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Tanishq Commercial Reviews

ashishvats95MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Tanishq Commercial on bad topic
Mar 22, 2023 06:08 PM220 Views

Tanishq's latest commercial is one of the most widely discussed topics in the market today. Unfortunately, I have to say that I am not a fan of this commercial.

The commercial begins with a girl trying to find a piece of jewelry in a shop. But, instead of finding the jewelry, she finds a man. The man is said to be the groom. The concept of the commercial is that the girl is looking for jewelry for her daughter's wedding. This concept is quite creative, but the execution of the commercial was terrible.

The commercial doesn't provide any information regarding the product. All it does is show the girl looking for jewelry, and then finding the man. This does not show the quality of the product that Tanishq is selling. The commercial also doesn't focus on any of the features of the product.

The commercial also does not appeal to a wide audience. It doesn't show people of different age groups, or different backgrounds. It only shows a single woman looking for jewelry. This makes it difficult for the commercial to reach out to a wide audience.

The commercial also has a few flaws in its design. For one, the lighting of the commercial is very poor. The lighting makes it difficult

Tanishq Ads- Sexist And Superficial
Apr 14, 2014 04:50 PM3548 Views

First it's the wife who cries so hard that she cannot speak for half an hour, then gives the husband the hug of a lifetime. Then comes the girl reluctant to marry but is won over when she sees her bejeweled image and the mother tells the father that he has learnt nothing about women after 25 years of marriage- hinting that the only way to lure an unwilling girl is to appeal to her via brazen materialism and ostentation. The new Tanishq ads are complete bummers!

What are they trying to convey that a diamond makes a marriage perfect? Or is it that a diamond is the ticket to a woman's heart? or that you can convince a woman of anything if you just show her the opportunity of possessing diamonds?

Each of these ads is an insidious attempt at undermining women as sensitive, caring and emotional beings. They blatantly and shamelessly portray women as being thoroughly materialistic and fickle.

More importantly, what sort of a society are we creating through such ads? One that is openly avaricious and grasping? One that is so covetous that real issues and values take a backseat while a piece of stone wins and yes, what about false aspirations developed here among the young who are targeted? Is life really the deception that these commercials are portraying?

Ponder over it, Tanishq - should you not be doing something more meaningful by way of ads? After all, you are a TATA company, and is Tata not all about values?


Tanishq Commercial