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Home > Computers > Apps & Games > Snapchat
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It is not good app becoz it is just a time passss app and it always waste aur time and aur data also it is just like always download some stickers and all many thing like this soo that we always download this time pass thingsss so that is our tine waste alwaysss
Its just a time waste and time pass as alwayss just share our videosss of nosence it is just a time passs
Alwaysssss share time pass videosss just total a time passs sooo requst all people that not tow time waste
Time is precious not waste in this type of nosence app
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This application is fully waste of time. Don't try this application. And Poor people never try this application because Snapchat CEO said that this application is only rich people not for people. Very shamefull statement by Snapchat CEO. We will develop our application so we don't need this foolish application.
I never use this application because it is fully boring application. But one thing I want say to Snapchat CEO that india is not a poor country. Our country is called Golden Bird and world Teacher country.
It closes out 99% of the time.It is full of bugs.Seems like there is an issue accross the board.Video recording pixels a re very low.
Please fix this.
Vry bad app background.There is too much lag in the app.
Bad camera quality
Photo upload is possible
Social friendly app
Snapchat is a Android or iOS application. which is available for Android phones or any iPhone. also this application is available on each and every country around the world but the CEO of Snapchat give bad statement about our country India. so I dislike this application and also this application is not good this application is only a waste of time. Indira application you have to put your pictures and other peoples like that this is the simple fund out this application. I don't like this application I don't have any enough spare time to spend on this application this is a waste time my advice is that uninstall this application.
This is the worst app in the world as I personally used it
I am a citizen of India and the Snapchat's CEO said that snapchat is not for poor countries like our country India
When I read this message that the CEO of snapchat has said this I immediately uninstalled the bloody app and I pray no other websites or apps say this or else I wil uninstall their apps also.
Sends photos and videos that self-destroy ( deleted forever, they disappear) . This novelty is the main, because it allows to exchange information without worrying about anything, everything you share disappears.
Enjoys the best filters. Snapchat is famous in part for the filters, it is one of the great features of Snapchat, that make him “cool”. You’ll be able to take stunning photos with them and in real-time. Something like MSQRD only that this is the advantages and disadvantages of snapchat
As every one knows that Snapchat Ceo had told that they don't want to encourage there app to India because they india is poor country.
But that step taken my snapchat was totally bullsiet they don't know other companies are seeking to join India for Increasing there business. We all know that India is the best country for business purposes. Snapchat had damage there rating by saying this statement.
Literally, is India a poor country. These fellows should be realised for their deeds, for their worthless thoughts. Sir, India scores 6th in GDP ranking as per the data revealed by wikipedia and even the CEO of Google is Mr. Sundar Pichai, Rashmi Sinha co-founder of SLIDE SHARE, Vinod Khosla co founder of Sun Microsystems the renowned company which invented Java programming and I suppose there is no way around learning it for developing application over Android. There are many such examples sir, wake up sir it is an era of revolutionization, hold your words otherwise these variations will make you and your company to put down shutter of your business. Otherwise we have various responsible persons who can handle your company( reliance jio 300 billion whereas Snapchat 70 billion business value) .
Ceo is thinking that india is a poor country, . One thing he should know, the ceo of google sundar pichai is an Indian. He can easily remove snap chat from play store. The only highest ratings he got is 3.9( still decreasing) in play store. In apple store it has 1 star. Your snap chat value is 70 billions where as reliance jio's value is 300 billion. The spiritual land on this earth is india.
SnapChat is the worst application I had insall in my phone few days ago.There is nothing intersting in this application.The other the main important thing is SnapChat CEO give a statemant last week in a News agency that This is a Application is only for rich country not for Poor country like india and spain and it was a very cheap statement of SnapChat CEO.
If india is a Poor country then we can not use this Rich Application.
I uninstall the application and I will suggest to every indian to Uninstall the app.
This app Snapchat is nothing but taking your photographs and do lot of filtering and editing. The filters are third class as Evan Spiegal, ceo of the company. The filters provided in this app are very cheap , it converts your normal face in dog's , cat's and other animal faces. This is nothing but the worst app currently present on the various playstores. And I don't know who are the people loving to use this idiotic concept of this app. I am not writing this on the basis of Evan's statement but as I and most of my friends used it, we all are thinking like this that it is the worst filtering app nowadays on playstores.
Worst app that I had ever seen in my life with worst CEO with worst attitude as he thinks he is the only one who has social networking app and he is the only one earning money in profits there are lots of apps with good company like whats app and Hike and lot more. Worst snapchat app worst app that I had ever used dont use this app not even download the app to if you use it for sure you will uninstall it and you too rate it as one star don't trust this people by its descriptions a man need to respect others to get a respect for him.
When you know you need something for showoff with premium selfie filters and many other things. Above it, if there's an allegation that India is a poor country. We will he turned on with rage. Do you know experienced engineers move abroad for a successful life.
When I checked the ratings, I was ashtonished as everyone were against the support of Snapchat and why not they should be.
I am proud of my country.
Jai Hind.
Worst app I have ever seen.plz remove this app from the google play store.dowloading snap xhat is waste of time and waste of download bytes .one of the dirtiest app for chating.not at all usefull .please friends dont use and encourage apps this type of apps please uninstall this app from u r mobile phones .installing snapchat in our phones is nothing but installing and downloading free virus in the users of snap eill get bored by using this app amd they may get ne rypes of diseases
As the C.E.O of the snapchat says that the product is for only rich countries and not for the poor countries like India So I should think we have to unistall snapchat and totally boycott Snapchat and I would also tell u about that there are millions of users in india of snapchat so if we unistall snapchat it will give a huge loss to snapchat so we come forward and show the power of India Also there are some facts that Evan spigel has to know that India has the second largest Numbers of facebook users and that gives a huge profit to Facebook and also big entrepreneurs are exicted to expand there business in India and The C.E.O of the snapchat wants to decrease there market share from India so If he want so Lets show the power of India
Pls Unistall Snapchat.
The worst app ever I seen. I was wasted my storage on it and if you are an Indian then I suggest you, request you to please please uninstall this app. because we are a poor country person we does not have the right to use snap chat
I request to all the Indians please uninstall this app it have the worst layout and design and what I can say about the features and functions of it . totally worst. never use this app and if you know any one who is using his app please suggest him to uninstall this app because according to the CEO of Snapchat we are pooer and we could not have the rightt too use this app.
Thank You
Dont install this waste app.Dont waste your storage. This is just for kids I think. I dont find any usefulness in this app.
Now you heard that snapchat ceo called india as a poor country so they dont have a plan to extend in the india and other countries.This lead to large explosion in india and so many users unistalled the app as a revenge.
So as it is a non usefull app for us just delete this account.
Snapchat is Bad apps. not like concept my opinion not use this app because it is not for indian poor people this sentence of ceo of snapchat.
Worst app I am use tell now layout also worst and design also not good. Features is not that much as compare to facebook, wattsup and other apps. Not any usefulness in this worst apps.
Dear ceo I never use your app but afer u said about INDIA I just install it so that I can rate it love from INDIA
Hello friends I am Ajay and I am going to tell my experience about Snapchat app available on Play Store App free after the statement see you on Snapchat said India is a poor country so this app is not for Indian so after this statement I just uninstall my Snapchat and deleted my account from it and I Do All Indians to do the same because India India is not a poor country so I recommend you all to uninstall this app from your mobile because this app sucks just delete it and prove that you are Indian
This app is good .but after some days.this all is become worst.bcz of its CEO'S STATEMENT.
Its ceo says that this apl is bot for poor country like india. Amd because of that.most of all indian people uninstall this .app
So that if we post one see our stories.bcz no one left over here.
Its concept is totaly worst and this is a time pass and time killar app.
We can post anything
The app is totaly unsafe.and it can be hack easily.we can take ss.without getting others known.
Showing: 121 - 140 Reviews on Snapchat
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