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Tips on Women's Safety Tips

binodchamp1143MouthShut Verified Member
Odisha India
Useful tips for womens safety.
Mar 09, 2018 09:26 AM 903 Views (via Android App)

The wrost thing you can do is have no idea who or what is around you.The more you pay attention, the less likely you are to be surprised. Also, if something does happen and you're a witness, you'll be able to provide better information to law enforcement.

The best thing you can do is let others know that you see them and could identify them if need be.When you pass someone on the street, look them in the eye and give a polite nod of the head to acknowledge you see them very clearly.

The only thing that's important is that, at the end of the day, you're the one who lives to see another day You want to make sure you come home every night and get the time you expect and deserve with your family and friends.Thank you.

abhiseknandi000MouthShut Verified Member
Raiganj India
Women's safety.
Mar 09, 2018 07:53 AM 2182 Views (via Android App)

Still now maximum family in India are living in a orthodox society. Where everything is easy to do for boys or men and women or girls are keeping in cage like atmosphere. Their own family members treat like enimy with them if any thing goes wrong women are blamed. In this type of society needs help first to change their mentality because this types of society has scored first in this type of safety issues. Its all about mentality, we can found this types of people who belongs this society, in every where. You ( women) can't change it, so girls ready to fight with them because if you( women) remain silent you will feed them up.So every girls or women need to know self defence techniques. 1st thing start to join a self defence class.2nd always put sharp things in your bag.3rd keep strong acidic sprays containers in your bag.Last but not the least, always remember one thing when you are facing that kind of situation, dont be affraied because once you put fair in your mind its helps to grow up the confidence of the animals. Always be brave because you are the creator, you are a mother.

Mumbai India
Women safty
Mar 09, 2018 05:36 AM 911 Views (via Android App)

Men and womem are two beutyful creature of this universe.but being a men we chanhed a lot of things .god made us equle but we made the diffrence so now we need to celebrate women's day.what if we respect them every day and we stop abusing, molesting then actully you find it that we donnot need any spacial day even .everyday is women's day.we all need to take responsibility.not the advantage.stop crime on girls.stop rape.they feel the same like we feel.they also get hurt like we respect .we should do it for every day.

Women in traveling night
Mar 08, 2018 11:48 PM 703 Views (via Android App)

She should very careful when she was traveling at night by caring her phone .she should on her location in her that she can easily track.if emergency occur.when she finds something wrong with drives .she should immediately message someone, so that he could not know.and if she had any hand kerchief , she should tie for neck of the driver so that he could be unconscious.

diptiranjanpradhaMouthShut Verified Member
Bhubaneswer India
Happy women's day
Mar 08, 2018 10:35 PM 2112 Views (via Android App)

We don't have to protect women we have to teach people how to respect womens. women is must not accept she must challenge. To become a successful men need support from a women. A men can't do anything without a women. A women made a men a gentleman , a successful men, a real men. People's have to change there mindset about women. People want a MOTHER , a WIFE, a GIRLFRIEND but they doesn't need a girl baby. They have to change their mindset. If girl babies were never exist then we are aslo never exist. So we have to respect them

Mallapora Habbakadal India
We Should respect woman
Mar 08, 2018 09:44 PM 717 Views (via Android App)

We should respect woman because if there is no woman there will be no man a woman plays many roles like caring for her husband , for her child , for her parents a hpuse is nothing without a woman A woman is the only one who make a house into a bueatiful home . In these past few years the crimes are increasing most of them are rape , kidnape etc. If someone commits any crime against goverment should punish them .

bhattn107MouthShut Verified Member
Bhavnagar.Gujrat India
Woman safty first
Mar 08, 2018 09:21 PM 868 Views (via Android App)

Hi.firends women is very important to everyone life.without it nothing. She like water.because everyone needs and flow like water women safty strting from save girl child it our first responsibility, our culture is very great because girls anf women safy good to save girl child and say one india safe India.thank you

Tip ; my tip is women save emergency number on your phone.

Carry Chilli spray in your purse

Amangupta65734MouthShut Verified Member
Khalispur Siwan India
Safety always first
Mar 08, 2018 08:35 PM 678 Views (via iOS App)

Hello my dear friends I am aman gupta going to give some tips on women’s safety as today no one is safe specially women so it must for women to protect themselves. I like to share my first advice that everywomen should learn selves defence for there protection so that they donot need any one to help you. and my second advice for women is that they should not give up and not fight at the last. and my third advice is to work smartly, cleverly, knowledgefully these things make you powerful and smart.

my over all advice to use your smartness and defence against anyone

aashischolarMouthShut Verified Member
C.12 A Ganesh Nagar Delhi India
Be responsible be safe! Fight for your rights!
Mar 08, 2018 08:30 PM 1756 Views (via Android App)

Hey their , first of all l would like to wish you all a very very happy Womens Week .Women like Kalpana Chawala , Mamta Sauda, Rani Rampal

, Geeta Fagot, Dipa Malik , Chandra Kocher, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukon, from space to glammour, sports to technology have

made our country proud . Even we are superwomen like them , just the thing is we need to work on more is with our skill , devote most our time polishing it nd showing the world what you are made of . Now today l m going to list 7 ways by which you can be safe

  1. Download the latest women safety apps like With you nd Himmat plus

  2. Just 2- whenever you r going somewhere just ensure u click 2 pics , one of driver nd other fr car no. Nd send it to your known.

  3. Spray nd run - recipe- bleach , black pepper , red chilli, lemon - just mix with a bit water nd u r ready to tackle any situation

  4. Mahila Police Helpline No. 1091 call anytime , anywhere

  5. Avoid lifts as much as you can

Hope you find it all useful??

A2squreMouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
5 basic tips
Mar 08, 2018 08:24 PM 862 Views (via Android App)

First of all womens can do everything in this world all you have to just learn some self defencing by searching youtube or web here are some 5 tips by me on this topic

  1. just always remember to take some sharp things in there bag like a pen, key, etc

2.just dont be afraid you can face situation.

3.dont give up.

4.learn how to use a pen to defence yourself.

5.just dont give any chance to take advantage of your kindness.

so thease are my some safety tips for women's

I am sure that the tips will work completly fine.

To get marks in exams
Mar 08, 2018 07:24 PM 464 Views (via Android App)

If u have no concentrate u wont open book.

U think in ur mind I want read now then open book and read.Dont biate that concepts u want to understand that.

And once read and write on note book.When u will go to write exams then u open that book and read once on that day morning then it will fix once in ur mind it will never go u will write exams successfully. ( So plz follow this trick u will get success)

Women safety tips
Mar 08, 2018 07:18 PM 536 Views (via iOS App)

Hello guys I am sharing some safety tips for women I hope you will like it and my tips will hep someone in future, women should lear some self defence techniques, nowdays everyone is having smart phones so you can also learn from youtube or fom google, you dont have to certainly join some self defence training academy or program, keep yourself fit, exercise little bit it will also help in maintaining yourself and will keep up your good health, always try to stop on some safe place or at some place where people are around you.i hope my tips will be benificial, thnx

anshulpanda10MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Few points to keep yourself safe
Mar 08, 2018 07:07 PM 1995 Views (via Android App)

Hello everyone!

Being a women I understand very well how disgusted you feel being not safe in your own land, everyday we see some news on crime against women.

But here we need to be practical and understand that these crime are not only kaw & order probkem but also a socio-cultural issue, where a large paet of society still undermine women empowerment.

Not going deep into this I would like to write down few points which I feel are practical to keep ourselves safe

  1. Be alert, keep watch if someone is keeping an eye on you,

  2. Try to be back home when still roads are crowded , because most crime happen when these non-socialnelements find you alone and there is no one to help

  3. Avoid empty stretches of roads just to reach early 5-10 minutes.

  4. Keep your GPS on, so that in case you are in problem, you can be traced easily

5.Although its time of socila media, avoid divulging too many details on it, specially live locations of yourself

  1. Keep pepper spray with you

  2. Always keep some women safety apps, there are many available now

  3. Always inform few of your loved ones about your whereabouts.

  4. Be alert in discs , pubs & party, try to be in group of atleast 3 when in such places or late nights

  5. Do not drink & drive is for everyone

  6. Even while in radio cabs dont sleep if you are alone

  7. And last but not the least in case of trouble presence of mind and few personal safety training does help a lot

This is all

sagarchandela91MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
International women's day
Mar 08, 2018 06:55 PM 641 Views (via Android App)

The international women daywas held on february 28, 1909 in new york, march 18 was suggested by the 1910 internationalwoman's conference to become an international woman's day. I feel very proud to live in society with women's . I think we live in society in which women have more power than man & doing more responsbility rather than man thank you.

Women safety
Mar 08, 2018 05:45 PM 777 Views (via Android App)

Women are the only creature which circulate our system by giving birth, so we have to very particular on women's safety.In this present system women's want to do work as men's are doing but the safety for womens are not there , this is the major factor on which we have to focus.From my opinion their should be a mobile application for women's safety, In which we have to give them button, in case they are in trouble so they press that button, which is connected to the nearest police control room and the police staff will come to know the location of that women and they reach that place in few minutes.This idea may bring some safety for women's.

My opinion about women's safety and security
Mar 08, 2018 04:40 PM 446 Views (via Android App)

I would like to say that women's safety and security is very very important so first of all every buddy has to respect women and give honour them because we know are traditional frth we called in hindi pratha that's very bad since that time there something is change but not fully, therebis lot of bad people and illiterate they do women violence like relationship, poverty sexual harrassment and so on. We have to protect them take caring them.In case of women there is lots of restrictions like don't need to do jab, don't need to go anywhere, stay at home we have to eliminate thease mindset and protecte women's.

Womens dont actually need to be empowered!
Mar 08, 2018 04:21 PM 556 Views (via Android App)

My title must be making you curious but yes women actually dont need to be empowered by others. What I mean to say is they can empower themselves on their own! They just need your support and encouragement. The women celebs today are called celebs because they were trusted by their parents. So trust is also one thing. And here I am asked for giving tips on women's safety! Guys really? ! I mean why are we giving tips to girls on self defence and safety and all this stuff? ! Cant we teach our boys to make women feel safe? Why actually women need to be secured is because of the evil minds of the men right? So instead of cutting the tree why dont we pull out the roots instead? What I mean to say is women shud feel safe nd boys should make them feel so!

curtispaulMouthShut Verified Member
Ludhiana,Punjab,India India
Useful Tips On Women's Safety
Mar 08, 2018 04:12 PM 2239 Views (via Android App)

First of all I would like to wish Happy Women's Day to all the women members of the mouthshut family.In our Indian society there's need for empowering womens.So one of the most important topic which seriously needs to be discussed is Women's Safety.Nowadays in our society we commonly hear the news about a girl or a woman molested at some place, also somewhere a girl is being gangraped, some goon throwed acid on to a woman.We often hear these kind of criminal activities which is happening with women of our society.So there's a serious need to create awareness within the society.Whether you are man or a woman, its our responsibility to raise our voice about crimes which were happening on women.So I would like to give some tips on Women's Safety.

1-In our society for both men& women, its high time to tell these goons who thinks that they can abuse, molest, rape a woman whenever they want.So its high time to tell them that We are not scared of you guys.Because from my prospective these goons, these monsters they are not alien or some other species, they are human like us and these bad people, they live around us.So irrespective whether they are large in number or they are more stronger than us its the duty of our society to unite against these people.So whenever you see such incident happening in front of you, don't be a mute spectator kindly come forward to protect women.

2-From my prospective its very important to teach self defence to young boys and girls.So I think all the schools should add self defence as a subject in there school time so that both boys and girls able to learn how to protect thereselves right from there teenage.

3-As we know we are nation of 1.3 billion people.So its quite hard to mantain law and order within the state.But Women's Safety is a major concern within the state.So special task forces should be formed for Women's Safety that can work for the safety of women 24/7.

4-One of the most important point is the fast judicial punishment to the criminal and no relief should be given to a criminal who is under 18 ( Nabalik) .So my point is the crimes which happens on women, justice should be served fast and also the punishment should be even stronger which should set example within the society.So nobody dares to do crime like that.

5-Whenever a woman sense some kind of abuse, torture, she should voice it up immediately.Do not feel scared at that time, fight it out by raising your voice.

Be strong
Mar 08, 2018 03:08 PM 591 Views (via Android App)

Happy international women's day to all.

We always raise hand when a rape or murder happen.when special days comming and celibrate proudly.tag friend.wish one another.annunce debt.the same person as women.not all time but most of time when we feel uncomfortable or somtihng worng happen to us.

many of us shut our mouth or try to shut another women too.Why? couse we are women.lots of us caries family pride.we just avoide something bad which hapened with us but affered to open up.and we blammed the society.

But.hello.we bellong the society.society not.If you shut your mouth.than what lesson prefer for ur future generation.We know the law and policys.

Few of us who don't know.but how badlucky we are.Belive that women first.when worst situation comming towards us.we make ourself last and less strong than any other.

Some tips which all of you khnow but I wanna personaly share with you strong

2.when you go for outdoor or party please inform your family or close one. prepare for any situation.

4.evey one carries gogle playstore many android apps avalable related with security.please use them.

5.many branded watches also available alart button which also hlep you.

And last please my request to all of you try to make a close relationship with your family.which always help to overcome any situation. Thanks

Happy Women's Day...
Mar 08, 2018 02:53 PM 708 Views (via Android App)

The life of everyone was been birth by a women and the siblings of the teen travel stage, then the love of sharing in life part, then the affection of the growing the girl children to train her and to survive in the world.

No one can replace caring affection at any moment by mom.

No one can replace giving the idea in stress time by sibling.

No one can replace the share of love between two hearts of soul by lover.

No one can replace the pride given to the parent in high position by daughter.

Though that men's life is not without the role of women in soul travel.

Happy Women's Day to everyone


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