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Sony MDR-EX150 In-Ear Headphones Reviews

Useful Headphones
Jun 09, 2017 10:57 PM 5784 Views (via Android App)

Sony headphone is not cheap we all know but it is not a matter it is safety for our health and it has very soft sound to comprison of any other headphones.

Last month I bought a sony head phones its cost is Rs. 1799 I think it is not best price but when we use it then it is clear that it is its real price and now I only used Sony headphones and it does not causes any problem in my ears .

So I advised you to if you want to buy headphone then buy only Sony .

One of the best earphones available
Jun 08, 2017 04:55 PM 4236 Views

I got these earphones six months Its gives a tough competition to other earphones currently in he market These earphones were totally value for money and works smooth till now. These earphone look superb and they are very easy to carry as they don't tangle them self like other. They perform very loud and clear and the bass performance is also very good. This product overall satisfies its purchaser and the buyer would not be disappointed after the purchase.

Best in the segment
May 31, 2017 12:40 PM 6008 Views (via Android App)

Sound of sony gadgets can't be compared to any other company. I have these headphones for 2 years now, and they are performing as perfect as they were on day one. The design and looks are very simple yet stylish. The reliability it comes with in this segment can be counted as very cost effective, just invest 1000 bucks and you are free mind for next 3-4 years. Whereas, these days, looking at the quality of electronics products. It seems like, sony products are from another world. Just go for it, just remember to buy genuine ones only.


Sony MDR-EX150 In-Ear Headphones
Best Headphones
May 27, 2017 11:11 AM 5678 Views (via Android App)

Other beats headphones on almost every front and function .

Good boats attractive style and rich sound .

And good prouct

Sony its barnd company

MDR-EX150 In -Ear Headphones

Its good coulity and best price

The high level headphones

Good proudct in sony.

Bad-The are on the high and of the price spectrum.

codekrypterssmMouthShut Verified Member
Allahabad India
Sony its really best
May 12, 2017 01:23 PM 6083 Views (via Android App)

I had purchased sony earphone MDR EX150 with mic costed me INR 1400 a year ago. This earphone still works as it is new with no bass loss and no downed sound quality. It is total value for money product and after having very good experience with this earphone I recommend you this earphone guys. If you are real music lover and want to feel every beat in the song then this earphone is perfect for you. The Bass, sound everything are balanced make you feel and live your music. I really enjoy putting this everytime when I want to listen the song. Sony is best in classy earphones but if you really want to have a sony earphone just buy the one whose cost is more then 1K.

The overall quality is best and it works the same I had bought, that is the quality of sound in earphones degrade over time but this is not in case of this product, you will enjoy your music never before, just buy it guys.

ajayrajakMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Sony is very best
May 08, 2017 01:27 AM 4296 Views

Sony is one of the best company at is launching a new headphone of Sony MDR and it is one of the best headphone which is launched because it is having a many functions and having a great look and is designed by the Sony company and it looks very stylish having a great combination of a colour and the performance is also good because all of them and loving it because it is having many of the functlow due to the value of money it is having customer satisfaction and that Sony headphones are also satisfied with them also at important playing role this facilities given that Bass is very good headphone and in this headphones the bass is very good so the whole Sony is one of the best headphone is launch it is very popular and I am also used in it it is one of the best branded everyone can use it

debnarayanmandalMouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
Best budget sound quality!
May 07, 2017 01:21 AM 6124 Views (via Android App)

I have the black one. First of all it dosent look like chaina product. The ear speaker is covered by a solid glossy plastic and that looks good. Sony is special for their sound quality and this specific heahphone has it all. The performance is good as per the price level. This is a value for money product.The wire is preety long and has a smooth texture. It will not hamper the sound quality when the outside is noisy. It brings a true satisfaction of A.R. Rahman music. Over all I am happy to have it. : )

Patna India
Good brand
May 05, 2017 09:36 AM 5010 Views (via Android App)

Sony is the one of the most trusted brand for any product . I ordered sony MDR - EX150 headphone and I really enjoy sound of this headphone is a great like sit in theatre . And most important things no any effect on ears and do not felling wear a headphone . And I enjoyed ago 4 months no any defect and sound is also well like first day . Sony provides a very good customer service on any product . Sony is also a world leadind brand in electronic field . No doubt on any sony product quality because he is really fabulous brand .

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