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Tips on Women's Safety Tips

iAnkurpsahuMouthShut Verified Member
Sambalpur India
Mar 08, 2018 11:58 AM 841 Views (via iOS App)

As our human rase being civilised from years concerned about every single issue. Scientifically if we compare the cranial capacity of every evolved animals, human has the most. Which makes itself the king of the world. Human can control everything in his surrounding. After millions years of evolution human race came to exist. I am not distracted from the topic as you thought of, I am mentioning these things because it is completely related to our mentality. Let me explain in details, please try to understand.

From the theories of evolution the human had been evolved from the species of monkeys. We all knows about monkeys, they do not have as much cranial capacity as us. There by they can not judge others and only concern towards food and periodic reproduction. So my point of view is what if human also having the same features of living. This could lead to a non biased world of women and men.

But the real problem is lying in our history. From ancient days womens are treated till death. They are only dragged towards slavery and other. From those decades it is been a common treatment towards the women. It is only our mentality towards women from past which makes women’s living vulnerable.

It is an important day for all to pray for every woman present in the world for a safe and secure life. And our judicial system plays an imporatant role in this by being more strict, because wr can not change the mentality of people in decade rather we can control it to high.

Mohopada India
Safer women the better world
Mar 08, 2018 11:17 AM 814 Views (via Android App)

The womens are not protected they are haressed and tourcheredthey must be safe so they should keep ther GPS online so that whenever the are in danger they should keep the chiili spray in their bags iam a women and must follow these steps I should be self sufficient to fightwith the monster roming out side so be safe be alert

Laws for the Protection of Women
Mar 08, 2018 11:00 AM 885 Views (via Android App)

For Women safety these are the my opinion that the different many of solid law become should and follow strictly should be apply .

There are some law those should to apply like

  1. Law against dowry

  2. Strict law against gender investigation on relationship against desires against flirting

Thank you !

mukulsainimsbMouthShut Verified Member
Muzaffarnagar India
Everyday is the day of women
Mar 08, 2018 10:32 AM 747 Views (via Android App)

I think everyday is the day of women, The women have their places in the society and a one day is not enough, they deserve more

Today women's are under estimate the man thinks that this day is like the day of valentine's day they offer flowers to their wives but this day means much more. For me women's day is important that provides people specially men, that the issue about the differences between men and women is still an actual problem. On this day men and women act together to resolve it instead of words and gifts

Men and women deserve equal respect

Educated women means educated family

Say no to discrimination

Women's rights are human rights

Save girl child

Respect women

rohitsure9915MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai, Maharashtra India
Don't behave like weak women
Feb 26, 2018 04:36 PM 677 Views

Although it is assumed that women are weak in muscular power than men. When it comes to Safety, make sure you use your emotion very well. It is always said a person with strong emotion power can control the whole world. Yes, you can control the whole world. There is no need to make awareness about safety, only you have to be fully efficient in managing your emotional power. You fail in many aspects of life because you fail to manage emotion. See, if you find that someone has an eye on you to take some ornaments from you, by emotion you can easily divert their attention that this is not real. That's the most lacking concept I found in many women. When Somebody is trying to cause an harm to you, use it because high emotion control can break that man totally for the lifetime. I did try teaching many but, Yes that is very difficult for you to learn. You can get success in this. You win a war when you are alone and filled with strong emotion but if you are in a group with low emotion then, instead of fighting with the person you will get defeated by your own group because of inner jealousy.

goutamsandeep82MouthShut Verified Member
Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India India
Xboom women Self-Defence alarm
Dec 23, 2017 11:56 AM 2359 Views

If you are a corporate worker and you have to travel daily for your job then your security must be considered until you reach at your home or your office.

Xboom is a company which is providing a Self-Defence using it's Alarm Tool.

If you are searching for a safe and useful tool to protect yourself then this Xboom tool is for you.

You can take other safety tools along with you while going anywhere but this is the tool which can shock the attacker by spreading solid noise and also it will gather people around you.

I have purchased it from online for my close friends who travels far for their job.

Just want to say that Xboom is very useful.

Thank you.

melikitha1988MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Safe&Secure Environment is everyone's Birth right
Dec 21, 2017 02:30 PM 2330 Views

Good Noon to all the viewers on Nowadays Women's Safety issues is trolling over the Media. What feels bad is that the news about women harassment is gradually increasing day by day and no one other than us is responsible for the same. There are many factors that needs to be kept in Mind for the safety of Women and also we need to follow some of the principles.

TIME is the main factor which will help the Women to be in a safer environment. Now why TIME let me explain in brief.

Women should try to react on time. If any element is bothering them they should not waste any time and should convey the same message or talk about that matter with someone in the Family or friends. This way many unwanted circumstances can be avoided that might tend to happen in the new future.

Offering a Helping hand to other. The next thing we should be bold enough to stand for someone who is being harassed rather than speaking over it over social media. We need to act then and there, and trust me people will follow our footsteps.

One more key thing to remember is that Not every Man is a Monster. There are many people who are Men and are really good. Only thing to do is to master the technique to examine them. Who knows the Unknown person next to a Women might offer a helping hand at the time of emergency.

Now some of the physical things can be carried for women's safety. There are many kinds of pepper sprays that are available in the market that can be easily carried and used at time of emergency. Also one more important thing that we have and carry always is the smartphones that can be used to record any of the unwanted circumstances which can be used afterwards for nabbing the culprits.

I feel very safe as my husband is very caring and he always urge me to speak out and not to hide anything. As a women I feel safe now.

Girls Wake up...........................
Dec 13, 2017 04:27 PM 2230 Views

Hello friends you all know that Today's problem is growth of rapist, sexual harassment, so every girl feel unsafe, not only it effect on ordinary girl, 2 days ago news The Dangal Actress Zaira Wasim face it(who have many bodyguard) when she travel Dehil-Mumbai flight, Police said the 39 year old man do that  which is very shameful. Here some Importants Tips on Women's safety which is informative for all Girls such as;

1- Do Self-defense training; yes, we should learn the basic thing of self-defense which help to attack .

2-Use pepper spray: It spray the eyes of attacker.

3-Speak Up; Don't afraid to speak loudly in that time cause it help to get attention of others.

4-Be Aware; when you go alone or someone to a unknown place you should look around and stay aware.

5-Inquiry Rooms; As a women;s travelers, you should inquiry rooms, Closed the Hotel rooms & locked when alone.

6-Online safety; now a days online people can hack accounts, take all your data and use as blackmail you.

7-Take cellphone;when you go duty at night take a cellphone it help to inform Policeman.

8-Do not smoke; To make safe side when you on unknown place don't take this type of things.

9-Do planning; A planning is important cause you don't request other.

10-Never compromise; Your safety is first priority, you also help other girls. Here some Important Tips on women's safety as following for Best result. Thanks for reading.

Deepi028MouthShut Verified Member
Noida India
Be strong..
Dec 12, 2017 02:37 PM 2153 Views (via Android App)

Now a days we Women are not safe any where. She is molested anywhere anywhere means anywhere while travelling, public place anywhere. People don't even left a single chance to take her advantage.

But if I talk about women's safety so the think is to change the mentality of people that if a girl is travelling so is not a chance or opportunity to molest her. You have to treat her as you treat your own sister.

So, Here I am sharing some tips for women's saftey.

1) Now a days every single womens have smart phone. & there are many different apps present which help while she is in any problem. So first & thing Most important thing is that you have to download app which are specially designed to Get out of trouble.

2) Security measure should be increase so that if a girl or women is coming late from some so didn't have fear that she will reach her home safetly.

3) In night police have to increase number of vans and assign each area for different different police person for petroling in this way everyone have fear that police van is pertoling so they won't be able to molest any girl.

4) While travelling either in bus, metro sometime due to rush most of the dissolute guy always try to take advantage of that & try to touch them but they should have to respect girls and to those who sit freely they have to provide the seat to girl.

5) Lighting should proper like street lights should be present in every road so no one will be able to take the advantage of obscurity or I can say that Obscurity didn't helped the theives

6) Government must have to install CCTV camera in every particular area & a continous monitering should be done 24×7 so that if any missactivity caught instant helped should be given.

7) In school there should be a special camp for girls of self defence training like karate and any other technique.

8) we also have drive a special camp in remote areas where girls are uneducated & give them complete knowledge about how to protect by yourself if she is in trouble. Inform them about that there are many helpline number present through in whivh if she call government will provide her immediate help.

The most important thing is we have to change our mentality- she is like your mother, sister don't molest her tease

Make her strong by her childhood to be strong, protect yourself don't get affarid of anyone.

gayatri12MouthShut Verified Member
Ichalkaranji India
Need to secure women's ! Its First Job of all !!!!
Dec 07, 2017 08:42 PM 2325 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends I am sharing experiences about the woman safety .

My aunt incident that , she is going to a one Temple that away from distance 40 km . She is alone that time in his bike . And in road have some ladies are stopping for some help. And my aunt is stop and immediately that ladies are shown hammer and says for money . My aunt are push that ladies and drive fastly. Like that person are available in rural areas .

So , like that place need to woman safety . If woman have same ideas for self protection then its good . I am also share ideas for protection .

1) if the woman going alone outside then she's taking spray . that type of spray are available outside . If people are look not good then immediately take that in hand

2) some places their many people's , their avoid to take some large amount of money , gold .

3) when going outside in night then don't alone . Go with some people's. Its necessarily for safety.

4) don't gives information to unknown people's . And don't take relation , with unknown people's.

All that things very important for ladies safety . If support , outside person then the , protect any time and any where all woman's .

sunilkhedkarMouthShut Verified Member
Pune India
Tips On Womans Safety!!
Dec 05, 2017 06:43 PM 2202 Views (via Android App)

Hey I am Sunil and I want share some tips on womans safety. The sad reality is we are living in highly increased violent world ever present. No one is safe in this time specially womans.

Women are facing violent acts when they stuck alone, at dengerous places, at their own home and publicly sometimes. Hence it is very important for a girl or woman to know some self defend techniques to avoid such unwanted situations with them.

I want to share two different techniques to selfguard yourself.


  • The first thing you must know is you CAN and SHOULD defend yourself. You just have to trust your inner powers learn it. Prepare your mind to SITUATIONAL AWARENESS[What is going around].

  • To defend yourself you need to trust yourself. You must know that your self belief that you can defend yourself is best weapon that will help you to defend yourself.

  • Just trust on your situational awareness, your sense that something is wrong or right, powers in your arms, your calmness when you stucks.


  • Carry some physical instruments with you like spray, makeup powder, pins, spiky keys set, pen etc.

  • Your first target when stucks should be eyes. You can just throw something on his/her eyes, scratch them or hit them if possible.

  • ESCAPE is the another best option to avoid further torture or serious injury to you.

  • YELL for help, just throw anything to take attention of others.

  • LOCK the door when you are alone or keep watch on surrounding to avoid such situations.

  • KEEP TALKING ON PHONE when are travelling alone. Pretend that you have noticed taxi/auto number your family knows whom you are with.

  • AVOID Sharing your real address, phone no, name on internet or you can use mobile apps for safety purposes.

  • HIT his eyes, neck, private parts knees, ears quickly.

Rshk93MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Some tips on how females can assure their safety
Dec 03, 2017 01:22 PM 2171 Views


Today I am going to talk about very good topic that is the safety of women. In every working, non working women has to be out of the house for some reason. Although, the conditions of the women has improved in term of equal opportunity. Now, women have the opportunity to things which were monopoly of the male societies. This equal opportunity has created equal threat to women privacy, self respect and dignity. Some times harassed at workplace, sometimes at public places, sometimes at isolated places.

We really need to look after the safety of women, you know the crime is committed, then convict will only serve some term in jail, or maybe bailout if the convict is rich enough, or powerful personality.

The different types of crime committed against any women are domestic violence, forced prostitution, genocidal rape, homicide, honor killing, mass sexual assault and many more.

So I would advice of the steps that can be take to avoid or get rid of above listed crimes against women

Let me start the preventive measures.

Women safety at road and other public place.

Every women must keep a small weapon with her, like pepper spray, or a small knife with her. This could help her a lot in tough situations.

Always walk on the right side of the road. When in lifts, or stairs, you encounter any stranger, do not talk to him or her, untill and unless you know him.

Avoid heavy rush areas, I know it's not possible working women, but molesters do take advantages of rush, and do unfair things. If you are brave enough, raise your voice against the molesters.

Always take long journey with family or close friends. When travelling in any public vehicle alone, always make a note of the vehicle number on a paper, or click photo with phone. Do not visit areas which are prone to anti social activities.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence happens for many reasons, you should have the courage to visit the women's right commission. If you feels, the violence has crossed the level of tolerance. Every city has some kind of women commission. You can always approach them, they will also come with you at police station.

How to avoid being harassed or molestation.

Well, you can destroy the entire nose or eyes of the molester or exploiter, who is try touch you in an unfamiliar manner. Condition, is that you know that his intentions, if he is really trying to molest you. You can then step which is like you also pretend that you liking his intentions, then go backward and come forward, with all the powers in your two fingers, directly penetrate to his eyes. He will bleed like hell. Note: you need a lot of guts to do this.

Thank you

Do like and share.

himanshupandey760MouthShut Verified Member
Rudrapur , Uttarakhand India
Tips for women's safety [does it make sense really
Dec 02, 2017 12:00 PM 2782 Views (via Android App)

Guy's do you believe that by applying some tips girls get safe . Do you ever think your mother , sister feel really safe in society.

Why did girl have to do this .rights are equall for all guise. NO! NO! NOT AT ALL. ( It is on you guise) .

So, why are you trying to killing this problem by giving some simple tips this will give some time protection, only short term solution results.

If you ever think in favour of women's you have to try to achieve long term goals that make changes on society.

#1. Firstly you have to change thinking towards girl respect them treat them equally, not by my saying only from your inner soul.

( Where are in only one country where we celebrare raksha bandhan with our sister and promise them to protect her but what about other's sister.

#2. then we have to pass on these ettiguates to your next generation.

#3.then only you get true results. This will take time but it can be possible and educatin is the key that make it possible.

So guise promise your self that you take this revolution forward thanks.

Ak06MouthShut Verified Member
Noida India
Create safe environment for women
Dec 01, 2017 09:12 PM 990 Views (via Android App)

Women's are most important and vulnerable group becuase today our society has not left it safe for women to live freely , go out , and do what ever they wanted to do

Today there are various notion that women are intellectually inferior and is not capable to compete in modern times.but this orthodoxical thinking has left the far behind and rendered them unsafe so there are few tips to promote women's safety

Most important to move for women safety is to let them complete their studies and parents should not treat them as PARAYA DHAN and should not marry off early but to freed them to pursue their career as per their own choice hence that would make them more independent, self-reliable, strong hence that will strenthen them in society and that will reduce crime against women.

We should provide more and more job opportunities for women as it will enchance thus stake in society affair hence they will be emboldened and become confident

1) Women should be provided with extra self defence classes like KARATE , ZYM so they themselve defend when needed.

2) Govt . should ensure dark and vulnerable crime spots and ensure police patrolling everytime to avoid any unfortunate incident ,

3) Women should install apps on their smart phones that can send their location to their family member if they find troublesome situation hence assistance can be reached to them and women can be saved from any assault.

4) School should drive awareness campaign to inculcate some moral values and respect for women .also counselling campaign should be there in our society to let the wrongdoer's understand that sufferings of women and also teach them to let women live with dignity and freedom with which they are living

5) There should be more transparent police system so that women wont feel hesitant to register their complaint without any fear , this will increase fear among culprits

sailajanMouthShut Verified Member
Raviphad India
Tips for women safety
Nov 17, 2017 05:42 PM 1062 Views

Today IAM going to share with you about a few tips to be followed by every women including me to be safe from this harmful society. First of all education is the primary factor every women should be know minimum basics about the problems faced by the people and should be alert when outside. They should educate themselves to lead a happy life. They should also start a small businesses ventures as a security to them. They should be mentally strong and face any problems from the outsiders. They should maintain a phone and a few contacts personally. They should be careful when taking a cab and spread your good location to your family members to know where you are travelling. You should be dare enough to handle any situation.

Kalinganagar ,. Jajpur , Odisha , 755026 India
It's our responsibility to make women feel safe
Nov 16, 2017 11:16 AM 1179 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends , Now a days it's very difficult for women stay alone or live in our environment because so many rapes , sexual harassment and sexual abuse are happening . This environment is not really safe for women . I feel very shy for all this because when crime is increasing in india day by day . And we guys are not doing anything . We have take some action against these crimes . Women are our proud and don't let them down . For safety reasons every women should carry a paper spray with them because when a accident will happen you don't know . But our india is changing so much rally are happening for women safety . So much women protection organization are also working . The rules for women's safety are now much harder . Each and every criminal should punished for it . Let's make our country a free bird's country where a woman can come home late night without any fear of criminals or rapists . Some dumb peoples are saying that it is happen because of their dress they are wearing . I want to say something to those dumb peoples that there is no fault / defect in their dressing style the defect/fault is in your mind , clean it plz. thank you

ajayjagtap963MouthShut Verified Member
Aurangabad India
Nov 14, 2017 01:31 PM 1103 Views (via Android App)

I'll seen every day in life in news paper. Every day had a Rep attempt women's sedusing seen that types of news. What the resons for this news that reson in my opinoin the police are not awereness of women's safety. My request to the every my sister when your going to the out of area that time you conform you any family member to whare you are. That's means not safety but it's conformation of parants where you are. And alway carry with a Chilli powder for safety. And any police officer seen my tips any time plzz my request is please every Road side corner fit the hiden camera's and devloping one app. Who works only for women's safety. And make a team for only women's safety.

NaimkhanMouthShut Verified Member
Sikar India
Tips for womens safety
Nov 13, 2017 07:31 PM 942 Views (via Android App)

I would like to write a tips about women's safety.

  1. practice awareness: - this is ur first line of defence . most people think of kicks to the groin and blacking punches . when they hear the terms self defence.

  2. use sixth sense: - Gut instinct whatever you call it you intution is a powerful subconcious insight into situation and people.

  3. TAKE SELF DEFENCE TRAINING: - it is important to evaluate the goal and practical usefulness of a womens self defense program before singning up.

  4. Escape is always your best option.

  5. you have a right to fight.

  6. people spray is not your secret weapon.

  7. safeguard spray is not your secret weapon.

  8. avoid a car-jacking.

  9. Be prepared when you travel.

  10. use the internet wisely

kartheek038MouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore India
Join hands for women's safety.
Nov 08, 2017 07:13 AM 1562 Views (via Android App)

I everyday morning wake up to the most shoching news on women being molested and sexually assaulted from small 2year old kids to the latest news about a man in his 40's raped a 100year old women who succumbed to her death as she was very weak.Women safety is always the first priority and it should be.

1) We see many women these days working and so they are required to work till late night.Most women face problem while returning home, so it is very important for the company to provide the transport than the lady use a cab or a personal vehicle.

2) Education I see is a very very important factor. More the education that is provided in the society, down goes the incidences of rape, assaults and many more.

3) Proper parenting is an important factor as distressed homes will cause psychological disturbed in the child that may lead him do to such thing.

4) Women safety should be the responsibility of every person.

5) Women should be though few defence skills so that they can atleast escape from there.

6) There are several apps these days that can send your location and a danger signal to the police and few of your friends and relatives.

7) Women can carry pepper sprays and pocket knives.

All these above can be done, but what is really important is the mindset of the person that has to change and he has to stop seeing women as an object and education plays an important role in this.

ameershak510MouthShut Verified Member
Kottarakara India
Women's Safety
Nov 07, 2017 05:00 PM 1242 Views (via Android App)

I would like to write a Tips about Women's Safety

Many of the victims of suicide are found guilty of suicide by the criminals. It is necessary in a modified democratic society to protect the dignity and respect of women by blackmailing them again with their images and bringing their honor and money back into the gentlemen of society. It is important to note that the advanced technologies we utilize for human progress are being abused to exploit women and children. In addition to the harassment of women in public places, such violations are a violation of their privacy.

Our cities, towns, educational institutions, and workplaces have often become places where crimes against women are outdated. Current Indian Penal Code, Police Act, IT Act and various acts of the Act. We face these crimes against women mainly. District cyber cells and state cyber cell are getting hundreds of women complaints. Complaints have been issued with the desire to end the harassment of mobile phone makers in educational institutions and workplaces and those who are constantly being victimized by the Internet. It is natural for girls to disregard this information even by their parents due to their gentleness. None of these complaints are prosecuted. So many people do not want to go ahead with the case due to delays in the settlement of the case, related afflictions, and suspicions that criminals may escape because of legal loopholes. The study, conducted by the Police Department, shows that the existing law is inadequate to deal with rising crimes against women in public places, cyber spaces and mobile phones. Should a woman be held accountable at a bus or park or not? Is it only a burden for the insulted woman that is suitable for a civilized society? Is there no obligation on the public to prevent the dishonor of women in this and other cases? If a woman who has been abused dies, should not have action against those who have died? But where is the law that requires it? To resolve this drawback, dignity and privacy of women are legally protected by law paryaptamayaru educational institution, intrusions, bus stop, road, railway, movie theater, park, beach, place of assembly, the buses, the women's privacy in public places, including roadside SHOULD E ID photo, video, or record or indirectly promotes the sahayatteateyea phone, etc., it is a punishable kurramayirikkum.

The person in charge of any of the above mentioned places will have an obligation to curb the crimes against women. If the offense is committed against women, the person in charge is responsible for reporting it. Failure to fulfill this liability will be considered offended.

Heads of educational institutions have the right to ban modern electronic devices that use their mobile phones from criminals against women.

Keeping photos, video clipping, and other items unreasonable for the dignity of women and children is considered a crime.

If there is an unusual situation where the woman is found guilty of rape, rape, and molestation, the prospect of such death will be counted as a death by torture. Thus, in terms of public opinion, a comprehensive legislation is essential to maintaining the cultural heritage of Kerala.

The public should be actively discussing this law and want to give their feedback. Let me assume that every comment is very valuable.

The general public wants to make a timely change in the existing law so that it can solve the problems and challenges of modern times. The demand for comprehensive reforms in the law should be proved to be anxious to avoid the anxiety of the average parent who sends teenage girls to schools.