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Spanco BPO Services Ltd  Reviews

sudiptadey6MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata, India India
Stay jobless but do not wort at Spanco
Nov 29, 2015 10:16 PM 3368 Views

I have worked in this company in their Kolkata Branch. This is mainly a domestic BPO company. And on the basis on my experience I would like to suggest; guys if you are jobless then prefer staying jobless but do not even think of working here.

Management people does not know how to behave with the employees and treat them inhumanly, specially the associates. However these associates are earning for the company but still they are not getting even treated as employee. Many times you could find after 1st of the month that your salary has not been credited. As per the company policy they credits salary on 7th of every month, God knows what is the reason behind it. But many times they could not credit salary on 7th also. Sometime it goes till 20th also to get your earned salary for the last month.

Facilities and transport and infrastructure is worst in the world. Do not come here to spoil your future.

New Delhi, India India
A Titanic of BPO world, come to an end.
Apr 30, 2015 01:01 AM 4679 Views

Spanco Bpo has been a leader in its past but due to poor decisions and lack of investor’s interest it was shut down a year back.

Spanco BPO was one of the largest partners of Idea cellular for providing domestic inbound customer care support. Entire north India calls were handled at Spanco at different centres in Gurgaon, Mohali and Dehradun.


Career Path:  No concrete plan / growth path for employees.

High Attrition Rate: Another reason for company shutdown was high attrition rate of employees in every three four months entire crowd used to get changed due to high rate of attrition.

Remuneration: Employees were under paid compared to other companies in the same segment. Moreover, there was no fixed date of wages pay out and it was usually delayed.

Work Culture: Extreme pressurized atmosphere to deliver 100% with less investment. Very stressful and undefined pattern of work.

If employees are happy of a company then the possibility of the company to grow is higher and in case if the employees are stressed out and does not have trust in the company leads to disaster and so it happened with Spanco.

delhi India
Dont work or do business with them
May 22, 2011 07:45 PM 2548 Views

How is the culture of this company can be found from the employees who have worked or are working in this company. Just speak to anybody and you will know the fact.

Its not professional, Vendors are treated as beggers, just speak to anyone doing business with them as service provider and you will know. Payments are either not done or delayed without any valid reasons. If you are a service provider then refrain from doing business with them.whats the point in wasting time and everygy where you dont get paid / have to beg for your own hard earned money.

I would give them ZERO star


Spanco BPO Services Ltd 

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