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The Business of the 21st Century - Robert Kiyosaki Reviews

Hitesh_sharma02MouthShut Verified Member
Jalandhar India
Phenomenal Book
Oct 15, 2019 12:47 PM 1313 Views (via Android App)

The Book By Robert Kiyosaki i.e. The Business Of 21 st Century Is Very Phenomenal. It Helps Me As A Network Marketer In Very Several Ways Like Why I Start Business In Network Marketing And Also It Helps Me To Motivate My Team In Network Marketing. This Book Has Useful Lessons. Why We Have To Do Network Marketing For Our Bright Future And Our Next Generation Bright Future. It Actually Saved My Carrier I Honestly Said. I Think Everyone Should Buy This Book And Read This as A Network Marketing Trainer.

Jaykrishn91MouthShut Verified Member
India India
The person who is trapped in the job? must read
Jul 13, 2019 12:21 PM 1985 Views

Like many people, I like network marketing too much and because of this, I bought Robert Kiyosaki's book "The Business of the 21st Century". You will not believe this book motivated me so much that nobody else could do it. The most important thing about this book is that it not only involves network marketing but also about many other businesses and their risks and benefits. This book gave me the knowledge which probably was unknown so far. If you are a business or interested in network marketing, then you must read this book.

The person who is trapped in the job trap in his life must read this book. In this book, you have been told how to do business, or how to change your mindset with business.

mohitbhatia80000MouthShut Verified Member
Varanasi India
A complete guide of Network Marketing
Jul 02, 2019 11:13 AM 1939 Views (via Android App)

I read this book about 2 months ago & i'm really loved it. With the help of this book Robert T. Kayosaki teaches about how network works, the Power of Networking and Scope of Network Marketing in future in simple words.

I learn lots of new things in this, like- Network Marketing teaching programms, how network marketing helps us learning - Face Rejections, Time Management, why Leadership skill is the most important skill if you want to be a Businessman.

If you have a dream to be a Businessman or Businesswoman, then this book is very useful for you.


The Business of the 21st Century - Robert Kiyosaki
The business of 21 sentury
Jun 26, 2019 12:53 AM 1960 Views (via Android App)

These books names of the the books of 21 century and these books author name Robert kiyosaki

And these explanation of the how to success business in 21 century and steup by steup explain of the methodology of in the business

And simple language are explain these book

And these boos are read in story type and these author are explain to our experience

In 21 century explain the book

In these books readability is the good because all the business man when starting of the business so follow of the business rule

And so I think these is book are good for business men


Understanding business now a days
Jun 07, 2019 12:30 PM 2020 Views (via Android App)

In my opinion this book is a straight and a clear way to a success business in the 21st century.In this book the author explained the methodology of doing business now a days in a very dramatical way this is quit ok for those people who want to start it's own business.I have am so empress by the writing methodology of the author which is quitly easily readable.

skubedMouthShut Verified Member
Navi Mumbai India
The best book to understand the business trends
Jul 17, 2018 04:44 PM 2445 Views

This is the book by Robert Kiyosaki.(Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Robert explains us how to achieve financial stability in this 21st century.

How recession/downsizing/unemployment is effecting the youth in Information age.

From his earlier book, he explained about the cashflow qaudrant and raise a question to us. " From which quadrant do we received the majority of our income?"

He shared a fact that 80% of the population owns only 20% of the total wealth and rest 20% own 80% of the wealth.

Why is this? why poor is becoming poorer?

He answered this in this book. And how we can become wealthy.

The most important thing is the mindset and what friends you make.

The business which gives this is called Network Marketing.

And best point is like this business is about people helping people to become wealthy and grow.

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