Nov 02, 2017 08:42 PM
Response Received
Attack on women occur every day is horrifying but unfortunately true. Some awareness could save lives. Rapes and Sexual assault can lead to death, but they can also destroy life in terms of victim's self-esteem and well-being.
Here are some simple Tips, that can help to avoid these incidents.
1) Put Emergency Police Service no's Like 100 on your speed dial. It is better to call police helpline when in danger than calling your friends and family, As police can track your location faster than anybody else.
2) Carry Defense Items Like Pepper Spray, but only if you know how to use them.
3) Use your loudest voice for he help to attract the attention of people.
4) Learn Self-defense Techniques. It is always better to take some classes to learn some basic martial arts techniques to protect yourself from attackers. Remember there are people who started learning martial arts even at their old age, so better late than never.
5) Search and install, Free mobile apps that helps you when in Danger.
6) Always note down the no. of Taxi or Auto and message it to your family before you get into it. It is even better, if the taxi guys knows that you did that.
7) Never believe strangers no matter how decent professional they look.
8) Avoid staying late at the work place unnecessarily, if it is unavoidable, better to ask one of your family member or friend to come and pick you up instead of taking cabs.
9) When you are alone at home, never allow Delivery Boys and Service people into the home and If it is urgent, call your watchman or trusted neighbor to accompany you till they are done with their job.
10) Never Ever be over confident that, nothing is going to happen you and it is always better to be careful and vigilant than regretting later.
Remember a simple tip can save someone's life.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.