So let me start by rating the property in minus ( - ) instead of giving even a single point.
Honestly I don't know where to start this review.
The owner - Racist , Narrow minded and Opinionated, rude Old man who still thinks that India is under the Bristish rule. Martin Howard ( owner ) has absolutely NO respect for the country or the people of the country he's living it. He litteraly welcomed us by calling us " Bloody Indians " just because we took our car from the opposite direction as there was no direction signage.
Not just that, even during and after the shoot he kept mocking and saying something or the other. We hadzero conversation from our side but he made sure he passes comments.
Well, if we are " Bloody Indians " why on earth did you leave your country to settle amongst the bloody people ? ????
THE STAFF & PROPERTY - Well, the property is ok - ok. It's over hyped . In comparison, there are more properties like these. So why not go to the ones which have better people and positive vibes ?
The Staff is good, " Dadi " is very sweet. But they are also bound to behave because of the owners.
Basically Okay place with very negative vibes.
I wouldn't suggest anyone to go there, as it's not just me. If you scroll down in Google reviews, alot of people have mentioned the Racism they have experienced in their own country, India.
Thank you !!

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.