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Sonata Software Ltd Reviews

Everything is good except few managers (like mine)
Jan 09, 2022 08:58 PM2583 Views

Apparently Leave benefits are just for name purpose.

Most diligent workers are not properly recognized due to politics of managers.

Cliched work everyday.

Project change is impossible when you are in MS support project, they make you work and struggle on the same project for years.

Manager doesn't allow us to take the leaves which we see on HR policy, they are just for show casing purpose.

Most annoying thing was not getting laptop during work from home even after 2 years of work from home.

Never expect negotiation of notice period. I was warned deliberately that my notice period will be extended when I asked for negotiation.

I was not allowed to contact HR and discuss anything unless my manager and lead's permission. Kindly listen to your team with peace.

Sonata Leadership and management is very good, manager level recognition and support is at ZERO.

Few managers need to understand that their team is working with them and not under them.

Advice/Suggestion to management:

Prioritize employees request whenever they ask for project change, it is toxic when they are made to wait for a really long time, finally they will end up looking for other opportunities outside.

Best Company with lot to learn
Sep 27, 2020 10:53 AM5226 Views

1) You will learn patience

2) You can always trust your team management to quote less time for a the project to teach you many things in short period of time

3) You will learn a lot working on weekends

4) No comp offs given so you will learn to get the job done

5) Excellent team support by architects

6) Architects are very good at planning the weekend works and drawing excel sheets, so once you reach that level here you can have a relaxed life style asking others to work and relaxing .

7) A project has a good structure with 2 managers for 1 developer ratio so you can learn to handle micromanagement pressure

8) You will learn to handle 2 hours of standups a day and still get the job done

9) You can raise issues anytime you want, the people here will be ready to listen to it, just don't expect any outcomes .

10) You will learn to appreciate smaller things in life here, few months here you will come to a conclusion that work life is way better than no balance and good salary with recognition.

11) You should be available on full day 12 hours a day 7 days a week

12) You do more night outs here for work than you do in your lifetime watching movies, so you get the unique experience

13) Once you reach a certain level here, in a project all you need to do is come comment ask others to do and go, if needed you need to sit and write some excel sheet plans which they will need to get it done without fail.

14) Expect unprofessional mails from your team leads/architects, so you will learn to keep yourself calm and do the work .

15) We here just not learn how to do work, we are also taught how to live a life with good patience, calmness .

16) Should you ask for more resources, they will provide resources immediately, they will be Managers to track you properly .

Full of grey hair people with no grey matter
Jun 07, 2020 02:43 PM5703 Views

Full of grey hair people with no grey matter left in their brains, mostly near retirement people calculating their post retirement(super annuation) benefits nothing else.

you will be amused there are managers who hardky have any work and in my 5 years stint at sonata, HR head sends mails for lost/found goods, blood requirement A+, B+ . typically security/admin job. just understand the ownership of the tasks taken by HR Head. and he made calls to employees to inform that "due to performance reasons organisation has decided to put you notice period of two months with 50% salary". I was shoked and then bursted in to laughter. schoked due to the reason they said and notice period+50% pay cut for notice period. bursted into laughter due to thinking about the person(HR head) called me.

Soanat is 1984 founded company with managers who have started their career in 1980s, 1990s and made sonata their home are now at the top decision making body. old people with fantasy for old technologies and fear for new technologies, have not adopted new emerging technologies. stil depends heavily on testing projects.

Sonata wins small projects with cheap and unrealistic bids in terms of cost and effort, management wll not deploy enoughr rsoures, or atleast the ones who has good woring exp of technology when it comes project execution, project managers are clue less where, how manage the projects given the time lines and resource quality. it starts . late nights, week ends, no leaves what not . mind you all this is for no extra pay allowances

Projects go on extending end lessly. for months and years.

Client side managers were fired by their management as the project is not deleivered on time and wat so ever developed/tested. project quality is very poor.

donno how the client entertins this fun for months and. some times more than a year.!


Sonata Software Ltd
Sonata steals employees gratuity for its survival
May 15, 2020 01:14 PM6165 Views

Sonata eyes employees gratuity money for survival.

140 employess are layed off in april 2020 with 50% pay and 2 months notice period. due to 50% salary. basic component of the salary is rediced to 50% . due to which the layed off employees who completed 5 years in the company stands ate the risk of loosing 50% gratuity money.

Sonata has its own trust where the gratuity money is deposited. need less to say. that the 50% of the gratuity money stays with sonata trust and company gains from employees loss. what a math. that is sonata-software for you!

No projects .. so layoffs
May 12, 2020 10:14 PM6378 Views

Sonata-Software has layedOff 140 employees in the month of April2020, more layoff ahead. 50% salary for the 2 months notice period!

Actually there are no projects in pipeline, no visiblity in near future, all Hybris projects are in bad shape, clients has to end projects as Sonata is not able to deliver projects in time with min quality.

Sonata managers has screwed the name of the company in the market and clients are not coming farward to give projects.

poor recruitment quality, poor project execution abviously pathetic project delivery.client has said "NAMASKAARAM" literally and winded the projects.

Good company for housewives and post retirement
May 10, 2020 09:48 AM5589 Views

Old stack technology projects, no inclination to adopt new process, technologies . so many problems.

Some Managers look like they are born in sonata and they will die in sonata. these old managers are averse to atleast implementing atleast automation of testing in the project, reason not sure.

Managers have done ph.d is bluffing the clients, managers pat each other for fooling the clients, but you cannot fool all people all the time.

Salary hikes are almost nil, or 2-3%, the salaries are already very less compared to industry. Back door entry is open secret in sonata as managers are not paid properly.

People unable or unwilling to update skills, have secondary source of income, women whose are happy supporting their husbands with their incmome are happy working with sonata due to no challenges, same client, same work, come office by 11 AM have 30 mins 2-3 times a day and leave at 6:30 or 7 PM.

Great work life balance!

Now TUI one long standing client of sonata whom the managers have been fooling has announced shut down due to Covid-19 pandemic. result layoff hundreds of employess.

it is not the company that is bad. its the employees whose choose to work with Sonata-Software are!

Moral: reap what you sow!

Not gr8 but very comfortable
May 10, 2020 08:03 AM5504 Views

Gr8 company if ur not very serious about work.

cool managers, long term projects, less pressure, good work life balance.

Free and unlimited Tea, coffee, milk.

Hikes wil be less when compared to other companies, but job is too cool.

100 Plus People Layed off with 50% Salary
May 08, 2020 09:30 PM5401 Views

1.More than 100 People Layed off With 50% Salary. This is cheating

2.Company Forcing Employees to resign otherwise is threatening to terminate if employee doesn't agree to resign

  1. They have blocked Sonata ID for all layed off people. So No access to Skype, Mails and Payslips(HR Portal)

  2. It is really Inhumane to deduct 50% Salary and Layoff People during lock down period and is also violation of Govt order.

5.Reason for layoff is performance. When you have closed performance cycle in Jan/ Feb 2020 then how can company state performance issue to people. Its complete false .

I Really feel Sonata Software is doing a big Cheating its Employees by Paying them 50% Salary

Layoffs with 50% paycut for notice period!!
May 05, 2020 09:55 AM5579 Views

In Sonata-Software, Layoffs with 50% salary cut for notice period(2 months) in the middle of Carona crisis. and email, lync all coomunication with the company is cut for the notice period! Think before if you want to make career in Sonata-Software!

Reasons are obvious "Performance" when the appraisal is closed with no issues and any PIP programme, all of sudden employees are laid off with out any warning reg the performance. no one knows on what basis.! think and remember it is Sonata-Software

Worst company
Apr 06, 2020 02:44 PM5554 Views (via Mobile)

Holding salaries and terminating employees during lockdown with false reasons on performance and attitude

Bangalore India
Worst culture sonata
Dec 12, 2011 10:57 AM21507 Views

What you said is correct 100 percent and here politics is favour for Kannada and andra peoples only but not for Tamil peoples and I think based on the manager but as per my understanding for favour for only andra and Kannada people only. No one management people have capable to handle any project or something and culture is uneducated environment and culture.

before recruiting the dog hr said so many false statement like even we are not removed single person then the sent me client side they also worst culture uneducated clients dirty dog clients who is doing jalra they will tell them well talented otherwise they will give feedback like he is not fit.

Client There they do not have any projects or work manager wanted to hold their position there for that they are doing them self busy bloody Qatar airways client dog beggar bloodies.

  1. They are not paid cab expensive.

  2. Politics manger doesn’t know anything for that they wanted who is not fit technically.

  3. They made like very big salary in offer letter but in this most of things are variable pay you will not get here even 1 as as variable. If you ask with them they will tell some nonsense reason.

  4. Hrs are action kings you can make movie with them the will get Oscar for action, always tey will tell lie lie lie lie.

5.i am requesting the people pls don’t join in sonata if you don’t have job also keep quit otherwise you will get cheap mentality don’t work with cheap mentality and cheep environment , don’t work with this animals. of my friend is jalra person he is spy person he said they want person for contract but no one is ready to join here as contract so the utile you for three months then they will remove you  same thing is happened for me. Joining time of sonata I hold another one offer that’s for very good reputed company but these people said false statement like(we are not removed single person till now ect so many lies)so now I lost good opportunity and this job also. sonata does not have much client or work they are in to out sourcing company like the will sent like contract client side after coming back the will send you out from the company.

  1. The all manager and security people are very aged people. Sonata all employees like very aged peoples or very young peple, because they will not get job outside or other company and they are ready to work with low salary.

  2. and if you are very skilled person and sal is high or from diffract state apart from kar or andra state they will ask you like give training to others and they will kick you out and finally they will utilise that person.

I have so many bad experience in this company I don’t have words to tell about this company and their clients Qatar airways I will try to keep you posted I will be soon here

bangalore India
Comfortable place to work in
Aug 05, 2011 10:18 AM19848 Views

Different people have different perceptions about the organisation one is working in, but what matters is making optimum use of whatever is been offered to you. A lot of things are being written about Sonata and without sounding defensive I would like to say I have enjoyed my years at Sonata and it has provided me so many opportunities that I did not mind re-joining. Pros and cons are present everywhere but do we start bad mouthing a company that has given you vast scope of learning.

NO. I I have interacted with a lot of people here and a good number of them are extremely happy to be here.

bangalore India
Entry level company only
Aug 05, 2011 06:01 AM19158 Views

Nice place to work at entry level and Mid Management only once you move to senior postion - it is time to switch for better pay, opputunities etc...

Good about this company is it is within city limits ... quite flexible --- again depends on your manager !! as usual.

There are some pathetic Managers who have spoilt the company reputation.

There are lot of oppurtunities in terms of getting new Projects... but Sonata has not been able to handle big Projects , so it has confined itself to small and medium sizes only and I guess the company is able to sustain this.

for so many years.

Bengaluru/ Bangalore India
Few Mgrs treats employees very badly
Jun 26, 2011 06:10 PM20549 Views

I started my career with this company and then I realised my mistake in life. Initialy it was really good to work with Managers like P K S(who is in a different company now), so I started very well with lot of motivations to work. But then I realised after I started working with one of the worst manager of my life.



A place to be in if you want to learn
Jun 14, 2011 10:41 AM18116 Views

Working in Sonata gives me a good work life balance. An environment which is conducive to bringing out the best in people, Sonata provides you with the flexibility to nurture areas of your interest. LOcation of the company is an added benefit since going by the travel woes all of us face, reducing travel time is getting all the more important for us.

People at Sonata are very warm and friendly with even the senior management being very approachable. What needs to change is probably the salary structure and the feasibility of having more onsite opportunities.

Bangalore India
Sonata Software - A good company to work for
Jun 06, 2011 05:41 PM19408 Views

I have been a part of this industry for around 7 years now and I have a fair idea of what this industry has to offer, in terms of opportunities, self-development, flexibility, remuneration etc. A balanced work life scenario is what Sonata offers to me, of course in addition to a great team and a motivating manager. I had quit Sonata after working here for three years, like they say, in search of “greener pastures” but nowhere did I get the same warmth that I got here. I am back into the system again and I have no regrets.

There are few companies who encourage re-joinees and Sonata is one among them. Not to say, other companies are bad, but there is something about this place that makes you hold on, why else would there be a long list of employees completing 5 years, 10 years and 15 years of service?

Coming to the pay package, I think it pretty much maintains the industry standards. The usual range of cribbers will always exist who have a problem with everything that happens in the organization, whether it is the food, money or basic admin facilities. In my opinion, Sonata is a good place to build your career because of the work environment, flexibility and availability of growth opportunities within the organization.

Bangalore India
You can learn a lot
Jun 06, 2011 02:40 PM18459 Views

I joined in testing as a lateral entry. For past 4 years I was moved across 3 projects. All were good. Esp the training and handing over of projects. I got some good managers. Appraisals and incerments were done on time.

And those who got increments Worklife balance is good, altho sometimes (during acceptance phase) we have to stay back late in office. Some people in the Gv office complained of conveyance problems. Maybe they should have bus facilities. Also they should introduce work from home. All MNC companies are giving this facility nowadays.

Not a company to join for Experienced people
Jun 06, 2011 10:57 AM37585 Views

When I joined Sonata the first thing HR told was, “This is a very safe company to work, this company didn’t even fired a single person in 1999 recession not even 1 person was fired, when the recession

was on the peak there was only a salary cut of 10%”.  I hope that they are not saying this in the induction anymore,

Job Security

In last recession they fired some 127 resources(mostly .Net) in a single week, I don’t know the exact figures however I estimate some 20% of the resources were fired. The HR’s use a very nice word for this, "He was removed due to performance reasons", ask the HR’s now how many people have they fired in last 3 months due to performance reasons?

Why Sonata is still not in top 10 after 20+ years

Sonata board of directors are not ready to take any risk.

Sonata want to stick with existing customers, very slow in finding new clients, they think if any client comes to then, "The client can never leave Sonata".

Very slow in adapting to new technology, they are still trying to find projects in J2ee, .Net.

All the SM are old people, there is no fresh blood from IIM, who can bring in some fresh air in company.

Work culture

Work culture in Sonata is horrible, if you are in a project that means your life is messed up, the reason is very simple, they will not plan any thing, and will start with the work to show to the client that they are expert, Whatever the client will say right or wrong, yes to every thing, the project gets even worse when they send some one onsite who is not experienced in the same, Resources are literally canned to get the work done, you have to come on weekends and work up till 11 pm, if you say something, then get ready for a HR discussion.

Managers in Sonata

Sonata has mixture of very good and very bad managers, I can claim Sonata has some Best managers in this whole country,  (I doubt if any one in Sonata knows these name’s, because they work and don’t make noise), I really feel very sad for these people who have wasted there career in this company.

And the list of bad managers is actually endless, the top of the list  (he should be a labor in construction),  (Father of J2EE), etc.

Onsite in Sonata

Majority of the people send onsite in Sonata are not on the basis of skill set or merit, there is actually list of people who are ball licker’s of PM’s which are sent, this is also the reason of project getting spoiled, I have seen people being pulled in from other projects when there is a onsite opportunity.

Onsite life as Sonatian

I think Sonata is the lowest payer for onsite employees, you get some 1600 pounds/ month, the other lowest for onsite payer is Wipro with 2000 pounds, companies like HP pay some 4000 pounds,

Its like they will give you a ticket of cheapest airlines and 1000 pounds and you are on your own, you are send on weekend so that you reach on Sunday evening and can join office on Monday, no rest nothing, Sonata will try there best so that the onsite travel is more then 90 days so that they can avoid the salary in India. The taxi fares are not paid, and that the other reimbursement is nightmares. If you are married then things are even worse, the children tickets are not paid and the wife ticket reimbursement takes months together.

In all you will understand in a week’s time that the company you are working with has a cheap mentality.

Resource Management in Sonata

This is the most funny part in Sonata, the most non technical person is made the Resource Manager in Sonata, The way Resources are utilized in Sonata, its very bad, the resource manager will get a requirement for example: Testing 5 years experience and they will dump any person with 5 years of work ex, no matter what the technology he was working on, If you are on bench means you are gone, if you say NO then the first thing they will say is, there is a project in Chennai and we will send you there, Blackmail.

However if there is a onsite opportunity in some project, they will try there best to send a person who they like or a group’s favorite, The situation is more funny and annoying when they will get the person trained from someone else who is the master of that technology, but they will not send him./her.


Yes, its there, Tamil regionalism, especially in CVN group where he has very smartly placed all the Tamils under him, however its still less in comparison to companies like Wipro.

Sonatian of the month

This is like best employee of the month, quarter, and year. This is also biased, A beautiful fresher girl(avoiding name as she is married) with 8 months of experience in Sonata was given this prize and a promotion for making a PPT on “Security”, because she was hot favorite of **(father of J2EE) and she used to sit in his cubical for 2-2 hours, don’t know for what.

One another was **, who was self appraised gave himself prize for showing that he himself did absolutely everything in project, he was even released in 2 days just because he was Tamil and was under CVN, the official notice period is 12 weeks.


Pathetic is a small word, you will feel like you are sitting in a  There is a very peculiar thing in Sonata the chairs which are given to junior management are cheap once and Middle management/SM are good once, they consider that the bumps of managers are more soft.

The coffee for senior management is send in there cabins in good cups and saucer which keeps on reminding people that every one is not equal in the company

Senior Management

Bunch of Idiots, who wont find job any where outside Sonata, Some good people are still there like, but people like AB, horrible creatures. They have very short term thinking and goals, more like they have goals on daily basis.

Fresher’s in Sonata

They are the best lot any company can acquire, specially when they go for campus selection’s, but what happens to them after wards, any Sonatian can better tell you.


This is the name of a project in Sonata, with some 100 people billing, which is very big for Sonata, however what they have done to the resources inside this project is horrible, 6 days a week 10am to 12, The technology which is used in this project is nowhere used in this world, they have forcefully pushed the resources in this project which were of any technology, mostly .Net resources were pushed in this.

In short

If you don’t know anything in IT(Fake experience), Sonata is the company you should join, however if you are even 1 years of experience or a fresher better avoid it.

Message to Sonata

With all due respect I will like to say something,  Sonata will always be close to my heart, as I have given golden years of my life to this company, however till the SM will not respect, take care and stop doing fake promises to junior management your valuable junior management resources will not stop, you will get plenty of new resources however till you don’t have junior management who see their growth with Sonata’s growth, Sonata will not grow. Sonata can be made a better place to work and a place to progress, you have every thing just the approach needs to be slightly changed, and advantage / disadvantage should be seen in long term.

I wish Sonata all the best.


ex Sonatian

Bangalore India
Great company for software developers
May 25, 2011 11:24 AM17520 Views

I have been with Sonata for about 3 years now. I find it offers good opportunity to work on the latest technologies(including products in the design stage) and there is good growth potential. The managers and colleagues are helpful - and you can approach almost anyone for help. There is also a lot of focus on continuous learning and development. The work culture is also good - many people have been around for 5 years or more.

bangalore India
Try other oppertinuity
May 18, 2011 11:50 PM19279 Views

I will suggest u to look for good brand company specially, if u get in to niche silks like biztalk in small companies like sonata they will fire the people as soon as the project is over, because they will not have new project in the same technology.

2 years back sonata was a good company to join, but last one whoever comes to bench sonata is fired immediately.


Sonata Software Ltd

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