My order of comparison will be random, as my thoughts evolve but I think all these observations are important: 1. Holy Spirit was founded on the basis of service, especially to the poor but also to all classes of society without any discrimination. The motivation behind Sevenhills is how to make a big profit. When the word 'Service' comes to sevenhills' mind, they just think how to wriggle out of it, and litigate against it.
Service is not something to be accepted graciously. As Christ said: One cannot serve two masters at the same time; its either God or money. It's clear who has chosen what! 2. Holy Spirit started in an extremely small way. Mahakali at that time was like a jungle. The missionary sisters came there and a few doctors joined in. And, apart from Dr. Lewis, who retired recently, the other most dedicated doctor was Dr. MB Shah, a general surgeon but a Gujarati. He is now 80 years old and the Medical Director of the Hospital.
SevenHills, on the other hand, started in a very big way, with the President of India inaugurating it. They started big because they had the money and the political backing to do so but now they are licking their wounds, refusing to treat the poor, defaulting in payments, taking loans from Financial institutions. 3. Holy Spirit does not survive on big money but on numbers. One can see a super specialist for Rs. 100/- . General Ward beds are Rs. 350 per day with food. Doctors' charges are extremely reasonable. SevenHills can only survive on big money. Consultation charges are at least Rs. 500/-.
People are reluctant to go there because of a pompous Emergency Dept. Consultant who thinks he is a gift to mankind. And this man is given full leverage and patronage by the CMD and, of course, the second in command. 4. Holy Spirit is nearly fully occupied most of the time. SevenHills has difficulty in filling 100-200 beds. That too would be an exaggeration. 5. There are no dubious elements or politicians backing Holy Spirit. As I have noted before, there are innumerable people of dubious character and politicians from many political parties backing SevenHills. Holy Spirit does not need such patronage. The goodwill of the people and the strength given by the Good Lord is sufficient for it. 6. Holy Spirit is built on land which it owns. SevenHills is existing on public land, yet it grudges giving back to the paople what is theirs. In fact there are rumours that they are tying to grab public land using money power and political clout. But these measures are unlikely to succeed because of the growing anger against corruption. 7 Most of the doctors and other staff working in Holy Spirit are not driven by the greed for money alone. Money, no doubt is important but cannot take the place of concern for others. Not many people would remain in sevenhills if it was not for the money alone. 8. Innumerable doctors, eminent ones at that, have left seven hills in less than two year. Such things are a rarity in Holy Spirit. In my opinion that's because of the work culture, where human beings are given more importance than money, where there is dignity of labour and where there is a feeling of a higher purpose to one's work. I have not heard of anyone being summarily dismissed from the hospital without an adequate show cause being given and a review of the said employees' so-called un-toward action been given due consideration. 9. Holy Spirit at present is self sustaining and has all the major departments in place. It took nealy 30 dedicated years to acheive this. SevenHills tried to do all this in 1-2 years without even gaining the goodwill of the local people and its employees. Its public image is poor and its in pretty bad mess, financially and in terms of self image. In fact, it now seems to be in a debt trap. It would be good and in the best interests of everyone concerned if it made as graceful an exit as is possible. It has the cheek to call itself the best in Mumbai and one of the biggest private hospitals in Asia when there are very successful hospitals running in the city for several years! And the only claim for any fame it has is that it has a 250 bed hospital in the small town of Vizag! 10. Holy Spirit is run by a group of highy dedicated nuns, a medical director of extraordinary foresight and by highly dedicated staff and doctors and, believe me, people who would sacrifice their lives for the hospital. Can sevenhills with its artificial garb and devious ways ever reach that status?
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.