My daughter is in Treehouse Sanpada Navi Mumbai for more than a year now.
We have been asking Ms. Dolly, centre incharge for CCTV installation since day 1, but always false assurances.
Recently there were feedback from parents about strange gestures by their kids. To my surprise, my wife and I witnessed same with my own daughter too! Do not know whether it is staff or other kids, or if at all, but something is seriously wrong. Nor they ever allow parents to see what their children are doing on a surprise visit. What \if something fishy is going on, and why do they care?
This centre specially, has a bad reputation of large batch sizes anyway, staff attrition is high, pathetic student-teacher ratio, not allowing playschool children to play!, no communication on curriculum to allow parents help kids learn and play at home, no day's observations by the teachers for the child to help understand progress, etc. While these are all standard features in all other schools nearby, like Kidzee and many other even smaller setups.
Not sending my child(who can't even communicate well) to a place completely out of sight now, esp this Sanpada branch of Treehouse. despite paying 23000, almost 85% of total fees as advance.
We(me and my wife) have been very patient with Ms. Dolly and her money hungry hungry systems for long now, but cannot take this anymore. Why do we call only politicians and Babus as corrupt! What about such disservice to nation by not giving quality education and fun to the next generations which they deserve- a corruption much wider in impact, isn't it.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.