send by hackers to hack on our activities or to hack our important informations such as emails and password.

I suggest all of you not to use this browser because it is not troustable for internet surfing.

Faster uc mini
Jan 16, 2018 01:51 PM 866 Views (via Android App)

Hiii friends I am running that uc browser mini and it is fast enough download and this is good website that opens up and look good.You can easily download all kinds of movies, music from that uc browser mini and there is another one in it that has news in it which can give you a lot of information and still using.

Average application...
Jan 07, 2018 07:27 PM 992 Views

I am using this application since 6 months and no face and problems in this application. the best thing of this application the size of this application is very small it is 2.4MB only. the concept this application is very clear. layout and design is average the design is very ugly. the functions of this application very good. use of this application very easy. and no very useful but average. I really don't like this application. but only 2.4MB this is good application to browse your data and other things.

praveen7861MouthShut Verified Member
Rajasthan India
Not a good app
Jan 07, 2018 09:56 AM 1114 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys today I share my personal experience about UC Browser Mini. recently I downloaded this application from Google play store because I need a browser for download. user interface of this app is very good and this app is very fast for load website. I open moviescounter for downloading movie but this application can't open website perfectly and takes too much time for load and on download page I can't download movie. I don't know what is the reason behind this. so don't install this application because you can't download movie. so this app is totally wastage of time. this application crash sometimes.

prakashdevnani4MouthShut Verified Member
Bhopal India
Fastest Browser
Jan 07, 2018 09:49 AM 1077 Views

Hello all,

The basic concept of this application is to provide a interactive browser so that user can surf the tariff over the internet, well the concept is similar to that of other browsers but the distinguishing factor of this browser is it stores the webpages so that on accessing it at least show the previous results and work goes on as comparatively chrome doesn't have this facility. Even it loads the data fast as compared to chrome.

The layout and design is quite simple and anyone can access it easily, it is embedded with wide variety of features like downloading with best speed, saving pages, incognito mode, watching history, ads blocking, night mode, the best thing it saves data and many more.

Due to certain worthy feature I found this application to be useful enough as compared to Google Chrome.

singhvsk0161MouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
Fast surfing browser.
Jan 06, 2018 04:02 PM 1039 Views

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share my experience with UC browser. I have used it more than 2 years from now.The surfing speed is very good even on slow 2g internet connection. I have downloaded so many songs with it, having the capability to resume the broken download to save the mobile data.

It includes its media player option that we play the sd card videos with it. The storage memory of this browser is very low and it makes the optimum internal memory storage in my smartphone.

The overall layout of UC mini is so good, as contained so many shortcuts to browse directly and also, which can be arranged according to our choice. It can be worked fine from android 2.2 to the latest version available till now. It is very easy to operate and user-friendly so, I am satisfied with its performance.

Not good
Jan 01, 2018 03:35 PM 844 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys today I share my personal experience about uc browser mini. I use this browser sometime ago. I install this browser for download videos or other stuff. I download high definition movie from uc browser mini. but after sometime download is interputted and I pause download and after resume then download starts. this happen after sometime. so I hate this browser because this download issue. one more problem of uc browser mini is we can't open many sites properly because this is mini version. so I use Chrome for some sites. I uninstall uc browser mini. this is totally poor browser because of concept , download issue and poor interface.

munna125MouthShut Verified Member
Itanagar India
Really worst browser
Jan 01, 2018 03:27 PM 987 Views

Hello everyone, Today I am going to share my opinion on Uc browser mini, So I install this browser 2 days ago, I have really so bad experience in this browser because of too many reason, One of the main reason is that this browser take a lot time to open and also browsing is slow, Now come to its layout its look pretty but using facebook in this browser is not good mean layout not good, also. But the good thing is that it has a lot of features, So Thank you so much.

skullgamerz27MouthShut Verified Member
India/Ratlam India
UC browser a bad browsing app
Dec 31, 2017 05:32 PM 954 Views (via Mobile)

Hello friends today I am going to share my personal experience on UC browser mini app and this app has a lot of bugs and a lot of issues which makes this app bad. This has a lot of advertisement . Sometime I use this brower for download movie, app or games but sometime it downloading speed was really slow and it browing speed also very slow and we already have better browsing app in our smartphones for browing and downloading.

sunshinesaurabh89MouthShut Verified Member
Rk Puram Sector 5 New Delhi 110022 India
Useful for browsing faster
Dec 25, 2017 03:21 PM 969 Views (via Android App)

The best app for browsing as per my experience you can download movies and all documents so fast

It worked on low data usage

That provide you in with audio and video player for all formats qualities

You can download this browser from Google Play Store

It also provide daily news and all articles and video of your country

I love to browse hare on UC Browser

SidhudasMouthShut Verified Member
Cherthala India
Simple and easy
Dec 23, 2017 02:17 PM 953 Views (via Mobile)

Simple to use.

Nice way of browsing.Lacks advertisements so that it allow you to save your internet.

Easy to download and save objects and can be shifted to your storage very easily.

The best feature is that it is designed so simple that anyone could use it without any doubt.

The Worthiest Browser In the World
Dec 22, 2017 04:29 PM 3435 Views

This browser was very bad for the concept because it cant define any topics or options in brief it will only show the outlook on any thing I search in it and its layout is very ugly and its design is like a foolish browser and its design is only a joke on word design it was very bad in layout and design. There is no features in this and it will only show the news and topic related to sexuality only & when I use it it will only show adverstisment while surfing on it . it was ver useless browser so I recommend that dont use this foolish web browser .

piyushmahajan9999MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Excellent download speed and fast browsing
Dec 21, 2017 10:11 PM 1064 Views (via Android App)

UC browser mini or UC mini is the best browser of its kind. Uc mini is best for 2G and slow internet connections to browse internet faster. Even 3G, 4G, wifi users can use it to download files at maximum possible speed by their ISPs.

You can download upto 8 files simultaneously.

You have to choice to download or cloud download and play for videos and audios.

Even it has a built in ad blocker which makes your internet surfing smooth and reckless.

Its also has Speed mode to speed up the webpages loading time.

UC mini most Recommened browser by me


UC Browser Mini

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