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Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Book - Rashmi Bansal Reviews

Awesome? understanding stories.
May 21, 2017 11:14 PM 3643 Views (via Mobile)

This is a really such good book for reading. Its really we6 to read. Its a found it very encouraging and ful motivational book or morw helpful. This book? is written very simple easy language, its help to understanding?. The stories of this book, gives a important business entrepreneur in india. Every one should must read this book.

Fantastic book, well spanning a lot of sector.
May 21, 2017 11:07 PM 4598 Views (via Mobile)

I have read this book. Its such a awesome book from Miss.Rashmi Bansal. In this boom simple content and yet so powerful. Athor takes us to awesome? individuals. The reada is good and understanding?. It is written in an easy to read simple language. The book stories is a compilation of success stories. Also teach, the protagonist of the real life stories their struggling to reach and success. Where? they stay are today. This is such motivational? book, must read a one time for make good discussion in difficult time.

abhishekhiamMouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Learn how to have a Different Experience
Mar 17, 2017 09:57 AM 4028 Views

So this book is basically about getting into Business or being an Entrepreneur .It is a story of 25 IIM Ahmedabad graduates who took the different unconventional paths to become a Success .Each and every story is of its own kind and you may feel pretty energetic after reading  this book. On an Average it takes about 8-9 hours to read the book. It includes stories like how MAKE MY TRIP got big, an Indian Pharmaceutical company which is recognized globally and many more.


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Book - Rashmi Bansal
neupanepratapMouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
Story of Real Entrepreneurs
Mar 06, 2017 06:06 PM 4084 Views

I had purchased this book Stay Hungry Stay Foolish of Rashmi bansal last year as I like to read about corporate and also people associated with it.

In my opinion its something which is not liked by everyone rather it inspires those who believe in their instincts to do different in the field of business and entrepreneurship.

Rashmi bansal had interviewed different entrepreneurs some of whom are well known and established one. The one thing that I learn from this book is you just have to stick to yourself and believe in your instinct along with hard determination to become an entrepreneur. The Innovation in ideas will definitely lead towards the path of entrepreneurship.

The book is good as it possess the hardships and struggles along with connecting the dots of the instinct and ideas.

As a whole its a good book if one like corporate world and also the concept of entrepreneurship.

mohitlatmiMouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
Jan 26, 2017 09:57 PM 3657 Views

This book was prescribed to me by a companion, so I was anticipating understanding it. The substance is for the most part great. It more likely than not been a test to hand-pick these 25 individuals from an ocean of achievers in India. My figure is that the creator, being an IIM-A graduate herself, more likely than not found out about a portion of the stories amid her residency at IIM-A. The 25 stories are a respectable blend of IT, training, male, female, and so on.

Be that as it may, what frustrated me was the sheer number of errors in this book. Man, how they make me insane. There were likewise a few occurrences of clumsy sentence development. I'm no syntax master yet even I saw some glaring syntactic mistakes. Extremely poor altering, I should state.

Additionally, and this is representing myself, I couldn't feel persuaded or roused by stories where the interviewee concedes that he thought more about being a win at business, than about offering time to his family

Jul 30, 2016 03:51 PM 5312 Views

I was looking for a role model because I want to do something in my life.i was looking for inspirational books on the internet.then I found this book.after receiving it.i read it completely. it will give you the biography of successful people how they did the struggle and achieved their the book title says we should always stay hungry to gain something and we should also stay hungry for everything.this is a one of the best books by rashmi read it and get inspired and do something in life.

Bhagalpur India
Best motivational book
Jun 30, 2016 12:39 PM 4215 Views

I picked up this book in a roadside bookstall, had never heard of this book before, but boy! what a gem it turned out to be.

A truly inspiring book, the narrative is fluid, never glossing over unnecessary details, with well grounded takeaway summaries at the end of each chapter.

The book will make you impatient to take the plunge if you are the one like me hovering around the fringes of entrepreanourship thoughts constantly:-), the solid practical wisdom that shines through in this book will remain as a lantern to wade through challenging times.Rashmi Bansal, Way to go! you have written a brilliant book. Hope to see similar gems in future.

tushmeMouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore India
A must read for all entrapeneurs!!
Feb 15, 2016 07:45 PM 7208 Views

I have the read the entire book and I think that this is one of the most inspirational books for aspiring entrepreneurs.  Whenever you're feeling low and thinking that things are not going your way, you can read this book and I'm sure that it'll give you some inspiration and you'll feel that if these people could achieve it then even I can. Rashmi Bansal has kept the language very simple and it can be read by a large base of readers.

As the book covers the stories of entrepreneurs from all the sectors, No matter which sector you want to work, you  get an idea of how these entrepreneurs started off and what challenges did they face and their hard work paid off.  This book is a must read for all those who want to make it big in life and learn from the achievers.

manisheng779MouthShut Verified Member
patna India
Good motivational book
Jan 16, 2016 11:44 AM 6199 Views (via Mobile)

As name discribe hungry means success. This totally talk about iim graduate who become entrepreneurs. And teach and motivate us to follow same foot print.after reading all pages I was fully charge and brimming with full coincidence.

Nice book.I personally recommend so many friend to read this book.thanks to bansal to share view.I recommend to all to buy and go throw this book and recommend to children so that we can build good entrepreneur

agarwalcchs05MouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur, India India
Not up to the mark!!!!!!! DO not buy at all
Jan 15, 2016 08:05 PM 5558 Views

This book I taught, must be good at read and teaches some thing for startups and entrepreneurs but it is truly the promotion of IIMA and a kind of life history of its PGPs.

Nothing useful and interesting can be found. It is not for the aspiring entrepreneurs. It just sold its this much copies due to cover and title. I dont liked it all. A boring book. Its Storyline is too boring and I just tells about the entrepreneurs and their life. No interest is there.

Don't be foolish
Jun 25, 2015 07:18 PM 8075 Views

Stay hungry stay foolish is a motivational book written by Rashmi Bansal. Though im not a big fan of this genre I read it on the recommendation of my friend.

The book is basically a story of about the top enter pruners of Indian business market, the risk they took to become big and their lofe today.

Personally I did not like this book much as it does a lot of preaching and while reading it you might feel like reading an interview in a newspaper.

The author could have used a different approach to send her point across. There are other books like the monk who sold his ferrari and greatness guide by Robin Sharma which you might enjoy if you are interested in reading motivational book. All and all a dull affair this book I would not recommend to many.

Promotional brochure of IIM A
Jun 21, 2015 10:27 PM 6480 Views

I bought this book before my MBA(in 2010); you see, I wanted to be inspired about doing business. Couldn't read more than 2 stories then. The writing style is poor, and the stories are monotonous. The stories selected are also quite dull - just a bunch of IIM grads, either bragging about the rags to riches story or how they extended their family business.

I thought that this book will be like the monk who sold his Ferrari ie inspirational category. But it had been been anecdotes of 25 IIM grduates who started their own business. No need to buy this book. Think of a entrepreneur, google it and get details.No need to buy this book.

I want to hear stories of the 1000s of souls who risked it all and failed. There is a lot to learn from the successes of the few that the book will present but I think I will avoid a lot more pitfalls from the failures and learn about quagmires that you cannot escape.

Not Worth
May 05, 2015 09:22 PM 6973 Views

Rashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and youth expert.She is the author of two bestselling books on entrepreneurship. So I was looking forward to reading it.

To be honest, getting a root canal treatment from dentist is less painful than reading this book. It's like a boring collection of case studies of brilliant entrepreneurs of India who are the alumnus of IIM A. There is no speck of doubt that these brave people did an extraordinary job in their fields; and there is no speck of doubt that the author did an extraordinary job in copying and pasting the statistics, case studies of these entrepreneurs.

It takes a skilful wits to make inspiring stories presented in such a way that even a 10th grade student could compare his own writing style with this book's laboriously boring, mechanical style; and therefore feel relatively good about himself. If I could turn back time, I would want to read every single one of these brilliant stories again but not from this author. Never!

Feel sad for those entrepreneurs, whose stories could have been the cult motivator for our generation but could not reach its true potential because of dry, unarticulated, clandestine flow of author's thought.

I guess this book cannot even qualify as a promotional brochure for IIM-A . The book is poorly written, with no consistency in writing styles or language(all of these are bad though) and does not even provide motivation at all. I think very motivated people can actually run away from becoming entrepreneurs by reading this book .

I wonder how this book became a best seller. It is monotonous and mundane. I liked the idea of sharing successful stories and inspiring people.However, the execution is so poor that I struggled to finish it. Poorly written, it didn't inspire or motivate me at all.

I would never recommend it to anyone.

Good but not the best
May 03, 2015 06:20 PM 8253 Views

Its really a good book but can't say the best of its parity. Its enjoyable that all the people of the book have done a great contribution to the society, hence they all came from a great educational background. But I was searching for those stories which actually derive the mind set of the people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Sachin Tendulkar who doesn't have that great background but similarly done the best of their parity.

May be my search was wrong but any ways this book is good for the entrepreneurs minded people.

Very Enlighting
May 02, 2015 02:38 PM 6961 Views

The book has been written by an entrepreneur and a youth expert. This book features around the life of twenty five MBAs from Indian Institute of Managment, Ahmedabad. They left their respective / lucrative jobs to follow the tough road of entrepreneurship.

The title provides the motivation that we always need to stay hungry. This book has created records of selling. I would recommend this book to those who can do such things that those 25 MBAs have done.

Great book for budding Entrepreneurs!!!
Apr 28, 2015 09:44 PM 7951 Views

It gives experiences of the students from IIM Ahmedabad having dream of starting their own business. So if u are on the way of Entrepreneurship/starting a business this book is the one for you.

However, the book does not describe the tough challenges that one has to face of starting a business. The best part of the book is that it helped me change my outlook of success.

Normally people perceive "measure of success in life is money" but it made me realize that money beyond an significant level in life does no matter most,

Each and Every Story is interesting. Each one kept me engrossed all through.


Case study book
Apr 20, 2015 11:47 PM 6920 Views

People are fooled by the title of the book.

When you flip through the book, you really get a feeling of looking into a set of case study papers being given during your MBA.

The book does not describe the real hardness or toughness of starting a business and the feeling of happiness of a successful business.The book mostly talks about numbers which does not make much sense when the road traveled is not discussed .

Finding very hard to finish the book.:-(

Good but could have been better
Apr 16, 2015 12:33 PM 8118 Views

You may find the book boring at certain points. Few stories are not really great. I'm not trying to blame the author. I understand that the reality cannot be interesting always, but those stories could have been easily removed: you find it difficult to connect with them. Even if the book had only 15 stories, I would've bought it!

And, those 15 are really good. Each having something which is worth noting for a budding entrepreneur.

Other than a few mis-spelt words and few boring stories, the book is great!

A good read
Apr 11, 2015 01:42 AM 8205 Views

This was suggested to me by my friend. The Book is written in a very simple language that's easy to understand for everyone.

This Book has the capacity to make anyone take a U turn and grow in life from all kind of full stops.Especially the stories of Eklavya foundation, is very inspiring.Very often we know the overseas success stories on our fingertip, but hardly anyone knows about our own motherland success stories.

Good work.

Inspirational Read..
Apr 09, 2015 11:22 PM 7978 Views

This book is an compilation of 25 IIM-A graduates entrepreneurial stories, The stories are very well narrated in the book.

However the best part about this book is it, helped me change my outlook for success. Normally people perceive "measure of success in life is money". but these 25 entrepreneurs narrated that money beyond an significant level in life does no matter most, but the trill of doing new things day by day & learning from mistakes, which gave them more joy & energy to go forward.

I have recommended this Book to more than 200 people as of now and will keep recommending to many more.

This Book has the capacity to make anyone take a U turn and grow in life from all kind of full stops.

Especially the stories of Eklavya foundation, is very inspiring.

Rashmi Bansal has done a wonderful Job.No words for the apperciation in the way she writes. One feels like watching a documentary on the people who are featured in this book.

Strongly Recommended


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Book - Rashmi Bansal

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