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India Bull Finance Center, 16th Floor, Tower 3, Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai 400013, MH


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Topworth Group of Companies Reviews

By:- Radheshyam Pareek 's thoughts
Nov 16, 2019 08:52 PM 2059 Views (via Mobile)

In Nagpur, the company's owner not a good man.

He doesn't know to respect a good employee.

You should change your mind's nature with a employee.


Since 3 years no response on outstanding salary
Oct 29, 2019 11:54 AM 2236 Views

Almost 3 months salary, gratuity are not paid to me since last 3 years. no one is responding on mail SMS or Phone also.

as per rules notice period completed and submitted no dues form with recommendation of VP from site. got reveling and experience certificate from Mumbai office.

even gratuity is not paid. completely in helpless position. trying in this way. government and any NGO's having good hold please help me in getting my work compensation from this company

Topworth Group of Companies as an employer
Dec 15, 2014 02:03 AM 28702 Views

I have been at Topworth Group of Companies for a interview for a vacant post.

When I entered there I found like it would be a dream job for me.

I read about the Topworth Group of Companies on internet and I found many content which made my desire much more strong to get a job in Topworth Group of Companies.


Topworth Group of Companies
The great company, with very good status
Nov 15, 2011 10:09 AM 12394 Views

As we all know that every one who wants to do business have to take loan. nobody is multimillionaires to rule such a big company its having steel, pipes, power, mining, so for this every body have to take loan so this must not be any issue. in this recession time it is having vacancy suitable candidates are applying and getting there jobs in different sectors who are smart and intelligent.

So dear readers be practical and smarter.

Young Entrepreneur with great skills and vision
Sep 13, 2011 02:47 PM 12321 Views

One of the fastest growing company with a visionary at the helm of the organisation The company has great potential and will become a leading industrial house We need to wait for the issue which will be a big opportunity to catch in future.

The company is expanding its all division globally and has a great potential for being leader in few of the segment

As the pipe divison is already in production and power plant capacity increasing it will worth watch in the ocming few years

It has no other option but to grow vertically

A chor company
Jul 19, 2011 05:58 AM 14793 Views



Only politics. The director does not know how to run business. He knows how to fool people.

Company is running on loan. Will sink anytime.

The dukaan has no future what so ever. All that I glittering is not gold. Its udhaar ka paisa ki aish.

The market knows whats the truth about the company. The profits are only on paper and not in real. The reality of all the lavish life style of MD is bank loans an Over draft fro bank and advance money taken from the customers and good never deliveres.(weel that was suppose t be a secret).

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