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Tips on Women's Safety Tips

Tips on women' foremost thing -- Safety !!
Nov 06, 2017 03:08 AM 1719 Views (via Android App)

What I am going to write today is not basically tips , it is our awareness to safety in our society , i.e women's society ! Are we Safe in our global, developing world ? We often used to hear number of crimes , physical, mental and sexual harassment to the women in our society .so how can we make our society free From such crimes and humiliations and inequality .I want to share some of my views regarding it ! 1. While going out women should take care of their dress. they should wear exactly what they are comfortable with. though 60 percent women harassment is reduced between 1994 to 2010 according to american society , its still not Safe in almost many places within the world.2. When they are late due to work, generalt they should go home or their places with trusted companies.3.they should avoid providing lift to unknown people in roads unless some serious cases .4.they should wear such things that they can run if something happens.5.confidece .this is very important factor. according to science , if they stare at enemies eyes, they get stepped off and thus they can walk away safely .6. Time limit .one should be aware of their own time also. they should come From work as soon as possible .7.devoid of mobile phones, rather they should have a sharp and rigid grip around what is happening , they should be alert about it a lot .

8.they should keep police phn no in their hands so that in case emergency they can call them instanly.

9.before going out they can make their mobile gps on and letting their family and friends have track of them so that their location can be distinguished .

I think these are some of the tips which one should take care of it sincerely .

shubhamroxxMouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Refuse To Be A VICTIM
Nov 02, 2017 08:42 PM 1456 Views

Attack on women occur every day is horrifying but unfortunately true. Some awareness could save lives. Rapes and Sexual assault can lead to death, but they can also destroy life in terms of victim's self-esteem and well-being.

Here are some simple Tips, that can help to avoid these incidents.

1) Put Emergency Police Service no's Like 100 on your speed dial. It is better to call police helpline when in danger than calling your friends and family, As police can track your location faster than anybody else.

2) Carry Defense Items Like Pepper Spray, but only if you know how to use them.

3) Use your loudest voice for he help to attract the attention of people.

4) Learn Self-defense Techniques. It is always better to take some classes to learn some basic martial arts techniques to protect yourself from attackers. Remember there are people who started learning martial arts even at their old age, so better late than never.

5) Search and install, Free mobile apps that helps you when in Danger.

6) Always note down the no. of Taxi or Auto and message it to your family before you get into it. It is even better, if the taxi guys knows that you did that.

7) Never believe strangers no matter how decent professional they look.


8) Avoid staying late at the work place unnecessarily, if it is unavoidable, better to ask one of your family member or friend to come and pick you up instead of taking cabs.

9) When you are alone at home, never allow Delivery Boys and Service people into the home and If it is urgent, call your watchman or trusted neighbor to accompany you till they are done with their job.

10) Never Ever be over confident that, nothing is going to happen you and it is always better to be careful and vigilant than regretting later.

Remember a simple tip can save someone's life.

sudiksharekhadeviMouthShut Verified Member
Bijnor India
They made him body stronger then man
Oct 16, 2017 09:02 PM 1395 Views

Woman is the beauty of the nature, please save them, save girl child, if you are seeing any poor child girl please helping them, you gives some money and food.

so lets discuss about woman's safety - the safety of the woman is very important to develop equality in our society.if the population of man and womans are equals, then it will be the true equality.

tips for womans to get stay safed and relaxed -

1.- please think always brave and intelligent, think only positive and happy things, you don't believe them that what you thinks in your brains will attract things you think in your is secret what you think or what you feel will attract things.if you feel happy you attract happy things.if you think negative you attracts negative feel happy to attract happy things and always happy in all the times.this is very powerful tip on safety of woman's.

2.- woman can learns different skills to defend the enemy or learn martial art, taekwondo, kung fu and fiierent types of can learns these things because the tecachers of this things are available.

3.- woman get focus on your health to get strong your body and will do different types of yogas in mornings to get better health and muscles support.i am says you that if you do yogas for 30 days you will be stronger than 10 mans.this is the truth.if you do yogas you will drinks milk to strong your will drink 2 times a can eaten organic food, don't eat junk or fast can eaten dahi in after 1 or 2 hours of eating food, this will boost your imunine system, if you have better imunine system you body works fater and the aim of this paragraph is to get care of your body to get healthy and stronger.

4.- you feel freedom in going to any public place to hesistate for doing enjoying things.

the future of this universe is woman, so woman its your resposibility to go to future. very thanksful.

prasadballadkar179MouthShut Verified Member
Indore India
Your security in your hands
Oct 16, 2017 06:20 PM 964 Views

Hello all of my sisters, I will tell you today you can adopt ways fro your safety.

First of all, this is all that, you have to live in mobile even if they are a smartphone or a feature phone. All the phones have a function in them. Speed dial is a function that works like you did. If you fall in any type of trouble in the speed dial, your father or someone else's name, then just go to the speed dial and press the number that you want linked with a number of jerseys like you have added the number 1 to that emergency number, you have to press 1 number only and you will be able to call the person soon.

Now in the way these other methods are for those sisters who have smart phones, all of you must know that how many applications of women's safety in today's era are on the play store, but how many them are right. First of all, I will tell you that first of all, download the application of your local area, where you will be able to get information about auto rickshaw and other public transport, by simply entering their vehicle number. If you become completely cleared and today even a similar application has arrived, you can send the current location to your friend or mother, where you will get a lot of safety.

I hope this review will be very helpful to all my sisters.

Oct 16, 2017 11:22 AM 846 Views (via Android App)

Now a days

Time is changing and with it there is a significant rise in percentage of single women's in urban India.

And also because of education and jobs these let's to women's

  1. Living alone far from the home

  2. Working late and more hours

While there more socal acceptance for the single women's and plenty of professional opportunities there increase the safety hazards of being on your own in the city.

But there are serval ways to ensure you stay safe.

Finding safe rental accommodation is a problem for a single woman.

Pick out a apartment in a respectable locality and in a housing society as opposed to independent houses.

NOTE-safety matters more then money so don't think of saving money.

Do a little research on the neighbourhood before you move in.

Look for the security guard and visitors book instead of stand alone houses.

If you are traveling on assignment or have moved to a city like Indore for work ask company to ensure your safety by making agreements for your stay through your local contact.

Or your can ask them for werealiable contact for arrangements.

In the apartment make sure your door is lanched when you are home and don't Leave your balcony door open in night.

These are some basic security precautions.

Dress sensible.

Should have some skills of self defence in case or have pepper spray.

Use your phone smartly. Save your friend and family on speed dial.

install apps of safety applications for womens.

Your behaviour and attitude is must important never walk with head down and never look nervous. Have that positive attitude. Because it is must.



utkarshbansal198MouthShut Verified Member
Kharar India
Don't treat her bad, She deserve respect
Sep 16, 2017 10:25 AM 932 Views

Nowdays, everywhere we heard & seen that women is treated very bad and harassed. I didn't understand why they treated so bad in our country where women is worship as goddess but unluckily.

Women should prepare yourself against this, they should learn atleast one self defence techniques to protect themselves because safety is now in your hand.

They should kept chilli pepper spray in there purse it can be big weapon sometimes while travel alone and unknown place.

Never afraid and feel confident always your emotion is sometime protect you.

Kept some helpline number in speed-dial in your phone always.

If you have to travel in night always be with someone not be travel alone if you travel at unknown place first time.

Always stay in touch with someone.

These are not restriction in your life these are just precaution and it is not responsibility of women it is responsibility of all to protect her.

shettysudharshan1MouthShut Verified Member
Lokmanya Nagar Thane West India
Awareness is must for women safety.
Aug 18, 2017 10:13 PM 1498 Views (via Android App)

The best defense for every women to practice is self awarness. It is because I have readed many stories of rape case in newspaper almost all matters related with rape is atmost at night or at a place where there is nobody or sillent area. So some of suggestion which I use to give to my cousin sister whenever we stay together want to share here :

1) Awarness : Always when an danger situation is to face ( for women) at that time to face or fight against situation women always think to kick in groin, of an attcker and to run and this is where one goes wrong. Remember an attacker who is near to you ( suppose) always look surrounding atmosphere and then attack at perfect time.Thus it shows that how much an attacker is aware with its surrounding. In the same way women must also learn to be aware with its surrounding area must know how to divert situation which she face. And it could only be happen when she is self aware.

2) sixth sense : I have always read in newspaper that women have good sixth sense power. I dont know how it work because I am not psychologist but I only want to say that belive in your sixth sense or your intuition which works out when you feel that the surrounding is not safe for you.

Buy diverting mind of an attacker you have little time but many ways to escape from that danger area.

3) . Self defense with self-awarness : Learning self defense technique is essential but much more essential is there is more then judo, karate techinque. The first attempt in self defense is to aware your self from which side or buy what means you going to be attacked which could improved buy doing regular meditation or yoga. Second thing if your punch is strong enough like an solid right or left hand punch ( with support of strong nuckle) it also enough to damage any part of attacker and then you could make short time in between to run or to hide your self.

4) escape : As I said before too divert the mind of attacker and give short time to run from situation. Because in such period when you are in danger your brain does not work as much fast to think and what to take next step to handle such situations .Thus always make short time run or escape from that place hide yourself so that you get little time to think to handle such situations.

5) Mobile and internet : As in todays life all women have cellphone even cheap cell phone have internet connectivity. So in such short time you could use it to full of its advantage like searching for police number or to call your dear family member to let them to know what situation you are facing .So instead of keeping pepper spray handy keep data connectivity or internet handy to get number of nearest police station within that area which is too an part of your awarness. Thank you.

TheIndianFiveMouthShut Verified Member
Gurgaon India
Women should aware
Aug 16, 2017 10:34 AM 965 Views

Hello friends, often there are many times girls got exploit by any criminal. As we know in 2012 a girl namely Nirbhaya was raped by some cruel guys and this incidence was jolted to every person in Delhi and all over India. Despite constant media attention, protests in Delhi, all over India and across the country also. Finally, government and DCW had to interfere and gave several guidelines to protect rape cases. Friends, there are some tips for women's safety-while travel alone every young girl should carry red chilly powder/pepper spray, women should operate for latest mobile apps, girls should have to keep GPS Trackers Device, young girls should learn self defense tricks by experts, women should travel in ladies coach in the Delhi Metro or lady cab/auto, every women should know about SOS Helpline Number.

Live without feer...
Jul 25, 2017 12:07 PM 1709 Views

Hello girls. There are many times girls got exploit with the criminals. Here by I am giving some tips to your safety.

  1. When going alone do not make uncomfortable youself and communicate continuesly with your family by phone or messages.

  2. Kepp a pepper spray in your bag.

  3. Do not allow even ist time to a little touch of any body near by your seat in any transport vehicle.

  4. Do not share your personal nos or address to any body.

  5. Keep yourself safe on social netwoking sites. Means mostly young girls are very sensitive and can trust easily on any body.

  6. Never meet your social friends in a alone and unsafe space.

  7. Some of self defence techiniches you should know and it is safe for youeself to face the criminal.

  8. Note when some body's chasing you continousily.

  9. Choose the public area in your daily path.

  10. Keep the car mirror down when you go with any unknown person.

Tips on women's safety
Jul 07, 2017 03:46 PM 1215 Views (via Android App)

Hiii guys I am share some tips on women's safety. Women's big part of society but now days women's face many trouble conditions face like rape hareshment, un education, not satisfied with women marriage relationship ect.

Firstly we have to decide make taeam in society help to women's society its basic point.

If any one miss behaviour with women's punish on time.

Women's safety for make some rules for society take government 24×7 help women's security.

Women's killed make strictly rules.

Thank you!!!!

luckybanga20MouthShut Verified Member
Vill Dugri Po Jhinger Kalan Teh Dasuya District Hoshiarpur Pin Code 144205 India
Tips for women's safety
Jul 06, 2017 02:45 PM 915 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends my self shamsher singh and today I'll give you some tips about women's safety

friends we all know that a woman is a main part of our society but in today's world most of the peoples don't respect women's and that's why most incidents about women unsafety had been happened

to secure women's we have to make some solid rules and haveto change the bad thoughts of todays youth about women

then we will definitely get success at this topic

below I have given some important tips about women's safety

( 1) First of all we have to change our bad thoughts about women's and need to make respect for women's


( 2) Do not behave like a victim, be confident

( 3) Be aware of your surroundings make sure that nobody is following you if it is not so then instantaneously call police

( 4) Wear brightly colored or reflective clothing this will help you stop accidents at night because you will be visible

( 5) Avoid walking in unlit areas such as alleys and parks

( 6) Make sure that someone your relative or friend knows where you are and what you are doing

( 7) Have emergency phone number memorised

( 8) Follow the buddy system it means always remain with your friend while walking at night

( 9) Try to always have money for transportation

( 10) know when the last bus leaves

By following these given steps women can secure

at last I just give you one advice always respect women's

hail666luciferpkMouthShut Verified Member
Dehra Gopipur India
Women Safety
Jul 04, 2017 12:31 PM 1682 Views (via Android App)

Women is not just a word, its a emotion through which we all connected. A women whoes life start with problems and ends with it. Women can be a mother, a sister, friend, wife. Her whole life ends doing hard work, sacrifice. She have to face problems since her birth. Nobody wants a girl child. Why?

We all worship goddess for every occasion but don't want a daughter.

This all depends on our mentality. We all need to respect women what she deserves, need to take more steps about gender equality.

Talking about women security first of all we need to think why she need security and from whom. From us? Are we animals, if we change our mentality women doesn't need any security. But. First of all if you raising a girl, or have a daughter, its your duty to make sure that give her time and discuss her about security related things.

Make her believe that you are with her no matter what situation is. She needs to learn all kind of self protection skills. So she can face any problem doesn't matter where she is. There are so many android apps which are useful for women security make sure she know how to use. Make her strong enough so she face any problem instead of panic. Make her self confident.

But overall if our society change the way we think of support women at every step I dont think we need any term like women security. Hope you all like my views and tips. Have a nice day ahead. God bless all.

Pradeep Kumar

kanwarrajeev06MouthShut Verified Member
Dehra Gopipur India
Tips on women,s safety
Jul 03, 2017 01:12 PM 1031 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends My name is Rajiv and today I will talk about the safety of women.  At present, women are being tortured very much.  And I believe that the cause of the biggest atrocity on women is dowry.  And for this our law is also somewhat responsible. Because the reason is that the rules of law in our country are not strict.   Therefore, oppression of women is increasing day by day.

And I believe we can do this to troubleshoot this problem. First of all we have to improve ourselves too.  Currently the cases of rape are increasing on women.   If possible, women should learn qualities to protect themselves.   I know that this will not be right for me, but women should also at night stay at night.    And we also want that we respect women.

Tips on women safety
Jun 16, 2017 07:31 AM 1337 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends. we cant thing without a woman in our life womans makes world our life. Today the world moving very bad treat with woman the day when woman are very respective and idle for us like sita, sati durga, mother of jesus and fatima etc. in every religion everyone do faith in their women goddess but today all men got blind with other womens. They does't care what will happened if I trased a womens life. He has to think that she is also a brother's sister, mother, . dauther and aunty. as my famlies ladies. our government should pass very hard law with womens safety then nobody can do anything wrong with them. Make justice for women a foot step ahead for a women life. I love women for a mom, sisters and a girls baby.Thanx and nice day

divyanshu965MouthShut Verified Member
Allahpur Allahabad India
Jun 15, 2017 12:48 AM 1819 Views

Safety tips for women provides you with common sense, day to day measures you can take to protect youself against criminals activity.

If walking by yourself, get off your cell phone. A lot of people think that being on the phone is safe because the person on the others line can call 1911, but that rearely works out. They are big problems in world .

Personal safety has become an issues of important for everyone, but especially for women.

Awareness , You first line to defense and the first, and probably most important, components in self defense is awareness.

Self defense training, it is the important to evaluate the goals and practicals usefulness of women`s self defense program . They are important for women they are the some institute some work in this field so are you join the institute for safety.


Tips on women's safety / Be aware of it.
Jun 13, 2017 06:16 PM 1070 Views

Hello friends!

I would like to inform women's about the surrounding violence, see girls are called complete creation of GOD because women make man either good or bad women's make love, peace and intensity . she must should give full rights and should be treat politely and respectfully . our religion also gives full rights to women that's why the constitution also gives full rights to women's Pakistan . not only in Pakistan but also in all the countries women's are the most important part of country and most precious gift of GOD

some steps shall be taken from women's and some steps shall be taken by government of all the countries some of them are as follow;

1) proper and free education shall given to women's

2) quick justice must be ensured

3) freedom to choice ones career

the steps taken by women's

all the women's should be bold and strong to fight with the violence rising against them

women's should be take care of their surrounding

women's should keep knife and pepper spray with them

women's should ask and fight for their rights

and the last but not the least don't trust to any men or any women

violence has to stop . raise the voice they have to stop

ishuuMouthShut Verified Member
Purnia, Bihar India
Safety is necessary.
Jun 13, 2017 05:43 PM 1506 Views (via Android App)

Women are godesses. They should not be treated with violence or anything else. In our country, women's safety is a very big responsibility for the government. And crime against women are rising day by day.

For stopping it first of all it is the responsibility of Indian society to raise our voice against Crimes and violence against women. Nowadays also if we pick up any newspaper we can read a lot of news against women's safety. For its stoppage we should step forward. Rape cases, women killed in greed of dowry, their discrimination has also rose to an extent.

So we all should raise our voice against these crimes and wherever we find it we should immediately report to the police and government.

aradhana_singh22MouthShut Verified Member
Ranchi India
Tips on women's safety
Jun 11, 2017 01:49 AM 1212 Views (via Mobile)

These days ladies security is most serious issue of our general public. there such a large number of individuals in the public eye affront young ladies constantly. so ladies ought to show them a lesson. 1-don't confide in any irregular individual. 2-don't be courteous to each individual. 3-there are such a variety of applications in portable for ladies security given by government. figure out how to utilize those applications. 4-take in some battle ventures for self protection. 5-and the primary part is never hesitant to any one, simply be certain and be a young lady. simply give a smashy shot. 6-never hesitant to talk against any kid. 7-I know it is inappropriate to state this yet don't go alone around evening time. 8-no stress over society, simply would whatever you like to do. much obliged to you!

Jun 10, 2017 06:50 PM 1468 Views (via Android App)

Hey guys ! Today I am going to talk about women's safety . Women's are the most unsafe human beings in the whole world. I don't know why man think that women's can't do any thing . If women's would start showing there real power then everyone will be afraid of them . I would like to advice every women that please raise your against worng things , you all should try to learn kraty to defence yourself . You can also call the police to help you . Be strong and brave . Try to help other women's also who are not able to defence themselves and I am requesting all the man also that please respect women's and don't misbehave with them . If you agree or like please rate and comment on my view . THANK YOU ! .

ansaarzaid16MouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
Do read these points
Jun 09, 2017 09:52 PM 1535 Views (via Android App)

Every where around there some molest and irrelevant people who don't behave a gentlemen they think girls are a sex toy and try to use them rape them whenever they want these are some tips for womens how can they be safe from these dirty mind people

First thing to remember girls don't think your self week if you yourself feel then every buddy could molest you first believe in yourself

Always have a weapon with u it could be electric shock gun you can easily buy it from anywhere or a spray so that when a person try to attack you just easily spray that in his eyes

Another thing don't go alone in silent street where there are no people

Also be safe in crowd because these dirty minds could also do dirty things by using crowd

Beware from the danger

Always have a charged phone with you having all contacts in it

Do have contacts of nearest police station

Remember girls know one could help you on danger but you yourself be in confidence and feel powerful to stop the molest and do practice marshal arts if you could but simply just be confident

Hope these tips would help some people at least


Review by Zaid Ansari