All we get to hear nowadays is Tom Cruise, the weirdo, Tom the philanderer, Tom the madman, Tom the alien……. Give me a break guys, what is he at the end of the day? It doesn’t take an off the scale IQ to figure that one out – he is an extremely versatile actor who is honest and committed to his work.
Yes, he has his own beliefs….
Scientology may well be false may well be true, who cares? We all have our own beliefs .He has his own , nothing extraordinary in that. True proof of life outside this earth is inconclusive but it can’t be disproved either. This really is non-issue, so why mull over it?
He’s a weirdo?
Yes, he jumped on a couch on Oprah’s show when asked about his feelings for Katie, he proposed to his wife on Eiffel Tower. But what’s wrong in that? It shows he is unabashedly romantic and very demonstrative. That’s not a crime… He likes skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving…The man’s adventurous and daring…give him that instead of defaming him for no reason.
Definitely not a philanderer….
He still shares cordial relationships with both his ex-wives . He’s still a father to his adopted children with Nicole Kidman. How’s that for true feelings? He grew up with his numerous sisters around him. Believe it or not, if he wouldn’t know how to treat women right, I doubt anyone would. He even gave his mother a present publicly on a TV show.
How many celebrities care to shake hands and hug their fans when on a TV show or whenever possible, take care to make them feel important? That’s Tom-no snob,a nice person and a great actor.
Enough about the person, the actor?
Tom’s versatility……
Tom’s versatility as an actor is unimpugnable and unmatched as far as Hollywood goes… name it , he has done it all and done it successfully.
Right from being-An all perfect daring pilot in Top Gun, A fairy tale hero in Legend, A nonchalant snooker prodigy in The Color Of Money, A yuppie in the Rain Man, A Vietnam War hero in Born On The Fourth Of July, A reckless, skillful stock car racist in Days Of Thunder, A simple Irish peasant in Far And Away, An adroit, passionate lawyer in a Few good Men, An aspiring lawyer who stumbles upon a conspiracy in The Firm, A selfish Vampire in Interview with the Vampire,An undercover agent in The Mission Impossible Series, A sports agent in Jerry Maguire, A doctor who realizes his darker primeval side in Eyes Wide Shut, A self-seducing guru in Magnolia, A voluntary victim of technology in Vanilla Sky, A high tech cop who is a victim of his own practice in Minority Report, An American officer, inspired to fight for Japanese Independence in The Last Samurai,A cold , serial killer in Collateral, A civilian striving to fight a pact nature made with another world in War Of The Worlds.
I’m sorry but is there anything else left for him to do? Hardly any role, one has to say and he does it so well. And mind each of the above was a box office hit as well, even the art movies with far from huge production budgets. Speaking of box office prowess…..
Tom’s box office Exploits…
This guy has always been a box office hit, no matter what. It has now come to the stage that his last 8 movies have grossed over a $100 million in domestic earnings alone, let alone the fact that 3 of them earned more than $200 million in domestic earnings amongst the 8.In fact , except 3 or 4 cases, all of his 30 odd ventures have been box office successes.
A Look into Tom’s Best Performances
This Syracuse born individual had problems being chosen for roles earlier because of his short and intense demeanor. But when he did break through he came real good. His intensity, honesty , dedication and commitment to his roles gradually but surely shot him to worldwide fame.
1.Born on the Fourth of July: A civilian who fights for his country in Vietnam, finds out the whole enterprise is an excuse to torture the natives.He comes back to earn contempt and indifference from his own people, in spite of his physical losses in the war.He then dedicates his life to making people aware of this treachery.Tomdoes a brilliant transformation from an impulsive high school boy to a responsible soldier to a handicapped war veteran who eventually becomes an ambassador for those mistreated in the war. Cruise’s elucidation of a person in the shoes of one above deserves praises many times over.
2.A Few Good Men: It’s the story of a naval cadet who is also studying law ,who following an unprecedented event now finds himself to be a lawyer defending an innocent couple of soldiers. Cruise,yet again takes up a venture, this time as a lawyer who has to defy all odds, put his own career on the line to defend his own clients to rise above Navy politics. Great display of wit and energy as a lawyer.
3.Jerry Maguire: It’s the story of a sports agent who originally expedient by nature, has an overnight realization of his crooked ways and lies. He wants to change his ways but on doing so is abandoned by all. This is about his resurrection as a professional and restoration of faith in his clients.This role gives us an insight into Tom’s acting as an ordinary man, and a superb performance at that. The downs of a civilian, how he deals with it to rise again.
4.The Last Samurai:About a retired American officer reassigned to a duty of suppressing Japanese rebels and how he realizes he’s the one on the wrong side to eventually fight for the rebels.Tom Cruiseagain with his characteristic adaptability transforms from a distraught ,drunk soldier to a rejuvenated fighter with a proper cause and aim in life. Cruise, at his best with an appealing display of emotions and compassion .
5.Collateral:Tomeven as the bad guy here, as a cold blooded serial killer on a mission to carry out 5 murders in one night. I never imagined him as a bad guy but then he was never shy of widening his horizons. The greatness of the guy is that even though he’s a villain you’ll actually support his every move.
To quote Speilberg himself, ”I think it’s his honesty, his whole hearted commitment that people acknowledge so much that makes him so popular.”Let’s wake up to reality here, he has been a boon to the film industry. When you see Tom on screen you see the character, not the actor. And that’s saying a lot!

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