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The Personal MBA: Master The Art Of Business - Josh Kaufman Reviews

The combination of 100 business books
Jul 14, 2018 10:20 PM 1050 Views (via Mobile)

After reading this book I feel that my knowledge is boosted and it's level is same as mba pass out student. here book is devided in to five frame work.

1 value creation

2 marketing

3 sales

4 value delivery

5 finance

without them you don't have a business

1 more value= more result

2 it is possible that your bad products is sell by good marketing but it is not possible that your good product is sell by bad marketing so value of marketing is very much.

3 people won't buy unless they believe / trust you. earn trust and make them believe you.

4 exceeding more than customer expectations.

5 no matter how good in all.

Do MBA under Rs.700 !!!
Dec 27, 2017 02:14 AM 1514 Views


AUTHOR NAME - JOSH KAUFMAN( author of the best selling book'the first 20 hours'

STORY - In today corporate world every company want the employees with a degree of MBA, which is very useful for the company . But, the case of the author was different and he joined a company without doing MBA due to which he struggled a lot .

So, he decided to do MBA as fast as possible and do you know what he did it . Then, he decided to write this book which can help other also .

In this book he has concluded all the important points which is required to do a MBA and you know what, you can learn all those skill by yourself, he pointed out all the important things which are required to MBA and you can do mastery on those skill .

MY SUGGESTION - It's a must read book for everyone, and if you are planning to do MBA then this is a GEM for you because'TIME IS PRECIOUS' and this book will give you an edge and you will feel that you have really mastered the'ART OF BUSINESS' .

Enjoy the joy of Reading .

Thank You .

rajat6176MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Plenty of knowledge of Business
Dec 02, 2017 02:29 PM 1415 Views

A book used in business schools like Harvard university makes it special. This book contains some chapters of syllabus of these universities make me to read this book and this is a great book about business knowledge. It is like doing MBA without college. This book shows broad area of possibilities in the world.

This book gives virtual models in every subjects that is necessary in commercial success.

So if you are doing business or want to do it, you will like this book.


The Personal MBA: Master The Art Of Business - Josh Kaufman
New Delhi, India India
One of the most fine and helpful business book.
Jul 13, 2017 01:36 PM 1686 Views

The Personal MBA:Master The Art Of Business book is very useful and full of business knowledge. All the important and practical ideas are available in the book. This is a world class book of business study.

In this book successful ideas and principles available for entrepreneurs. MR. JOSH KAUFMAN provide perfect and best study on MBA and business topics of making money. This book is not for only MBA students but also for businessman who want to make their career as a reputed entrepreneur.

I recommend just read this one time this valuable book.

Ak.Balapur India
Amazing book
Jan 08, 2017 11:15 AM 1842 Views (via Mobile)

This is book that prove that anyone can do the outstanding work and the knowledge is not a limited thats why 300, 000 Copies Sold Worldwide

#1 in Business Training on

#1 Business Bestseller

2013 Audio Publishers Association Awards Finalist

375+ five-star reviews on

1, 800+ five-star ratings on

lalatadaMouthShut Verified Member
Bengaluru India
Entrepreneurship enthusiast should try
Jan 29, 2016 12:25 PM 2195 Views

This is a must read book if you wanna be an entrepreneur, but not for those to just get a MBA degree and end up in a MNC to bag good salary perks.

He explains clearly why you don’t need a MBA for true entrepreneurs, instead how you can spend your valuable money and also the reason behind getting a MBA certificate by many people.

He explains all the topics in a very simple language even a guy who does not have any idea will get a good glimpse of it including finance too.

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