Temenos is one of the best companies in the Industry, But if you are working with Temenos India and you are at Junior to Mid level Position then you are not at the right place
Temenos India has the worst managers in the industry- Not of Managerial cader, poor judgement, Adament , no knowledge of industry standard, procedures etc , they are mostly raised in temenos itself from their high school till they reached the position of project manager, Senior Project Manager/program manager, No exposure to outside industry
You need to blindly follow what they say without counter questioning them even if they are wrong , if you have crossed them and counter questioned then all your benefits will be discontinued, Benefits such as Appraisals, Promotions, rewards, onsite assignments etc
To achieve the benefits you need to be the Tails of those donkeys, you would neever be judged on your performance or Credentials , in short your credentials will never valued
Salary Hike would be very minimal and they follow the appraisal cycle of 18 months rather than 12 months
No proper process, no proper technology, and technologies such as software used in processe being changed on the need basis of the managers and you will endup learning those rather than the work
every 5th person is a manager in the organisation, in short they dont have any proper reporting structure
Managers does not have proper procedure or agenda of the work , they normally follow the trial and error method every 6 months and one tenth of the employees become victim of this process
In short Poor managers, no value for credentials.

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