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Stranger Things Reviews

Pune , Maharashtra India
Very nice.
Jul 17, 2018 02:35 PM 899 Views (via Android App)

I heard about this tv show so much before, I started watching it and now have completed 2 seasons and I'm completely impressed by the science fiction content of this tv show. All the actors have acted very well and realistic and yhe series is very much interesting. Even the children have acted so well that no one can say it is just a tv show BELIEVE ME IT FEELS COMPLETELY REAL. I'm impressed by this tv show and I'm moving towards season 3 hope that the thrill continues ahead. I strongly recommend science fiction lovers to watch this tv show, it is famn interesting.

Hope that helps

Thank you.

madhursharanMouthShut Verified Member
Jalgaon,Maharashtra India
A unique plot and ravishing direction
Apr 25, 2018 06:37 PM 748 Views (via iOS App)

It is an American horror science fiction web series about a fictional town in Indiana called “Hawkins”.

the stranger things series has so far came up with two seasons where in the first one a boy was kidnapped by a monster named demogorgon and then his friends , family and police department starts searching for him and unboxing alot of mysteries one after the other where they even encounter a girl named “eleven” who possess psychotic powers and can move things with them.

while the second season is about how the squad come up together and close the gate of the upside down world and saving their friend from the possesion of an unmasked demonic creature.

Overall stranger things emphathises a look of 1980s and gives an enthralling experience of all the happenings taking place with a great direction, creation and written by the Duffer brothers.

Ulhasnagar India
Mar 29, 2018 10:27 AM 791 Views (via Android App)

The stranger things is the best show that I have rver watched it has 2 seasons the 1st season it starts with the disappearance of the small kid name will. So his friends starts searching for will and also they find out that something wrong is happening in th hawkins lab which comes out with the other world that is the upside down. It is full of suspense love and action after a sucess story of the season 1. Season 2 it was also a very awesome story and also we are waiting for the season 3 which will come in 2019 the group of friends help each other to save the world from demogorgin its an awesome story which everyone can watch.


Stranger Things
surajitdas657MouthShut Verified Member
Westbengal,India India
Best tv show i ever saw
Mar 24, 2018 05:30 PM 750 Views (via Android App)

My friend says me that he started to watch a new tv show on netflix so he recomend me to watch this tv show.i started watch the tv show and the plot was awasum I like the all crackters .spassly elaven or el she was too good I naver seen a good crackter like this and other crackters was soo good I like the season one and then seson two cames and it was so threeld and fantacy.whe I watch this show I feel like a kid and im with them and now season two was waiting for season recomend to every one to watch this show this show was the best.

Mar 10, 2018 12:17 PM 665 Views (via Android App)

Hey guys. Today I would like to review about my favourite series, Stranger things. It tells a story about the accidental opening of a gate which connects our world to the upside down. Yes, the upside down. We have seen many stories of aliens from our of space. But this one is from the upside down which is a new and cool concept. The best thing that I loved about this show is that the leading characters are performed by kids.

My favourite charactor is 'Eleven'. She's a girl fourteen or fifteen years. But her acting skills are way too better for a fourteen year old girl. As I mentioned earlier, the plot is just awesome. Every episode ends with a bang which made me to wait eagerly for the next one. The background music and effects are amazing. Now I have finished the first 2 seasons and waiting for the next one.

Netflix rocks!!
Mar 09, 2018 08:22 AM 698 Views (via Android App)

Hello everyone today I am going to write my review on one of the most popular show by Netflix which is the stranger things it is a show which is science fiction well the genre is hard to describe because there are many and many stories is going on within just won't show you see that there is a action scene that is an romantic one there are some mysteries there is aliens many things are there other words and what not they have all merged that in one series.

Well if talking about the acting then I must say that the kids acted better than what the others have did the main plot is of the kids only because the app which the person who open the bottles for the aliens on which hold the whole story around and is wrapped up then it is I'll only the 11 the love story between the kids only for the I must say pins well as also better wrapped up between them it is good and what they have depicted what the plot is the plot is really really great it must be said that Netflix have provided a really great so then we can ever see because each and every ending of every season every part is such a dictate that if you have the next episode with you then you can not like skip this one because you will see it he will click that play button then only if you have seen the last episode ending then he is really great each and every part there are eight episodes in season 1 and 9 episodes in season 2 and I am waiting for the third season really in the ending of the second season only they have depicted that there is definitely will be a third season the main villain is still alive it have been shown within the series the main villain is alive there are many other components of the series that have not been detected till now the mystery haven't been revealed about all these person.

The plot is not the one that alien comes to earth and all that think it is something really really stranger that all the one who have special abilities have open the world new which is really a dark temple place for a place where only that prevails where Monsters are there the plot is really great as the name suggests stranger things they are not alien things they are stranger things which no one knows what they are well maybe in third season they will reveal what they are but still now they haven't now if I talk about the acting well Pal is best she have done really a great work no matter what she is the best will do the great work in the acting part most of the the first season is only surrounded by the main component that is will in the first season will is trapped in the upside down world the other world which is open by el .

Furthermore it is really addictive one and so it have a mass support with it people are really really loving this Netflix show and they are happy also sad about that when will the season 3 come it is really great one show that you must watch the masses love it .good day

Greater Noida India
All in one
Feb 06, 2018 03:09 PM 634 Views (via Mobile)

It is a serial which contains all the genres combined all in one,

There is suspense, drama, thriller sci-fi, and lot more.

It keeps the viewers so involved that we can't even leave it for a second.

Just few days I came to know about this serial and I finished season one all back to back.

Pakistan India
Jan 28, 2018 02:34 AM 786 Views (via Android App)










Bangalore India
Mind freaking blowing!!!
Jan 14, 2018 09:28 PM 372 Views (via Android App)

Amazing! Mind blowing! Etc etc. This is one of the best Tv series ever made. It has everything thrill, suspense, romance not much, and horror where will you find all thins in onepack? Well ill tell you were .In stranger things . And also moreover it is suitable for minors too. Unlike many other Hollywood Tv series. And its short ans sweet. 9 to 10 episodes in each season. And the performance giveny cast is over the level. The directing, The cinematography, everything is so perfect. IT IS A MUST WATCH SERIES.

rajat13rkMouthShut Verified Member
Bareilly India
Just binge watch it
Jan 08, 2018 06:47 PM 553 Views (via Android App)

It's is the best TV series of Netflix right now , I viewed the series a week ago .it's one of the most affective series the ending of one episode always leaves you in the suspense , that's the best part about it .

The first season consist of 7 episodes

The second season consist of 9 episode

The acting done by all the characters is just really great.

Plot :

In the first season the story revolves around a group of four friends who were leading there normal school life when one day one of their friend will got lost in the woods then they all started searching for them but trying to searching for will they found someone else , they found eleven , she has telekinetic powers in the same times wills body is found in the lake near the town .

Later on it was found that it was not wills body , will was actually trapped in the upside down which is a parallel dimension to our dimension and the girls eleven help them save will from the monster found in the upside down know by the name of Demogorgon . In saving will eleven eventually dies

In the second season it was found that elven was not dead she was actually in the upside down , however will has came back from upside down but still he is somehow connected to it , . And a creature is trying to contact will. In the eleven save them again

Just go fir it .

There is something really strange about "Stranger"
Jan 05, 2018 08:49 PM 769 Views

As mentioned in the subject there's something positively/suprisongly strange in this series. I know many of you haven't watched it just like many of my friends so I will make this review spoiler free.

The Season 1 plot revolves around the disappearance of a boy named "Will Byers" and the investigating of this disappearance by the boy's mother, police chief and his group of friends and some strange other world forces might be involved in some way.

After watching this, one can easily say the look and feel of this series is like reading a novel of Stephen King. From logo to many plot elements sharing very similar themes of Stephen King's Books. If you liked "IT" the novel/movie this is a treat for you. As this is base on 1983, the locations and cinematography is also awesome along with the background music. I am just hooked with the style and appeal of the show.

Acting wise everybody did there their job brilliantly. Specially I liked the character of Joyce Byres played by "Winona Ryder". She is the mother of the missing child. She did portray the tense, caring mother character in a awesome way. The group of children. They are just Gold, they so funny so likable. And what I liked is they actually talk like kid. But above all my favorite character is jim Hopper, the police chief played by "David Harbour". We can see how his character did progress and changed in just eight episodes. We can see different shades in this single character.

I just liked this series and will ask everyone to watch it.

yashwantchouhan16MouthShut Verified Member
Jodhpur India
Best tv show
Jan 05, 2018 02:13 PM 824 Views (via Android App)

One day my friend strongly recommend this tv show. So I watched first episode you won't believe guys it was too good and I watched all episodes. So here im giving my experience. It is based on allien and magical power. It's divided in 2 parts. In 1st part 8 episodes and 2nd part 9 episodes. All episodes are related with each other. It's full of thrill. And story revolves around a child. This takes back to old time. There is girl in which magical powers and she fight against alien with help of 4 other friend.

coolparth1999MouthShut Verified Member
India India
Review by a teenager
Jan 05, 2018 05:59 AM 933 Views (via Android App)

It is the most addictive TV show I've seen in a while it has two Seasons personally I watch the first season in just one day and I couldn't stop watching it it was so fascinating story was awesome. It had just the right amount of horror and suspense and comedy.

It took me 1 and half day to finish the season 2 because it had 9 episodes but it was also as good as the first season.

The both season seasons are in continuation and if you might end up watching once you might surely will be watching the seconnd season too.


In the first season the story revolves around a boy Will who has been missing and his three friends try to find him , and instead they find a girl whose name is 11 who ran from a science lab and as telepathic abilities she helped them find thier friend who is stuck in the upside down. The upside down is another dimension which has demogorgon according to the kids who is flesh and in the end of season 1 eleven end up in the upside down while saving the kids from the demogorgon. Will is saved .

In season 2 the story revolves around the around the creatures from the upside down who try to come to our dimension and Will has some sort of connection to their head using telepathic abilities the head of the creature from the other world controls Will and in the end again 11 saves all of them.

The season 3 might not end up on the Netflix until 2019 as the news suggests.

Jan 03, 2018 05:59 PM 644 Views (via Android App)

Awesome show. Good fiction and beautiful acting by the kids as well as others. This is what I call a good series and it is very addictive. Not recommended before exam because you will not be able to stop watching until you finish the whole season. Two seasons so far, both of them beautifully done. Good show so far.

New Delhi India
Stranger things - a sci-fi thriller
Dec 21, 2017 11:27 PM 685 Views (via Android App)

Stranger things series hit the Netflix in 2016 and its 2nd season is now out.

Stranger things packs an amazing story combined with thriller and science. Writers took science fiction to the next level. Story takes place in 80s which just boost the experience. All the characters are unique and are very well played by their respective actors.

Hyderabad India
The best TV show!
Dec 13, 2017 03:23 PM 709 Views (via Android App)

One of the best TV shows I've ever seen. Since the beginning, every episode is a nail biting situation. The entire cast of the show are so apt for their respective roles. In brief, the show tries to entertain us showing the parallel universe and how it's trying to take over the current universe. It's a tad bit pretentious but the way director showed the fictional character is very impressive. A must watch!

Best Netflix show !
Nov 27, 2017 09:52 PM 753 Views (via Android App)

It's the best tv series in watched till date I love the fact that the concept is so different from others the young kids and the feel of it is amazing that acted so well Netflix is proud of it both the seasons are great . The fact that it's gaining so much love is that because of the screen plan it's very addictive I love the charters the comic timing perfect cinematography . You can totally connect with the characters . Best Netflix show ever

Tq for reading .

danish9797MouthShut Verified Member
Stranger things 2 most awaiting
Nov 21, 2017 02:10 PM 507 Views

Even though stranger things 1 is one of the high rates TV shown strangers things 2 is much more much more better than stranger things 1 with some good contents and ideas and creativity Netflix hav one best quality I their serials

Every ending of a episode make your soo much exited to watch the next episode the way they design per episode and story is marvelous

I suggest every 1 who reads this should watch this series or read this novel

I really don't know the name of the novel bt I'll this review and I will tell you soon

If I talk about action the kids are given the main roles and the adults helps them which is unique as compared to other TV series

So watch the trailer of both part 1 and 2

And have a great time with stranger things

Dear mouthshot please make reviews avalable for stranger things 2

drood269MouthShut Verified Member
Bhopal India
A very addictive Netflix show
Nov 13, 2017 12:50 PM 1000 Views

Stranger Things is the surprise hit by the online streaming website Netflix. It is currently running in the second season and the show is doing everything right.

The story is about dangerous Aliens from THE UPSIDE DOWN coming into our world accidentally opened by one of the lead characters.You will have to watch the show to know anything more.

leading actors of this series are kids of about 12 to 14 years of age and their ACTING is very impressive and they are engaging to watch.

The PLOT is full of twist and turns and it is always good to see a show that is equally watchable for kids and adults alike.

the youngsters my age are going CRAZY all over the world for this show and this in itself is the proof of its APPEAL.

The show is set to the 80s era and the director has done a very convincing job to bring the 80 s back to the older audiences however for us of the newer breed it is just as much enjoyable only minus the nostalgia. the setting LOOKS very real and the atmosphere FEELS like it is really 80s with all the old gadgets and dress up.

The show is very enjoyable and a very good pass time for all ages a must watch

shubhamshinde42MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Worth spending ur time on
Nov 07, 2017 11:56 PM 816 Views (via Android App)

This is a best show I have ever seen , I started by hollywood serial watching from this serial it was my first experiance .

acting; the acting done by the girl who has a superpower to cpontrol the things is brilliant , and also the group of kids , each and every one has their own unique way that will make u entertain

picture quality; the picture quality is very good I must say its almost perfet

story; trust me the story line is unique , it has horror as well as suspense in it , till the ending episods u will not jet to know what the heck its all about , cant wait fo its new season to come out .

worth spending ur money on this serial


Stranger Things

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