Well,in case you are wondering just what kind of book this is,firstly i've never read anything like this before and secondly,it's the first book i've read which deals with the supernatural as something very natural,a few abnormal races who hide their identities,and the book does it spectacularly well too.A true work of creativity by Kelly Armstrong,and as fictitous as it gets.
The characterisation is very important for this book,without which it'll seem bogus and childish,with a plot like the story has ,that is.
Elena Michaels:A canadian modern woman,make that half woman,as she's a werewolf to be precise, the only female one in the world. A journalist as a human.
Clayton Danvers:Lover and the one responsible for Elena's state,through a bite,being a werewolf himself.An anthropologist by profession,with drop dead looks more like a real wolf,an impulsive character.
Jeremi:Leader of the werewolf pack under the scanner,very calm and collected,handles everything with the minimum of fuss.
Paige & Ruth Winterbourne:Both of them witches,Ruth being Paige's mom.Spellcasters of a benign nature.
Adam Vasic:A half demon,with the horrifying capibility of burning everything to ashes he touches when furious.A normal human otherwise.
Tyrone Winsloe:The computer billionaire who comes up with the ''oh so brilliant idea'' of benefiting from the supernatural.An egoistic maniac without whom the story would be incomplete.
What One Must Understand Before Reading The Plot
The characters are as unreal as in childhood tales.Only for understanding this story one must imagine the characters to be very human with special powers(abnormalities)which the author has illustrated beautifully in a realistic manner.I don't know how she did it,but she did it all the same.Convincing stuff!
The humans are hungry-hungry for more power,having scaled the heights of technology,they now want to instil the abnormal capabilities of the supernatural beings,(which they find are very much real) into their own genes,a group of humans I mean.For that,they would have to take into custody(or abduct) members of such races.Noone said it would be an easy task but the lure of money holds for the supernatural too,and with a few betrayers nothing was impossible.So,they would use the supernatural to capture the same. However it isn't long before the concerned races-werewolves, witches,shamans, half demons ,vampires get a whiff of whats cooking,and gather for the first time in history to deal with it.
However,their lack of cohesion sees many kidnapped in days.And that includes Elena,the main character of the story.However, Clay and the Pack were coming after her......So, for the first time in her life Elena finds herself a helpless prisoner,where a change into a wolf wouldn't help her either in such a guarded place.The whole project was being financed by a certain sadistic billionaire Ty Winsloe,as she eventually finds out.During her stay there,she's intrigued to learn that she's not the only cursed race in the world,and comes to know of a certain conspiracy which led bizarre things to happen,inexplicable within the premises. She also learns of a certain 'cold war' between the sorcerers and the witches,the former being inclined towards the darker side of magic and the latter vice versa.And her yet stranger discovery were that the sorcerers were conspiring to hurt a twelve year old witch captive,with whom she gets attached to during her stay there.
One fine day an opportunity presents and Elena's quick to seize it and flees.But she doesn't get far.Although she's a wolf here are 6 dogs ae on her trail.'The hunter becomes the hunted it would seem,but only before the prowling Clayton pulls off a dramatic rescue. But all is not over.Far from it.Elena had business to finish.An ever tormenting billionaire to kill and a young witch to rescue.(Quite,some business one must say).And she had the the support of all the other races involved,who felt threatened by the humans.Would she succeed?If so,at what cost?Or would the humans with superior technology prevail,to follow up their crazy quest?Either way,Elena was going back,lost in a fire of revenge and concern.Would only be fair to find what ensues for yourself.
1.What must be evident from the part plot above is the book combines technology with supernatural stuff,an intriguing combination I've come across for the first time(except Rudraksh, a movie) which was badly portrayed.
2.Kelley's picturisation of characters is amazing, considering the the sort of people she has to convince us about in the story, still a mystery to me.
3.One may think that the story is more on the abstruse side,but you'd be surprised how simply Kelley Armstrong presents it to you. Would be difficult not to accept it all,the way she says it all.Definitely, not a story where one has to cudgel one's brain.
4.What was even more impressive was her ability to distinguish between the races with
5.This is the only story, I've come across in ages (except 'The third Twin'), where the heroine does it all(almost), a strong character with an independent mind.
6.Never once, did I notice a single deviation from the main objective and cadence of the story,which was good to see in a relatively new writer,no boring fill ups here and there.
7.If you want humour,there's lots of it,humour of various kinds too.You name it ,the book has got
8.It's basically an adventure novel,with a scientific twist incorporating in it all possible aspects there could be to a story.A 539 page thriller, no shortage of excitment either.
9.One needs a reasonable sense of imagination to enjoy it, I suppose. So, if you are not the type, don't go for it. May well, turn out to be a worthless enterprise in that case.
10.The most fascinating fact is that in spite of being so abstract,the story captures your mind right from the word 'go.'
Now,i'd be lying if I say I didn't take this book up just for a casual read,to kill time,but then it proved me wrong, by showing it was well worth the read and more.
Read it today!
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