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Star Sports Live Cricket Score Reviews

kanzariyakrupaMouthShut Verified Member
bhavnagar India
Star Sports Live
Dec 13, 2015 02:59 PM 2349 Views

Dear readers, my review on the no.1 sports channel “Star sports”. It is the most amazing sports channel as it covers every sport news and sport event.

There is another channel “Ten sports” but this is better because this is much older channel then that and it offers HD channels as well. And the quality of their HD channels are amazing.

The anchors of the shows on this channel are always the experts and they are very informative and they discuss their personal experience with the viewers.

The best part is this channel telecast many shows seen which they young generation who are dreaming to make their career in sports learn a lot through this and make themselves more mature and perfect in their respective games.

The only drawback of this channel is the repeat telecast of its shows, it repeats its shows more than it actually required. They have to be more productive by telecasting new shows and help the youngster to live their dreams.

Other competitive channels are “Ten Sports”, “Neo Sports”.

egosudhirMouthShut Verified Member
Beawar India
Nothing here is in real time
Oct 16, 2015 05:42 PM 2431 Views

The website is not a great choice when it comes to cricket score as they never update anything on time. I was watching India vs Zimbabwe series and suddenly the power had gone and then I opened my mobile and used this website. On airtel 3g this website took around 1.5 Mins to open only.

There was no written commentary and in lack of written commentary I could not understand who is doing what at the field. I got very irritated as the  scores were also not refreshing automatically after every ball and I have to again and again refresh it to see what's going on in the match.

I immediately shifted to cricbuzz which was way better than this crap. Atleast learn something from your home app(espncricifo)

Live Scores on the goooo !
Aug 22, 2015 01:45 PM 3341 Views

Being a cricket lover its been pretty hard to know the scores during travel or meeting times. though there are several apps listed in play store no other app can beat the star sports live cricket score. it has been brilliantly developed with materialistic design with fantastic user interface with a simple stretch to downwards all your scores gets updated instantly.

using this app since last four months, why I like this app the most is it runs very smoothly even on 2g network without any delay of scores. with just less than 10 mb file it doesnt even eat away your mobile ram, install it and it runs great compared to others. the presentation of score boards and player profiles are way better than cricbuzz and espncricinfo. Recommended 4/5:-)


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