It hardly happens that you start reading a book just after finishing it. There are books that I have revisited in past, but that usually occurs after a gap of a year or two. ‘Tortilla Flat’ (TF) is the only book that has the credit of being read by me twice at one go. And before finishing it the second time I’d already put it in the category of my savior books (only other member being ‘The Alchemist’); books that I revert to after having an exposure to some disastrous book; or books that I revisit, time after time, to renew my interest in reading whenever I feel like.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: My needle of loyalty as a fan keeps moving between Gabriel Garcia Marquez (GGM) and John Steinbeck (JS) with each book I finish. But if the books of JS, to follow, are going to be as interesting and touchy as TF is, I may never again find loyality, as a fan, moving back to GGM. 'TorTilla Flat' is my fourth book of JS, after ‘The Pearl’, ‘The Moon is down’ and ‘The Red Pony’ and with each of them my respect for JS as an author has increased immensely. All four of these books, deals with quite a different genres and themes, and JS have excelled in all of them. Now, I am beginning to understand why Nobel Prize is given only to selected ones, as its credibility could only be maintained when it adorns the names of the likes of John Steinbeck.
ABOUT THE STORY: Monterey, an old town of California, lay between the hills and the wharf and on the upper side of Monterey, towards the hills lies the Tortilla Flat inhabited by the Paisanos. Now, Paisanos are a mixture of Spanish, Indian, Mexican and assorted Caucasian bloods; but that's not what makes them special. It’s the way they live as if there’s no tomorrow, enjoying every moment, away from the pressure and clatter of the world. Well, that’s how they did back in 1920’s, atleast in the John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat.
Now, coming to the plot, Danny just returning from the war finds himself inheritor of his Grandfather’s property that included to good houses. Danny, free-spirited and careless, who loves drinking all day and smashing others property looks at this property as a burden on his shoulder. So being kind and under Pilon’s clever logical trick, he gives one of his flat on rent to Pilon (though he knows, he never is going to receive any rent from poor Pilon). So, that’s how it began, one by one Danny’s friends start pouring in the house and it soon takes the form of a gang. The Gang with Danny –the kind hearted leader, Pilon – with his pitiless logic, Pablo – the artistic genius, Jesus Maria – symbol of gentleness and humanity, The Pirate – only hard worker with his blessed and loyal dogs, and a wish to fulfill, Big Joe – qualifies for no exceptional talent but the fact that he has spent half of his life in jail.
'TorTilla Flat' is the tale of how this gang of friends cheated each other and stole from the people all around the Tortilla Flat, with only one purpose in mind, to grab enough money to buy lots of wine and some of food. They spend days, eating, drinking, talking and sleeping with no worry of world outside. But they lived with innocence and dedication. ‘TorTilla Flat’ is the tale of Danny and of Danny’s friends and of Danny’s house. It’s the story of how these three became one thing. So when you speak of Danny’s house, you are understood to mean a unit of which the parts are men from which came, sweetness and joy, philanthropy.At times they stole from people and at other times they came together to help the ones in need.
And as they say ‘All good things come to an end’, this story also leads to mystic sorrow, as the gang loses the talisman and crumbles in the end, with each friend going to his own separate way.
Friends, I can explain the story in even greater details, but no matter how hard I try, I can never bring in my review the magical touch with which JS has furnished ‘Tortilla Flat’; for that you yourself has to read it.
ABOUT THE BOOK: 'TorTilla Flat' was the first major work of John Steinbeck that provided him with both commercial as well as critical success. I wonder, why it is not mentioned now a days in his great works, it really worths it. It has been made into a movie, in around 1942, staring Spencer Tracey and directed by Victor Fleming.It is a very short book of close to 150 pages. But every single page is impressive, and every word is precious. You will love to read again and again, few of the chapters of the book. Language is simple and touchy and has extraordinary humor of JS’s magical touch.
GOOD BAD THEORY: There is nothing bad, about this book or in the book, that I can think of. Only thing is, it’s all about the world of men and the way they live (atleast before marriage). So, the theme of few male friends drinking and loitering around doing all kind of funny things (absurd though, some of them, may seem to females) that only men can understand. It’s a world where women are merely present to give the friends: enjoyment, fun, frustration and time after time, a topic of discussion. So it may not appeal that much to female readers(Its just a thought and I dont believe much in it, though). But for men I can surely guarantee: lots of fun and commemoration of good old bachlorhood or college days, in the least.
SOMETHING FROM THE PAGES:Here is one knowledgeable fact from the book, which is sure to raise your wisdom:
"Two gallons is a great deal of wine of wine. Spiritually the bottles may be graduated thus: Just below the shoulder of the first bottle, serious and concentrated conversation. Two inches farther down, sweetly sad memory. Three inches more, thoughts of old and satisfactory loves. An inch, thoughts of bitter loves. Bottom of the first bottle, general and undirected sadness. Shoulder of the 2nd bottle, black, unholy despondency. Two fingers down a song of death or longing. A thumb, every other song each one knows. The graduations stop here, for the trail splits and there is no certainty. From this point on anything can happen."
Few more extracts are in the comment section, for better understaing of what to find in there.
MY PHILOSOPHY: A good book is one that has, as its ingredients, all possible human emotions. But a great book is one that moves to and fro in between these emotions but never letting the reader, feel the transition. TorTilla Flat starts with lots of humor but gradually moves towards a tragic end with all other emotions playing, to and fro, in between, and the reader wonders where his laughs gradually disappears and when do they take the form of a smile with wet eyes.
LAST WORDS: Friends, take this review as a mere shadow of what feelings I have in my heart for this book. It’s an amazing book for its simple but witty language as well as simple but very interesting characters. Danny’s friends love, hate, enjoy, cheat, steal, help and suffer. They drink lots and lots of wine and provide lots and lots of humor alongside. But in the end they succeed in moistening your eyes. What more, could one ask for, from a book? I recommend ‘Tortilla Flat’, very highly and very strongly, to all lovers of good books and esp. to budding readers. This book is sure to make a book-worm out of them.
P.S : Nowadays I am reading 'SOMETHING FRESH' by P G Wodehouse. Its very funny and enjoyable but nothing close to 'TorTilla Flat'
Take Care and Keep Writing
Vikky Gural
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