Took yearly plan of 7000, Internet not working at all, their engineer and management verified and agreed as shown them everything. They accepted for refund process as it was registered within 2days of connection. After that they do not attend calls, no response over emails, you have to chase and take legal actions only to take the money back.
If you face any issue any day then you cannot get resolution on time.
Internet goes down frequently every day and you are thrown out of meetings, vpn connections.
Internet may be down for entire day and then you try to reach a company of theives, your calls will never be answered and you won't get any resolution in need.
Highly recommended not to take the Sikka connection.
Try other options which are 10X better in every manner.
Don't fall in trap of smooth processing, it is only till they take money from you.
For genuinty pastingscreenshot of one of the emails which we have been sending and seeking response.
This is how terrible experience you will have.
Read other users review and you will see the disappointment.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.