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1/8-B, Near Punjab National Bank, Sector 15, Rohini, Delhi 110085, DL


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Sunrise Hospital, Rohini, Delhi Reviews

Bad experience
Mar 30, 2020 08:20 PM 2942 Views

As patient, I went for removal of stitches, The stitches were on my scrotum due to sebaceous cyst removal. This was very much bad experience, the staff was not capable to do, no any senior person was there, they left approx 4-5 stitches. again I went to hospital for this complaint in evening, I saw one of the staff who was busy in removing stitches in morning was cleaning at the gate of hospital, he was sweeper actually. After that I ran away back, and kept in my mind, I will never visit this hospital.


Parag Gupta.

nikhilgupta7375MouthShut Verified Member
Alwar Rajasthan India
No patient care
Dec 31, 2017 08:57 AM 4021 Views (via iOS App)

Hello friends I have share experience not for my memories it help for needy person they are not trap their hospital was not good this hospital name is sunrise hospital rohini hospital was a private hospital and very expensive hospital and this hospital specialization in gynecelogyand obstetrics multi specialist in ortopedic they are also have x-rays from bone causes pain I was going first in my relative advice my bone has very pain to need a x rays I stay two days but there is not care patients I am alone there can not service of me there medical service are not good at the type of formality no such original there are only make money not take care a person who suffer pain you know already a private hospital has staff was very attitude and various rudely wigh me I was very disappointed to to this reason and I was just recommeneded that you cannot going this hospital


Sunrise Hospital - Rohini - Delhi

Sunrise Hospital - Rohini - Delhi Location