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State Bank NoQueue Reviews

akashmail44MouthShut Verified Member
Kanpur India
State bank no queue
Nov 26, 2017 01:13 AM1075 Views (via iOS App)

State bank noqueue app is for the generate token for the bank query.

but I think its a junk application because I open this application this show low connection please check internet connection and my wifi speed is 450mbps and my mobile connection 4G lot of time its show this alert

the seound problem is the some days before I go to bank and I generate a ticket and then the application said activate the ticket before my turn comes. the activation button never came on screen and my ticket number is skipped from number

hmehra18MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Virtual ticket book service doesn't work at all
Aug 18, 2017 01:18 PM1772 Views

State Bank NoQueue has been launched recently with an intention to provide convenience to their customers. The aim of this service is to provide quick services to the SBI customers that would not only save their time but would provide fast services and timely resolution to customer financial issues related to bank accounts, Investments and other related queries. SBI is a central govt. operated bank and has the most number of customers in comparison to any public and private banks.

To handle millions of customers is a big challenge. There is always a rush and long queue whenever I visit any of the SBI branch. It is due to less branches and more customers, most of their customers are those who have either their salary accounts or have other investments with them. To resolve customer queries on time and to match the services of leading private banks SBI has came out with this idea of NoQueue banking services.

A lot was expected from SBI as it is one of the leading bank but their reputation doesn't reflect on this app. The layout is quite simple and has everything in a poor order. The layout to select various virtual services is also inefficient and doesn't provide a quick and easy service. No efforts have been made to give this app an outstanding design and appeal. In other worlds it doesn't have a proper design that can motivate users to use this app frequently.

The main features and functions of this app is to provide a virtual banking experience to users. Users can create Virtual Ticket instead of physically to be in a queue. A virtual ticket is created and users are notified when their turn comes to avail the services at the bank counter. Customers don't have to waste their time to be in a long queue for hours and instead have to visit the bank only when their turn/ticket comes.

Users can book the virtual ticket to avail various banking services such as Forex, Cheque deposit, Locker operations, DD issue, NEFT, Govt. challan etc. Customers can also check the real time status of their ticket and how much time is left for their turn.

I have been using this app for many weeks now and I tried to use the services but was very disappointed due to poor services and slow servers. Whenever I try to book a virtual ticket the page doesn't load and always shows technical errors. If by luck a virtual ticket is booked then again it shows incorrect ticket status and all the details available on this app are inaccurate and unreliable.

Also, the biggest drawback is to complete most of the transactions one can book a ticket only for their home branch. If you book a ticket for any other branch then you wont be able to perform a transaction due to services not available at that branch. So, overall a very poor service and a lot of improvement should be done to make it user friendly.

shareswastikMouthShut Verified Member
Shimoga India
Help to you do any bank work quickly
Aug 18, 2017 12:44 PM1503 Views (via Android App)

State bank of india is indias largest public bank. As a largest bank more and more account holders compare to other banks. So all are experianced when you go to bank for any transection sit in long queue till our tokan no came. In some time we sit more then a hour. So this app help you take a token from your home for many banking transections like cash deposit, cash withdrawal, cheque deposit, fund transfer etc. You should have internet enable smartphone and you should download the app registar selecting name and mobile no done. Then select branch and type of tranection press ok you get generated token no and no of token in queue and distance from your area to branch all get on mobile. Once you visited branch activate token and clear your bank work instantly. Very good app from sbi most helped.


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