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Sultry Days - Shobha De Reviews

jjashwanthMouthShut Verified Member
Nellore India
Better to avoid
Jan 28, 2019 12:13 AM1120 Views

There are books which you can't put down until the point that you accomplish the last page. Also, after that there are books where you are more than once counting the number of pages left, mumbling each time you see notwithstanding you have such a substantial number of pages left. Shobhaa De's'Sulty Days' falls in the last grouping.

The story begins an intriguing note fulfilling the book's title. Nisha, the extraordinary and proper young woman meets Deb or God as he gets a kick out of the opportunity to call himself and is both rebuked by his rottenness and for some inconceivable reason in like manner pulled in to him. Her sidekicks quickly pull a long way from her, her people have a fit. Nevertheless, obviously, it just draws her more towards him. God scolds his people and hers also looks down on people who work and lives off the pay she later begins to obtain in an advancement association. In any case, the individual has an ability for human articulations especially making and refrain and suddenly gets himself part of an insightful magazine and a little bit at a time begins to climb in positions and regard. In the meantime, the essayist introduces countless who are somehow connected with Deb and his Nasha and a little while later the peruser begins to disregard will's identity who and why they justify a notice just as long as they can recollect story delineated. Midway the peruser finds that God and Nisha have cooled it and are at present just incredible buddies and the'sultry days' title fundamentally loses its centrality.

Also, what is with the stereotyping of all Christian and Goan young women as basic?

Sultry Days
Aug 08, 2017 07:35 PM2179 Views (via Android App)

I picked this book because I love to read the books of indian authors. but this book is totally a crap. First time while reading I felt like when this book gonna end. In this, a teenager girl mets God in canteen and fall in love with god. means it's story is totally senseless and unimaginative. The girl made relationship with god. how strange it is. it is totally rubbish story. The story is damn confusing. They put too many characters in that without any relation between each other. it seems like the characters are placed to just extend the story and increase the number of pages of the book. and the english which is used in this book is terrible. Reading this book is totally a waste of time. I expected a lot from an indian author Shobha De but this book is very disappointing for me.

palakraghu29MouthShut Verified Member
- India
Sultry days
Apr 21, 2017 07:06 PM3158 Views

And .I don't like Shobha De again.

I started this book but cannot read more than 100 pages. I was a bit interesting in the begining when that "God " character gripped me for some time but that it was so flat and uninteresting.I ts about a teenager who meets god in the college canteen and falls in love with him. They entered into unreal romances where the pretty boys, dirty men, party girls interrupted their romance. Like really so much confusing characters entered the book just to fill pages.I call this book a total crap.!

#WARNING Do not waste your time over this book.


Sultry Days - Shobha De
A total waste of time...
Mar 01, 2017 12:22 AM3104 Views

I was really very disappointed with this book. I was expecting a good romantic story but this book was totally opposite of what I was expecting. Starting was fine but as I advanced throgh the book, I started loosing interest in it and by the end of the book I was regretting my decision to start this book.

Writing was not up to the mark and the story was also not good.

My recommendation:- plz try to avoid this book.

coolmoulaliMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Very Bad Book
Jan 23, 2017 08:59 PM2926 Views

There are only two things that are truely sultry about the book - the coverpage flashing the photo of a trendy and gutsy-looking foreigner and the summary, which seems to be the main culprit behind whatever sale the book has made. The books is a sheer waste and seems to be written only to make a show-off of the so called'high-life' the lead protagonist(or the author, I am confused) lives.

Shobha De - the "politically incorrect" personality. Thats how

everyone knowing her would want to call her. I liked her Sunday

articles in Times Of India. Her politically incorrect views on current

happenings, events and reviews of people, situations, events or films were always worth a read.

I liked those articles. She was the best at them.

To summarize it all, the least I could say is that its a literal torcher and a sheer waste of time. DO NOT READ IT.

Jan 23, 2017 12:17 AM3117 Views

It appeared to be a significant fascinating novel in the beginning. God(which was an epithet for Deb) was a character that astonished me and held me in the begin, yet as the story advances this character gets lost some place in not so much fascinating but rather more shocking characters and in the long run gets to be distinctly one of them.

it goes amazingly till the initial four parts however after that I just dragged myself in want to experience that "thing" which had grasped me in the beginning. I was frustrated.

Sultry? Its only the name
Dec 06, 2008 09:03 PM8078 Views

One of the few books I had to struggle hard to complete. I have read De's earlier titles - Snapshots and Speed Post and found them decent enough to spend a weekend with and so went on to buy an original copy of'Sultry Days'. But it just proved to be a trap, a conspiracy to destroy my weekend MISERABLY. There are only two things that are truely sultry about the book - the coverpage flashing the photo of a trendy and gutsy-looking foreigner and the summary, which seems to be the main culprit behind whatever sale the book has made. The books is a sheer waste and seems to be written only to make a show-off of the so called'high-life' the lead protagonist(or the author, I am confused) lives. At no point in the book was the author able to even remotely connect to the reader and there was nothing absolutely no thing you can relate to and feel you are reading something worldly(Perhaps, this is what I call the Baap of all fictions).

Ok, so the story starts with a college going girl, Nisha, describing her average and not-so-cool lifestyle(however, her thoughts and actions nowhere testify that). She is infatuated by an unconventional guy strangely called GOD(i cant figure out why this name) who is shown to be poor - poor in social status, poor in looks, poor in personal hygiene, poor in his attitude and poor in his shallow view of the world. Still he has got the charisma that attracts people towards him and one of them is Nisha. Till this point, the book was readable but as it progressed over to give insights of the relationship shared by these two people, it went on becoming cosmetic. The characters morphed themselves with each chapter to an extent that you can never form their mental image, which sort of helps in connecting with the author's idea. The story progresses with the two trying to install themselves in their respective careers and the author's introducing of new characters every now and then without actually establishing as to where they touch the main story(that of Nisha and God). There were a good number of pages that were absolutely redundant and verbose - like describing just how some collegue of the protagonist dresses herself, giving minute details of what lipstic she wears and what's her husband's take on the African Lion. At times this became horribly boring. Alongside the description of many unconnected incidences, the story ends giving a brief on the final stage of Nisha and God's relationship. This is the time when you feel the grief of your money wasted on the book and also relaxed that finally its over.

To summarize it all, the least I could say is that its a literal torcher and a sheer waste of time. DO NOT READ IT.

Torturous days
Feb 23, 2007 10:22 AM7988 Views

Shobha De - the "politically incorrect" personality. Thats how

everyone knowing her would want to call her. I liked her Sunday

articles in Times Of India. Her politically incorrect views on current

happenings, events and reviews of people, situations, events or films were always worth a read.

I liked those articles. She was the best at them.

But pleasee, noooooooooo neverrrrrrrr, stay awayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!-

Surprised! Yeah, Im talking about her abilities in writing novels.

Sultry Days - by Shobha De, is the second SD novel I almost "went through"

without caring to finish it, the first being Strange Obsession. Reason

was the same - it was intolerable. No poetic touch, no meaning at all,

totally confusing ... Makes you think for all the wrong reasons,

uggghhh.. Madame, your views on issues are fine, but

pleaseeeee... writing fiction isn't your cup of tea. Dont you know that

my hard earned money has been wasted on your book..??Why was such a nice review writen at the back of the book, to make a common reader like me excited enough to buy it ? Something about a college girl falling in love with GOD in colege! That does make it sound interesting, right? But wait a sec, God is actually the name of a character in the book.. Ohhhhhhhhhh..

what a dissapointment - thats exactly what I realized after reading the

first few pages, but was still hoping for some interesting moments in

the narrative. There wasn't a single one. I tried to finish it, I left

it after the first 50 pages. I tried to be patient, tried again.. left

it by 114 pages. Phew!

"How will you succeed in life if you aren't even dedicated enough to finish a damn novel", I asked myself. I was really keen on finishing it this time. I readied myself, did a few push ups, pull ups, meditated, and finally managed to read another 30 pages. and then gave up again! :(

Was there a story: hmmm let me think, maybe there was, maybe there

wasn't. anyways I'll try. A story of a relationship between a college

girl and a dirty young man (dirty aka careless in matters of looks and

hygiene and having unhealthy habits) and their journey through life and

the careers they choose to pursue. She wanted to be in advertising ,

and he aimed to make a mark in arts n literature. I was going through

the people they got involved with in their professions and the people

they get acquainted with to get their works done, when I couldn't take

in any longer.

Avoid it if you can. It was a total waste of time n money, a big

Yawnnnnn!!!. Don't even take it on rent, even if someone wants to give

it to you for free, think again!

Jaako raake saaiyan, maar sake na koi!

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