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Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill Reviews

Jalandhar India
The Grand Father of Motivational Books.
Oct 23, 2016 07:18 PM 1545 Views

The "Think and Grow rich" book as its name suggests explains how people can win in any task with the help of their thoughts. This book was released by the famous "Napolean Hill" in 1930's when the first American recession came and shaken the life of American people. It has been said that this book helped many people who were in an economic crunch during that recession and motivated them so that they could come in a normal life. I had heard about this from many people but I read this book only when my friend who is a Motivational Speaker suggested me. I wanted to read some inspirational book which can boost my confidence and help me to succeed in my career. When I initiated this book, I was not able to understand what the writer wants to convey, however, as I reached on the chapter tenth the whole viewpoint of the writer was fully understood by me. The author has gathered all his experience after interviewing a number of famous and successful people all over the world which includes Henery Ford, Einstein, and etc. There are many topics in this book which gravitated me towards themselves. Such as Imagination, Faith, and organized planning. But the most liked term by me is "Burning Desire" which is also known as a definite plan. In addition, this book also illustrates about "Law of Attraction" or "LOA" which becomes a buzzword in these days. With the help of this, we can attract anything which we want in our life.It also explains how to feed your mind properly so that we can do positive Auto-suggestion or visualization. This book contains many chapters and each chapter teaches a new lesson. The author has a very practical approach to explaining how we can attain the desired result which we want from our life. After reading this book, I read some other books which are similar to this books. Those books are 7 Habits of highly effective people and Rich Dad Poor Dad. Notwithstanding, this book has its own unique flavor which helps us to understand our own thoughts from very base level. I read this book three times and also recommend everyone to read it. More I read this book more I able to understand what writer wants to convey. I recommend this book people of all age who wants to get success in their life.

The Textbook For Enterpreneurs. Read if you want
Oct 02, 2016 09:43 PM 1631 Views

First published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich bt Napoleon Hill, remains an instant classic. It is widely cited as being the most of popular and influential self-help books of all time.

The books author is referred to as the GRANDFATHER OF ALL MOTIVATIONAL LITERATURE. In this book there are the thousands of living examples of success by reading this book.

IN every chap. Of this book, mention has been made of the money making secret which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceeding wealthy men whom author has carefully analyzed over a long period of years.

The secret was brought to author by Andrew Carnegie, more then quarter century ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsmen carelessly tossed it to my mind, when author was a boy. Then he set back in his chair, With merry twinkle in his eye, And watched carefully to see if author has brains enough to understand the full significance of what he had said to author.

The book contains the secret, after having been put to a practical test by thousands of people, in almost every walk of life. It was Mr. Carnegies magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money, and it was hopr that author may test the demo. The soundness of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.

New Delhi India
Can you really Think and Grow Rich?
Sep 22, 2016 12:21 PM 1729 Views

Offcourse you can!

If you can understand and concieve the ideas presented in this book you can be/ have/ achieve anything you want.

This book has 13 principles. Each principle is vitaly important to your success.

Napoleon Hill interviewed many rich people and one of them was Andrew Carnegie(richest man at that time). Andrew Carnegie shared with Hill his ideas of his success and Napoleon Hill promised to Carnegie to devote his next 20 years of his life studying and writing about this ideas and Think and Grow Rich is the outcome of that study.

Napoleon Hills unique writing style enables the reader to understand the concept not only intellectually but also emotionally.

This book is one of a kind. It cannot be comparded to any other book,

I also suggest you read his other books like Law of Succes also


Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
12345vinMouthShut Verified Member
Vikarabad India
Awesome book
Sep 13, 2016 02:08 PM 1931 Views

This book teaches us how to tune our emotional or mental capacity to be a richest person.and every one who want to be a richest person in their life can start with this book. this book can tells us the way how to improve our skills towards completing a task and how to overcome fears and threats with improved mind. creativity improvement techniques, visualisation techniques and telepathy techniques are pretty awesome.

Ambikapur India
As title suggest Think and grow rich
Sep 05, 2016 07:03 PM 1969 Views

Author of this book Napoleon Hill took interview of more than 500 successful and rich people of USA including Thomas Edition. He told in his book how these successful people think, Act, Tackle problems, react to the situation, how the talk, what they do in there free time. And by following these you can also become successful.

Whenever you will search on internet "Best books to read' you will find the name of this book in almost all articals and videos.

A mush read book for those who want to be Rich.

Delhi India
The book for the beginners
Aug 10, 2016 06:56 PM 1847 Views

I love to read this book because in today's world everyone is curious to know how to get more money and rich so this book is very interesting for students and for those who make their life more happy so I recommend to must read this book once.

This book help to unleash the success and find success in any walk of life. Millions of People used this and get what they want. This book also help those who want to achieve new things in life and for those also who take birth in the middle or low background family but they achieve new milestones of their life & where he want to go in their life. The book promotes personal development and self-improvement. The best motivational book and presents essential commodities for success. This very good inspirational book I ever read and also it will definitely change the way you think. I believe that if anyone who follows then they extremely successful.

It gains the reputation in the world of good books. The book can help one get better at doing anything, not just rich and wealthy, but also do wonderful work in any respective field like social, personal, academic, etc. It helps to learn new techniques to live their life fullest.

The best thing of the book is that it gives pressure more on self-development rather than others. Specially for those who strives for success in their lives.  It enables you to think about far bigger possibilities in your life than you would imagine.

Roorkee India
Aug 09, 2016 07:37 PM 1769 Views

Think and grow rich is one of the best selling books by napolean hill of all times. Napolean hill interviewed many self made millionaires and billionaires like andrew carnegie and as per these interviews, he summarized and provided 13 principles for achieving financial goals.

First of all, its really motivating. When you start reading the book, right from then to the end you will be filled up with confidence and belief.

Napolean hill has presented information backed up by evidences and examples as well.You will know how you can make a definite chief aim and achieve it by regular repitition so that it becomes a part of your subconscious mind. In short, this book is really worth giving a try.

Read in Now!!!
Jul 19, 2016 04:29 PM 1895 Views

Friendly reminder:This book does not contain any shortcuts to earn more money.

I ordered this book online after coming across many good reviews of the book.

The author has explained in detail the powerful 13 steps to riches.I suggest everyone to read just one chapter at time and absorb all its contents rather than going through the whole book at one go.The author has narrated many times short stories and example that can help explain the concept at hand in an interesting manner.

This inspirational book will definitely change the way you think and the methods described in the book can make anybody who follows them successful in every field.

Jalandhar India
Must read once in life
Jul 17, 2016 11:43 PM 1997 Views

Think and grow rich is excellent book of napoleon hill I read book 2 times I love to read again and again this book I see my life change after I read this book lots of my friends suggest this book to me and when I start to read this book I enjoy lot and I complete book once my interest increase and I again read a book book is about how by goal set about money one can rich always think about that plan to acquiring the money I made a plan after I reading now I will again read this book bcoz I want the contents of this book field in my sub conscious mind so that I used the ideas which in this book my suggestion is that everyone should read this book once in life .

Mumbai India
A Perfect book for people who want to make money !
Jul 16, 2016 02:02 PM 2290 Views

Its been a month I've been reading this book and its pretty spectacular. It'll definitely change your thoughts towards success. Their are great guidelines given to help you reach your goals and surely this book will blow your mind! and buying this book will really help you in future as well as in the present.It surely was a pleasure reading this book, some concepts are deep and take time to understand but they're very helpful Enjoy the book and stay inspired^_^

Motivational book
Jul 15, 2016 12:12 PM 2413 Views

This is the book that every person should or must have because the book talks about how you can achieve you goals and dreams easily and become rich.The author napoleon hill written this book after the analyzing and researching 25000 of people and spent 25 years of life for just writing this book.The book say that a person should follow 13 principles of life that surely make a person successful.Several successful person follow this principles at any stake of life like Henry ford .After reading this I surely say that it will make you full energized and motivated for you aspirant goal.

Steps of Achieving your dream.
Jun 22, 2016 06:44 PM 2117 Views

Recently bought this from amazon. Written by famous American Author Napoleon Hill.

It is a very good guidance book if you want to achieve your goal or dream.

You will get motivated by real success stories of big personalities. Also, the steps that are provided by the author are very practical.

Author spend a huge amount of time for building the steps on this book. Using these steps he made his name & help many others to achieve their success. And now he is helping us with this book.

New Delhi India
Think and grow rich faster
Jun 17, 2016 12:49 PM 1950 Views

From the title, “Think and Grow Rich, ” you probably are thinking that Hill’s masterpiece on achieving success is about becoming a better businessperson or making as much money as possible. Although this was the initial motivation for writing this book, the end result was a handbook on gaining success in life in general. The 13 steps to obtaining success outlined in this best-seller are the results of 20 years of research and accumulating information from over 500 successful individuals in a wide array of disciplines. These keys to success have stood the test of time having sold over 70 million copies to date, and this book is still regarded as one of the best self-improvement titles ever written. There is so much valuable information packed into these pages that I have decided to make Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” this week’s edition of the Scott Drotar Literary Review.

The man driving the more than 20 year endeavor of researching what makes people successful, and in turn driving the creation of this book, was the philanthropic, steel tycoon, Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie charged Hill with the quest of interviewing and studying hundreds of successful people, such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Woodrow Wilson, and then trying to decipher the common factors that helped them achieve all of their accomplishments in business and in life. The end result of this more than 2 decade journey are the 13 lessons discussed in “Think and Grow Rich.” The author claims that by understanding and employing these 13 ideas, that you will discover the “secret” to obtaining success. The goal of this undertaking was to bring the keys to creating a successful life to the average person, so that anyone, regardless of their level of education, professional background, or social status, could build a prosperous future for themselves and their families. Given that this book was first published in 1937, right in the middle of the Great Depression, this was something that most people found appealing, which is probably why every copy was sold within the first 6 weeks of its initial release. The popularity just continued growing from there, as this book is still one of the most read self-help, motivational titles around, even more than 75 years later.

A perfect capsule for motivation
Jun 15, 2016 05:15 PM 2241 Views

Bought it recently from Amazon and found it too interesting

I just completed the book upto its half and still reading it bit by bit to get overall meaning understood by me.

It is a very good book with ample amount of examples from day to day lives of great personalities.

Napoleon Hill is a very good author and I think he is known to every reader.

I find myself very relaxing and thoughtful while reading this book especially in morning times.

This is one of those books which should be read by every person before reaching the age of 20.

Thank you.

Karachi Pakistan
The book is think and grow rich by NEPOLEON HILL
Jun 15, 2016 10:49 AM 2361 Views

Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, promoted as a personal development and self-improvement book.

Hill writes that he was inspired by a suggestion from business magnate and(later) philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.[1] While the book's title and much of the text concerns increased income, the author insists that the philosophy taught in the book can help people succeed in any line of work, to do and be anything they can imagine.

ajaykavdeMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Think and Grow Rich
Apr 26, 2016 11:14 PM 2325 Views

Think and develop rich is the original work by the all around cherished and incredibly famous Nepolian slope. In this book he built up a straightforward and effective 13 stage equation to help us.

1) recognize our objectives, second ace the mystery of genuine and enduring achievement, third get whatever you need in life.

The vital manual for join the positions of the world best individuals. I purchased this book, truly it upgrade my brain. The most effective method to make progress in life, how to take choice how to arrange every one of these things. This book amended and extended by writer Arthur r pell. Perused and upgrade your profession.

Bhawanigarh India
Good book for beginners who just started dreaming
Apr 19, 2016 07:38 AM 2302 Views

I had gone through'Think and grow rich" thrice when I was in search of how to get abundance in life, The book concentrates on go and get attitude toward your goal or dreams. its solely concentrates on the fact of taking charge of your life. The lines like " The way of success is thee way of continuous pursuit of knowledge " "man can create anything which he can imagine"  tells you what you gotta do now with self discipline and persistence.

prefer to read this book more twice to get most out of it. my favourite part in this book was paragraph on faith in which Napoleon Hill says " if you think you are beaten you are, if think you dare not, you don't, if you like to win, nut if cant think you can't it is almost certain you wont.

Best Self Help Book I ever read
Apr 06, 2016 06:57 PM 2181 Views

You don't read books like this, You study them!

This book is the best self help book I have ever read.It is a masterpiece.

I have read this book about 2 times and it truly has made a great impact on the way I think.It teaches me new lessons of life every time I read it.

I see every aspect of life in a different way now.

I would recommend it to every person young or old, who wants success and freedom.There are many such books but I feel this is the best option in such a low price.


BVickyMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Take actions and grow rich.
Feb 09, 2016 05:01 PM 2166 Views

About Book: The Think grow rich book teach us to how to manifest the desires in our life effectively and attract the more wealth in our life. we become what we think in our life. The writer says thoughts become reality. If we think negative in our life, then we attract and create the obstacles in our life.we need to focus only on those things which we desire in our life. The writer Nepoleon Hill teach us how to setting process step by step. Book is very inspirational for me.I like the storys which writer tell us in this book.

Where to Buy: I bought the Think and grow rich book in Marathi language==, The book is translated by Pushpa Thakkar, Published by ==Saket publication.= Translation is very simple and good. price of the Marathi version of think and grow rich is around 200 INR. This book is also available as ebook kindle on

The book is really great worth to read again and again. In this book you will learn how Human's powerful mind works and how will you transform the positive results in our life, The more money in your life. The content of this book is very valuable and useful in our life. The writer said "whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve", Our life is reflection of our beliefs.what we think it becomes reality.

I recommended this book for everyone. Be positive be happy be wealthy. You can think and grow rich.

rdarazMouthShut Verified Member
Bareilly India
Very Good motivational writing. Very Good Read.
Jan 22, 2016 11:37 AM 2077 Views

Think and Grow Rich is the best motivational written work that I've keep running over. I was incorporated into a beyond any doubt publicizing spell in the midst of my building, and this book was prescribed to me by a buddy, who is today one of the finest motivational speakers. The book shows the key things for achievement, in the least demanding terms possible. The book is develop with investigation drove by Napoleon Hill for over 25 years, conversing with productive people such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell to give a few samples.

The story goes like that, I was once considering in the street Mahatama Gandhi road or like what join Ahmedabad railroad station to Bhadra Kali asylum in 1982. Amidst the road there was one framework underneath which one second hand book retailer was sitting with a pile of old books with rate as rs two each book. I acquired ten books and one of them was this think and Grow rich. since I was building understudy around then in this way I supplanted word money with learning. This worked commendably and still I remember the book which has stunning effects and restore your movement in fancied course to finish any target properly thought and picked by you.

This is an average motivational book. This variant contains examination including more representations of today. It will in actuality change the way you think. I unequivocally assume that the frameworks depicted in the book can make any individual who tails them significantly viable. An undeniable necessity read for any individual who should be powerful. I have as of late completed comprehension it, and I am going to go over it afresh. This is not a "get rich expedient" book.


Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill