Only two reviews on this book so far? Well, I will make it three. 'The Tempest' is a story of revenge and the victory of th good over the evil and the wicked. With the support of some extra ordinary incidents influence by magic and sorcery, the story captures the minds of the readers in a flash of those ones too who wants to hate this story.
Unlike the other novels, this one has one hell of a story with detailed description of each and every characters and incidents which help us more interested in it. Actually, there was a similiar incident in which a fleet of nine ships under Sir George Somers was hit by hurricane in Bermuda in mysteriou circumstances, but they manage to return home without any loss even after they seemed to be attracted to the nearby island.
Is there any need to tell about William Shakespeare - the greatest dramatist and the most popular author in the history of English literature? He is the first author whose name I heard when I was a kid. There are 37 plays written by this man along with some poems and sonnets.
Apart from Tempest, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Merchant of Venice, As you like it, Julius Caesar, King Lear etc - all got their place among the best sellers even now. He has written all types of stories - Romantic ones, Tragedies, Mysterious ones, there is no genre which this man hasn't touched.
Prospero was the Duke of Milan. He was loved by all perople under him. But he was cheated by his brother Antonio and the king of Naples, Alonso and was sent into the sea with his small daughter in a boat with no oars or sails or not even food or water. They decided against killing them because the people liked him very much. But the king's loyal advisor had helped him by hiding everything that was needed in the boat without any one else knowing.
After some days in the boat, they finally reaches a deserted island where he learns magic and becomes an expert sorcerer with the help of some books he found in the boat. He found a faithful servant in Ariel a gentle spirit who was saved by him fron an old pine tree where the spirit was improsoned by a witch when he refused to obey her wicked commands. There is a ugly looking monster called Caliban who was forced by Prospero to do all the hard work because of his bad behaviour.
Now Prospero is prepared to take his revenge on his enemies and they are in the middle of the ocean right where he wanted them. In the ship was King Alonso, his brother Sebastain, his son Fendinand, Prospero's brother Antonio and advisor Gonzalo and a large number of sailors. He uses his magic to create huge waves, rain and storm. All of them jumps into the sea.
What will happen to those who jumped into the sea? What will be Prospero's plans? Will he kill them or will he ever be able to forgive them? What things will Ariel do for Prospero? What role does Ferdinand and Sebastian have to play in the story? Will Caliban try to riot? The story is more than these questions.....lots more than you can expect from a story like this.....
There are large number of characters in the story. Prospero seeks the way of revenge only because of his desire to achieve what actually belonged to him and nothing else. Ferdinand and Miranda seems to be the two characters added to make the story somewhat romantic (I knew that a love story would blossom - atleast they have to think about the sentiments of hte readers!). Caliban seems to be a character the most stupidic.
The court Jesters Stephano and Trinculo seems to be added to bring some humour to the story and make it more interesting to read. Antonio, Aonso and Sebastain are wicked ones who are able to realise the wrong they did. Ariel is the most obidient character who is more faithful than eny one could ever be. Gonzalo too is very loyal and did save two lives of his king and the daughter.
There is no need for saying that this was a great work by Shakespeare because he has made his each and every work great with his brilliance. I like these type of stories than the tragedy stories of him. I learned this story in 10th standard if my memory is right. There had been some other works of William Shakespeare to study too.
That really was a good move to introduce these types of classic stories in text books so that the students can learn about the ancient authors and their great works. I believe that most of you have happened to read this book, if you haven't don't hesitate to read it because it is surely worth trying and enjoying it.....
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