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Sidhu Moose Wala Movie Reviews

He is a great person
Jul 29, 2019 10:29 PM 4690 Views (via Android App)

He is a great person with cool attitude not having to much attitude . This person is hardworking and keeping his personality pure with his punjabi songs

Sidhu moose wala
Jul 14, 2019 09:21 PM 4491 Views (via Android App)

One of the wonderful singer in punjabi musi industry

down to earth

he is nice man

hot blooded

nature is so nice


great personality

Sidhu moosewala fans
Jul 01, 2019 12:45 PM 6153 Views (via Android App)

The best punjabi singer . He has an very nice persanality .the song that he sung with R nait

And byg berd is very very nice song . And the first song of his career SO HIGH is best punjabi song that I have ever heard . Sidhu moosewala is a good singer as compare to other punjabi

Because he prove's that . He is not just an singer but also an writter . He writte a song for jass manak is best song .Sidhu moosewala is not his real name his real name is SHUBHDEEP .when we listen the name of sidhu moosewala we all friends feel too much excited .BIG FAN OF SIDHU MOOSEWALA GOD BLESS YOU.


Sidhu Moose Wala
Singing and personality
Jun 29, 2019 02:46 PM 4080 Views (via Android App)

Its a good person.

So high song is best song.

Good personality.

Punjabi singer.

So good voice in singing line., .

Poision song is sung with r nait.

At that he is hit in punjabi industry.

Alll songs are super hit.

Related in rural area.

He is related with mansa district.

It s village is moosa.

Smily person always smile.

A Good person with a lovely voice..!!
Jun 25, 2019 02:12 AM 3966 Views (via Android App)

He is great personality, as his behavior towards our fans is good as I seen his interviews in youtube, so a good person, and pubjabi music is my favorite too.!

One of the best young singers.
Jun 21, 2019 08:07 PM 4003 Views (via Android App)

Sisgu moose wala is a pathetic young singer who started his career by giving lirics of song "Licence"sung by Ninja but he truely got fame and began his singing carreer on a duet song titled "G Wagon".I liked all his songs and he is also very popular specialy among young generation.He is a very good lyricists. I wait for his song impatiently. I attended some of his live concerts and he never disappoint his fans and give a great performance on his live shows.He best know for his track "So High"which crossed 175 million views on youtube.His personality is also influencive because he is very tall and handsome.Thank You for reading.

Jun 07, 2019 06:37 PM 2999 Views (via Android App)

I know that great personality singers. I just listen his song "uchiyaan ni galla tere yaar diya"and I become a mad fan of his singing .

The swag he used in his songs is just amazing and I alwayas likes punjabi singers.I think he is the best singer in pollywod industry and in Punjab.I am a big fan of him.I just want to meet him once and also want to sung like him.

Satshreeakal paajii

Tussi great ho

I really love you sirji

Phase 5 Mohali Punjab India
Mossealla mossealla hoyi payi aa
Mar 31, 2019 03:15 PM 3196 Views (via Android App)

Like you hear in his songs sidhu mosse walla mosse walla hoyi payi it is true. I like himvery much he is a best singer in pollywood industry. he has strugled alot nd he is now a top singer.his songs are full of beat and songs give me motivation also. he write lyrics of his song by own and he is having supercool mindblowing swag. if u love music than hear sidhu mosse walla songs. they will give you motivation and energy. mine personal favrate is G WAGON song. thank for reading my review.

Strong beat
Mar 30, 2019 08:38 PM 2646 Views (via Android App)

Great fan of yours singing and https://lyrics. whenever I hear his songs I feel motivated and exited . Sometimes when I feel less motivation in me .i always used to your strong songs .i know they cant be related to my problems , but the beat , the music fills me with a new confidence .l love to listen your death wala route song .after all this song is sung by such a great singer.

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