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Tide Detergent Reviews

Bad washing powder.. really bad
Jun 24, 2016 05:31 PM 5272 Views (via Android App)

In my family we use Arial washing powder but for a change I decided to get Tide washing powder.

After few days of washing cloths in Tide washing powder my mom told me that, the powder is not good for the cloths and hands also. The hands started itching and the skin was getting piled off.

The cost of the powder is less but the quality of the powder is not good. So I changed the Tide washing powder to Arial washing powder as it was before.

tahercricket123MouthShut Verified Member
India India
Good detergent, at good price.
Jun 21, 2016 07:03 PM 11990 Views (via Android App)

Tide is a popular brand of detergent and is produces good quality product , the foam produced by it is very good and the tidyness.

It provides to the clothes is good cleansing effect it provides is better than any other detergent brand and is cheap too you can get 1 kg of detergent is for 85 rs it is a very good deal, and if you buy it from amazon and subscribe this product you would get 5 to 10 rs off  so if you purchase it it is good for daily use, not preferrable for washing machine purpose.

Best detergent powder for ever
Jun 08, 2016 05:58 PM 5244 Views (via Android App)

Now lets talk about the the tide detergent powder. I think this detergent powder is the best powder when its come.

Most of the detergent's company claim that they are the best not in the money but in the products.

Most of the people complaints that they have skin problem after using many of costly detergent problem. Even I had read a reviews yesterday he wrote that his mother facing some skin problem while using Ariel. Also he recomended for TIDE.


Tide Detergent
Jun 03, 2016 07:47 PM 5054 Views (via Android App)

This detergent does not work properly and make your clothes weak.

This detergent is even harmfull for your hands. People just buy this detergent because of the brand is popular.there are more favour of this deyergent u hardly find them in local stores.

anujtanwar1234MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Make cloths weak..
May 31, 2016 07:02 AM 4988 Views (via Android App)

As this is very popular brand in the market and spend lots of money on advertisement, I decided to buy it so I bought 4 kg pack as there is some offer is going on 4+ 1 kg free.

After using around 10 days I realised that it doesn't affect on dirt of cloths but it directly affect on cloths quality like due to this detergent I reuind my new white t shirt as some yellowish spot are made due to this detergent and on jeans type clothes this product is EFFECTLESS.

So guys please don't buy this as it reuind white cloths and doesn't affect on thick clothes.

Tide- Doesn't work
May 28, 2016 03:45 PM 5094 Views

I purchased tide jasmine and rose detergent powder as stoke of Ariel which I usually preferred was not aviable in the store. but my experience was worst. tide damages the cloths quality and more over I noticed that it faded the color of my kurta.

Even the fragrance was not so much. as per my choice my Ariel was the best. tide is not useful for removing spots. as tide faded the color of the cloths I observed it that it is many suggestible for white colored cloths.

Not that good
May 28, 2016 01:48 AM 7763 Views

When I first started doing my own laundry, I tried this Tide powdered detergent for a few years. But more recently I have switched to liquid detergent because it does a far better job.

Performance.At most times, this powdered detergent would do a pretty good job of removing dirt and smells from my dirty clothes, although there were a few times that they failed to get out dirt that better detergent could get out(I'm speaking of dirt that should have come out without the use is a stain remover).

The bigger issue I have with this detergent is the powdered form that it comes in. When the washer began to fill with water, when the detergent got wet, it would sometimes clump together instead do dissolving throughout the water. These clumps would sometimes stick to whatever piece of clothing they were sitting on, and they would leave a mark when I took them out of the washer. Even when most of the clump rinsed away, there would still be a noticeable mark on my clothing.

Waste of money
May 27, 2016 03:44 PM 4322 Views

Tide Detergent is not good at all for washing clothes. I had purchased a 4 kg pack and it was just a waste of money. I used it for some days, and realized that the clothes were not getting clean at all. Moreover, there is no fragrance in the detergent, which makes the clothes smell real bad.

I tried using it in my washing machine as well as washing by hand. But, did not like it at all. I will have to look for something better.

Fad color of cloths
May 25, 2016 12:32 PM 4473 Views (via Android App)

Ill useally use tide but I see that tide make colths color fadder .that is mt own experience bcoz last minth I am buying my new shart and after washing that the shats had white spot and the color is faided then next month I try serf and seriously result is much batter and the amount of using is lesss thats why after this case I'll only use serfexel.

And dont use bleach tide remove the bleach and gave irritating colour.

Nice product
May 04, 2016 09:07 AM 5169 Views (via Android App)

This is clean all cloth with no dark, no dust, but take havy water after washing. Iam so impress this detergent powder. find no dust, no dirty. I think that taj mahal clean this detergent powder. Taj mahal clean and wating and so preetful shinging.

Foreign all in problem tension that What is this! What is magic became in those days.those tajmahal is shing in those days all people said  clean my india!

nayaln801MouthShut Verified Member
Ghaziabad India
Better for White clothes only
Apr 30, 2016 01:29 PM 5051 Views

Tide is supposed to clean clothes in a better way and it does so too. No doubt, Tide is very good for white clothes only it makes them shine and maintain their graceful whiteness but it is NOT good enough for colorful clothes as it makes them fade and dull.

Although its packaging and rates are good and reasonable but its true that Tide is good only for white clothes, which makes it less desirable at home for washing all clothes at one go.

amardeepmoudgillMouthShut Verified Member
mansa India
Shine and softens
Apr 29, 2016 02:12 PM 7242 Views (via Android App)

My name is amar and today I am writting about tide is very famous family use this detergent since a long time.

It is good for your hand.clothes and hand both clean and smooth.

Cleansing action:

It best detergent for best cleaning.gently cleans and softens.can be used for both bucket wash and machine makes your clothes clean and long life.all dirty markes clean after use tide detergent.

Its fragrance is very good.naturals fragrance of lemon and chandan.for its fragrance you feel good.Overall I rated this 4.7 out of 5


bhupie007MouthShut Verified Member
Asd India
Detergent not good for dark stains
Apr 24, 2016 07:02 PM 4946 Views (via Android App)

We use normally ariel detergent but this time we thought to give tide detergent a try. Its costly but it doesnt matters much if it removes stains and cleans well. But being costly also it doesnt serve the purpose of deep cleaning.

The detergent is harsh on skin and doesnt cleans the stains that well. The smell is ok but lot of detergent is used for cleaning. On the other hand ariel is costly too but it cleans the stains efficiently. Also small quantity is enough for washing clothes. I would not recommend tide to all people.

When Vilifying Big Business B Careful Wat u Ask Fa
Apr 16, 2016 02:07 PM 4816 Views

In May 2008 Walmart announced that it would cease stocking non-concentrated detergents. The announcement underscored the retail giant’s scale and market power – and its exceptional ability to force a market to adopt a major change for the good.

Previous attempts at persuading consumers to buy concentrated detergents had not met with much success. Introduced in 1987 in Japan by the Kao Corporation, Procter & Gamble attempted to sell the product to U.S. consumers in 1990. Concentrated Ultra Tide powder, and liquid Ultra which appeared two years later, were based on the formula developed by Kao. Other manufacturers launched similar formulations that required just a quarter-cup of detergent to clean a load of laundry.

Following several years of mixed results, sales of concentrated detergents fell by 30 percent by 1994. American shoppers apparently were not willing to pay the same price for a smaller box or bottle, even if it got the same number of loads just as clean as traditional non-concentrated formula products did. Furthermore, smaller packages meant less shelf space was taken up, which created a glaring merchandising disadvantage on store shelves for concentrated products. Many detergent brands and retailers quietly curtailed their offerings of concentrated versions. As a result, concentrated detergents remained a curiosity in the American market until 2005.

In that year, Walmart began a major sustainability push and asked suppliers to reduce their packaging and several manufacturers turned again to concentrated detergents. Three years later, in a display of Walmart’s scale and market power, the retail giant announced that non-concentrated detergents would no longer be stocked on its shelves.

Walmart’s announcement cemented the trend and allowed the retailer to advance its goal of reduced packaging. It estimated that the change would reduce water consumption by 400 million gallons and save more than 95 million pounds of plastic resin and 125 million pounds of cardboard a year.

Concentrated detergent was a viable, eco-efficient alternative for everyone in the supply chain. Yet competition for shelf space and consumer misperceptions had created a disincentive for any one brand to lead the way with smaller bottles of concentrated product. Only when Walmart forced the hand of all its suppliers did all the trading partners involved reap the financial and environmental benefits.

The story is just as relevant today as it was in 2008 – perhaps more so in the current climate of vilifying large companies for their excessive market muscle.

Consider, for example, the recent announcement by Walmart U.S. and Sam’s Club U.S. to transition to a 100% cage-free egg supply chain by 2025. Every shell egg supplier to the retailers will have to be certified and fully compliant with United Egg Producers Animal Husbandry Guidelines or an equivalent standard by 2025. Compliance with the new standards will be monitored by a third party.

As the country’s largest grocer, Walmart wields huge influence in the food industry. Its announcement is a game-changer that will force egg producers to switch to cage-free production, even though the move adds cost to the supply chain and requires a significant change in working practices.

Market-leading companies such as Walmart are in a unique position to bring about large-scale positive change that would otherwise be difficult or even impossible to implement. Critics of their market power should remember this.

In the Presidential election campaign big companies have been vilified for exporting jobs. They are accused of evading taxes by moving their offices overseas. New rules introduced this month by the US Department of Justice seek to prevent such tactics, and claimed one casualty when drug company Pfizer abandoned a merger with Allergan PLC. Leading companies also are in the firing line for using their power to sway elections and policymaking, and monopolize markets.

Large enterprises can have a negative impact on society; the role of giant financial institutions in the 2008 economic meltdown is probably the best example in recent times. And their motives for imposing major change are not altruistic. Like any good business they are usually responding to shifts in customer demand, and have calculated the impact on both the bottom line and their brand equity.

But their role as change agents is irreplaceable. If we diminish it, then we all lose.

I call this phenomenon the Challenge of the Commons. The Tragedy of the Commons is an economic problem that arises when every individual tries to extract the greatest personal benefit from a shared resource. The Challenge of the Commons is the inability to get to a good outcome when every player is worried about its own self-interest. As a result, society fails to achieve a positive outcome. In some cases government regulations or subsidies can help, but governments’ record is not stellar in pushing for marketplace change. It is important to recognize that large companies have an important role to play in moving society to better places.

krishnakantmishraMouthShut Verified Member
Jhanjharpur India
The worst detergent bar ever
Apr 12, 2016 10:47 PM 7834 Views (via Android App)

My name is Krishna Kant and here I am going to post a review on Tide detergent bar. It is a well known detergent brand which manufactures Tide bar of a number of shape and sizes. We all are having it in markets and general stores. But one thing that I have to ask is that is this a good soap for washing and cleaning our clothes ?

It gave me a lot of problem while using it. I generally use other one of a very prestigious brand for washing my clothes but in its deficiency in market, I had to choose this one. But it was first and last when I had choosen to use it !

The major problem is that you will not be able to wash your clothes properly by its help as it does not clean your clothes well and also it causes a stay of small brittles of soap. The soap gets break very much from the corners and it is too hard to use it. Even for a normak cleaning, you have to do a good labour on clothes as the surface of soap is not so well finished. Carrying out shine in your clothes is really a touvh job for Tide soap !

Okey.I am pointing on every necessary points on this soap to make this review useful- Cleaning action-As I have explained above, cleaning action of this soap is worst. They show in their adds that this soap is best but reality is somehow perfectly different ! Your clothes cannot get proper shine and hence your time.labour and money all go in vain. Is not this enough to leave this soap aside from your choice ?

Price-Price is another major factor to decide wether to buy a product or not. Its price is same as that of the other a few good brands of detergent bars. It is available for you in different sizes with different prices assigned. But if the quality is bad then price really doesnot matter. Does it ?

Life of soap-Life of soap degrades in a very quick manner as it cannot stand in the contact of water. It gets its contains flown away in water very quickly ! So you have to worry for its quantity everyday as you have to buy a new one very frequently !

Friends, I did not find anything good in this soap and so I would like to suggest you to not to buy this one and it is better to select any other good detergent bar available in market.

If you have to say anything then please comment below.

Thanks for reading this review !

jitendrakumawat40MouthShut Verified Member
Sikar (Raj.) India
Tide "The Best Detergent"
Apr 09, 2016 03:50 PM 5376 Views (via Mobile)

My family utilize this cleaner .And tide a best cleanser of my family ussese in washing cloths.And you realize that its clean the fabric smooth and realy . Tide eradicated for all intents and purposes the greater part of our intense stains.

This powder recipe made an excellent showing with regards to scouring out extreme ink spots in high temp water and adamant mustard wrecks were almost no match for it in cold.The cleaning is still incredible and the scent is great. Earth happens to effectively simply purchase absorbing the garments them without scrubbing a great deal. So its made for whatsup .! Utilize and tell about Tide.

Chandankumar22614MouthShut Verified Member
Hoshiarpur India
It's really a "tide" for detergent
Apr 06, 2016 05:49 PM 5406 Views (via Android App)

Tide is the best detergent powder I ever used I m using this product from 2-3 years n in my point of view this is best.

And the more advantage of using this detergent is that it comes inder diffrent fragrances like lemon chandan etc n the best part of this detergent that I like most is that only few amount of it can be use to wash many clothes and it washes very cleanly even the tough region like color or arms of the shirts and we don't need to apply an extra force on the clothes just a simple shaking will clean the clothes n after all it gives a good fragrance to the clothes unlike other detergent

anilsatpathy100MouthShut Verified Member
Kharagpur India
Tide Need Improvement
Mar 30, 2016 11:38 AM 4294 Views

There are so many advertisement on Tide detergent come on most of the channel of television and therefore, I got impressed by its advertisement. Then, I decided to use it as previous detergent not giving me much good result. I used tide detergent for two months but it did not give good cleansing effect which I was expecting. Infact, it turn one of T-shirt having yellow stain into blue colour.

And I used to put lots of detergent to bring  good cleansing effect.Many of my clothes tarnished due to Tide and its fragrance also not strong and effective. It really needs improvement. Therefore, I recommend everyone not to use Tide detergent to make your clothes cleans.

yogeshranoliMouthShut Verified Member
Pune India
Very bad detergent
Mar 25, 2016 10:53 PM 5084 Views (via Mobile)

Tide cleanser demonstrates that it makes your garments more white than white. Don't belive on their ad. This cleanser is bad. I utilized this for 2-3 times for white garments however found that it not by any means clear basic stains on the garments.

The scent is great however it wont stay for long time. In ad they demonstrate that it clears neckline stains, however I know it don't on the grounds that I utilized this. There are numerous other preferred alternatives accessible over this.

Not the Best one!
Mar 23, 2016 10:58 AM 4401 Views

I a have used so many detergent powders to wash the cloths including tide, rin, surfexcel, arial and I would like to say the tide is not that good as compare to other one even if if I put the 2 spoon of power for 4 cloths all the stains remains as it is  it only smells good nothing else than it.

I had also damping it for more than 8 hours so I will not suggest to go with tide for deep cleaning of cloths it is only good for regular purpose.i only like one thing about this detergent powder is it smells good than other one with different flavors.


Tide Detergent

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