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Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra Reviews

Best Spiritual way of Success
Jan 15, 2018 09:11 PM 931 Views (via Android App)

Here I am feeling proud to write a review on the book Seven Spiritual Law of Success by Deepak sir Chopara.In this book I feel that every words have great power. There are seven spiritual law and all the laws are indirectly connect with nature.The law of love potential, The law of Karma, The law of Giving.And many others.From seven law I most like the law of giving and getting. This law has beautiful idea about what u like that u give to others. Means Nature is always ready to give u what human want and thats why nature has no need any one.So all over I like this book most from others.And the author sir Deepak Chopara who know the law of nature very well and thats why he use these all spiritual law and he become a most popular author.Thanks for read it

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
Feb 14, 2010 11:21 AM 2771 Views

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

Book 11

Started Reading on: Feb. 8th, 2010

Finished Reading: Feb. 8th, 2010

The book was a nice spiritual read. I suggest people should read once in a while because it gets you back on a track from which you go astray in the course of life. So when you read it you really don’t change but have a mind to follow something from it till it is possible. Anyway, so the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success as per Deepak Chopra are:

1] Pure Potentiality: Where the key is to silently meditate in your day-to-day life. Be in nature and admire it. Practice non-judgment.

2] Giving: Where one must make a point to give everyone they meet daily some kind of gift, not monetary always but the real free gifts like smile. Also, one should be grateful to God n everyone who have given you all what you have. Thus, keeping the cycle of give n take going.

3] Karma: Here it says that every action has a reaction every cause has an effect so one should be careful while making choices, see the consequences before taking any action.

4] Least effort: It says that one must take responsibility for ones situation and not blame others. One must accept everyone, everything the way they are without taking efforts of changing them. Also, one need not defend oneself to prove their own words coz that will be taken care of by ones actions.

5] Intention and desire: One should make a list of desires n keep it in close proximity all the time n should read it regularly. One should live in present n leave the rest on God.

6] Detachment.

7] Purpose in Life or Dharma: One should find out their own unique gifts given to them by God and try to serve people by it.

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
Sep 28, 2009 09:26 AM 2520 Views

I went to the library in leisure and saw this book in the shelf. I just started reading first page then second, third and by every page, the book engrossed me more and more into the world of realization!

Throughout the book, author discusses seven spiritual laws, which are actually keys to live happy life. Deepak Chopra has done excellent work.

1.Law of pure potentiality:

· I will get in touch with the field of pure potentiality by taking time each day to be silent, to just Be.

· I will take time to commune with nature and to silently witness the intelligence within every living thing.

· I will practice non-judgment. I will begin my day with statement, “Today, I shall judge nothing that occurs”

2.Law of giving:

· Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. This gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer.

· I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me.

· Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy and laughter.

3.Law of Karma:

· I will witness the choices I make in each moment.

· I will then ask my heart for guidance while making a choice and be guided by its message of comfort or discomfort.

4.Law of least effort:

· I will accept people, situations and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be.

· Having accepted things as they are, I will take responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.

· I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince others to accept my point of view.

5.Law of intention and desire:

· I will make a list of my desires and every time I will remind myself of those desires.

· I will remind myself to practice present moment awareness in all my actions.

6.Law of detachment:

· I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are.

· The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure I will feel because uncertainty is my path to freedom.

· When I will step into the field of all possibilities, I will experience all the fun, adventure, magic and mystery of life.

7.Law of dharma:

· I will lovingly nurture the god that lies deep within my soul. This will guide me to find out the purpose of my life.

Please read this book and experience the difference.


Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
maaz_nawazMouthShut Verified Member
Bengaluru India
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success-Food For The Mind
Aug 20, 2009 05:32 PM 3203 Views

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success :Food For The Mind .

There are thousands of Self-Help books on bookstore shelves. Each has a shiny, appealing cover, an author with professional degrees, and blurbs on the back cover recommending the book as the latest word on the subject. Unfortunately, too much of this is hype – driven by marketing imperatives to sell books.

Some Self-Help books take an overly-simplistic approach and do not help you deal with the real-life complexities of the issue.

I urge you not to spend your time reading books that promise unrealistic results! When we are searching for help we want to believe that the outcome we seek is possible. Thus there is a built-in desire to believe authors’ claims about their books.

Is there an exception to this rule? Yes there’s always an exception to the rule & the exception is Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Although small in size this book speaks volumes.

How many books have been written on laws of success? Tons but there are always room for another good one.

This book has been reviewed a hundred times but it still doesn't get boring, it’s fun to see what everyone takes away from the book.

Deepak Chopra is a bestselling author, educator, and holistic health pioneer who shares his insights in this inspiring article on personal growth. This 111 page book by Deepak Chopra is an excellent read guiding readers to a satisfying life.

The unique aspect of Chopra's views and book is that it doesn't matter what religion or spiritual beliefs one upholds because this text is for everyone. It's about being a good person, and with one's own conviction finding and applying intentions, desires, and beliefs.

Defined and detailed throughout the seven chapters are the means to experience and obtain goals, dreams, and success combined with health, positive relationships, and peace of mind.

Based on natural laws which govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition.

In this book, Deepak Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: Once we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, energy and enthusiasm for life, and material abundance will spring forth easily and effortlessly.

The book cuts straight to the chase with each of the ensuing seven chapters dealing with the laws of success. There is a cover page for each chapter that states the law and gives a brief explanation. Next there are some relevant quotes from great people like Swami Vivekananda. Then Deepak Chopra gives a detailed and lucid discourse on each law. Finally each chapter culminates in suggested ways in which you can apply each law to your own life.

The seven spiritual laws of success are powerful principles that will enable you to attain self-mastery. The seven laws are….

The law of purepotentiality : The Law of Pure Potentiality is experienced through silence, through meditation, through non-judgment, through communion with nature, but it is activated by the Law of Giving.

The law of giving : Deepak Sharma says, the best way to put The Law of Giving into operation is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn't have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don't cost you anything.

The law of Karma or cause and effect : What you sow is what you reap. Karma" is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind.

Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom....Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves. - (Swami Vivekanand)

The law of least effort : This Law is based the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abundant care freeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love.

I will practice Acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against the moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were. (Deepak Chopra)

The law of intention and desire :This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature.

I will make a list of all my desires. I will carry this list with me wherever I go. I will look at this list before I go into my silence and meditation. I will look at it before I go to sleep at night. I will look at it when I wake up in the morning. I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation. ( Deepak Chopra )

The law of detachment :This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result

The law of Dharma or purpose in life :There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first says that each of us is here to discover our true Self. The second component is to express our unique talents; the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness. The third component is service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma.

The seven laws are very inspiring. Defined and detailed throughout the seven chapters are the means to experience and obtain goals, dreams, and success combined with health, positive relationships, and peace of mind.

Deepak Chopra builds on this powerful thought that expands his life's work in spiritual approaches to daily living. He explains that spiritual laws of success with useful suggestions on how to apply these fundamental, natural principles if one is truly searching for purpose and a satisfying life.

Have you ever re-viewed your life? Have you ever re-envisioned your future? Have you ever re-defined your definition of success & happiness?

Do yourself a favor; open your mind and read this book! You won't regret it, I promise.

Over all Very inspirational, thought-provoking, truthful, filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply right away, this is a book everyone want to read and refer to again and again. Definitely food for the mind !!!

jaideepkhandujaMouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Eastern Sprituality+Western Style = Deepak Chopra
Jan 18, 2007 10:24 AM 14477 Views

*A practical guide without any practicals!

*“A practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams” – this is what the cover page says. But as far as my learning goes, the people who know how to convert their dreams are not meant for such books(actually it is vice versa!). The book has been written more with the purpose of marketing and selling than delivering best valued and long lasting stuff.

Is it possible to get success just in Rs. 125/-!

*The book is a good read. Fill it shut it forget it. Don’t worry if Rs. 150/- goes waste and dreams do not get converted to reality. Otherwise you may need another book to get rid of worries!

*Writer is smart enough to understand what will sell well!

*Deepak Chopra writes well. Concept or Style taken from literature liked by Western Community and Contents from our Vedas(and other ancient Hindu Holy Books). A mix juice produced has put its impact on many people. New York Times recommends it to people who have missed “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran. This would have been there in that news paper’s jokes section. Some other similar books authors have an agreement to recommend each other’s books and under this agreement there are recommendations on the back of cover page from Anthony Robbins author of “Awaken the Giant within and unlimited power”, Ken Blanchard, co-author of “the one minute manager”. This is a business or professional deal applicable in all countries.

*It is not that BAD either!

*It is a good read but for once only. Infact I was too impressed when I opened the bottle and smelled it. I got an impression that the Desi bottle is having imported Wine and buying has been a good bargain. The first peg was larger than Patiala one. It gave a high kick-start and made me ensure myself that I am going to achieve something big by the time I finish this book.

Chapter one talks about SILENCE, MEDITATION and TALKING TO NATURE and BEING NON-JUDGEMENTAL – Be Silent for some time during the day(according to me when you think you are silent just check inside your body, brain and heart – there should be complete silence at that time, all silences fully synchronized), move towards meditation from silence. Frequently observe the power of nature by visiting a river, lake, sea, mountain or any other power(to me even a trees, birds, flowers are powerful signs of Nature). Most of the time, we are judgmental about people, incidents etc. which is wrong. Try being non-judgmental while listening, watching, reading, talking and learning(which is actually very difficult*). I really loved Chapter one.

But subsequent chapters were more of a polished preaching rather than something coming out of heart or may be I was too involved in routine happenings and was not able to catch it or dwell into them appropriately.

Chapter 2 talks about Law of Giving – you give wrong and get wrong in return. And you give right you get right in return. You get what to give. If you want money – give money(hahaha this is against all other teachings of life that state – always save money). you want good wishes then always wish good for all.

Chapter 3 is Law of Karma. It talks about Cause and Effect. What we sow is what we reap. Boya ped babool ka to…

Chapter 4 talks about Law of Least efforts. This also went against the regular teachings in life that say more efforts and hard work is required to earn more and get more in life. But Mr. Chopra says reverse. He says most of the things in Life and Nature happen themselves without any or least efforts. Like flowing of river, growing of tree, chirping of birds…

Chapter 5 is Law of Intention and Desire – more spiritual rather than practical. It says if you intend sincerely and are positive with no harm to anyone attitude you have highest chances of getting your desires fulfilled. It guides to meditate and silently pray about your intentions…

Chapter 6– Law of Detachment – don’t attach yourself to anything or anyone. Don’t govern, let the things move or happen on their own.

Chapter 7 – Law of Dharma or do and act. it talks about awakening your inner conscious or the Kundalini.

*Some best things about the Book and the Law Maker

- Just 111 pages, seven chapters, seven Laws of life

- A summary at the end of each Chapter

- The Laws have been named very intelligently to increase the curiosity and provoking(especially western readers) for reading/buying this book.

  • Deepak Chopra is an Executive Director of one of the Institutes in US(I am not sure US or UK) and his lectures are attended by most of the Western Countries.

A practical guide for everyday living
May 08, 2006 04:08 PM 2869 Views

Let me start by saying that this is a 'mustread' book.I read this sometime back but still remember the essense of what Dr. Chopra had to say.He has lots of critics in India.May be because he has made lot of money by advising others 'how to bring affluence in their lives'.May be because not even a single idea in his books is original.May be because some of our gurus thought'' we could also do it, why didn't we think of this?'

Oriental philosophy has a good market in the west.Whether it is kamasutra, tantra or yoga if you have the right packaging you are on the way to name fame and ofcourse MONEY.Chopra's next book is a treatise on Vatsyayana's Kamasutra.You need not be an astrologer to predict that this book is going to break all records.

But the seven spiritual laws is a valuable book for an ordinary mortal.If you consider yourself to be some kind of a Patanjali dont even touch it.Because every word in it has been derived from the Upanishads and Geeta.If you are fortunate enough to read and understand the originals please spare Dr Chopra.On the the hand you are interested in spirituality but were always kept away from it because of those confusing terminolgy and sanskrit shlokas here is a good book which tells you some concepts of everyday living in very simple terms.

I consider simplicity as the outstanding feature of this book.Very complex philosophy has been put in simple English which you and me can understand.Any one can apply the seven principles in their life staightaway and bring about a marked improvement in their lives.

For example one simple request he makes to you is to be' nonjudgemental'. Every day every moment of our lives we keep on making judgements about everything and everbody. Ask yourself. Who has put you on this pedestal? You who are full of imperfections is judging others! Well ,BE NONJUDGEMENTAL for a day in a week. Do not make any judgements about anything or anybody for a day!Observe the result.

Then again, another simple instruction is about 'GIVING'.If you are a keen observer of nature you will see that every creation ,every element revolves around the principle of giving.The trees give its shade and its fruits,the river its water, nothing holds on to itself. So practise GIVING. When you go to somebodys house always carry something .may be some flowers some sweets or some small gift.It is the law of nature that when you start giving you will start receiving much more.(Dr Chopra himself is the living proof before you!)

All I want to convey is that the book contains very simple instructions which can easily be practised in everyday life.Even the difficult idea of DETACHMENT( from Bhagavdgeeta) has been put in simple words.This is defenitely not a book which you will return to the vendor after you read it!

Spiritually yours
Aug 08, 2003 03:08 PM 6381 Views

“ Inspiration for reviewing this book has been drawn from a colleague of mine who presented on the same and idea of the book which appeared intriguing , later propelled me to write on the same.”

Author’s Profile

Deepak Chopra has authored many books including Ageless Body, Timeless Mind , The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The Return of Merlin, The Way of the Wizard, and The Path to Love. A son of a Cardiologist and a grandson of an Ayurveda Specialist , he was constantly exposed to the confrontations between modern and Ancient science of medicine.

Exposure to the Indian Schools of ancient medicine and the supernatural has catapulted him to be the modern day Cleric who combines modern day medicine, ancient Ayurveda and holistic and spiritual thoughts in improving ones life. He is immensely successful both as an author and as a Life improver.

Thoughts in the book

Every thought causes a shift in the whole field of reality-Deepak Chopra

Spirituality is existent in everyone. Spirituality necessarily stems from belief .. in the supernatural , in the power that encompasses everyone. According to me Spirituality is existent even in an atheist , as spirituality is belief and faith , an atheist believes in himself and not that some supernatural is governing him … that itself my friend is a form of spirituality, These are purely my own thoughts and not of the author. Spiritual laws are rules and help run the universe, its prevalent in every living organism and only has to be invoked and comprehended.

The author believes in Seven Spiritual laws for Success which are : -

The Law of Pure Potentiality

The Law of Giving

The Law of Karma

The Law of Least Effort

The Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Detachment

The Law of Dharma

Seven is an important number which represents the Seven notes of music , the seven colours of the rainbow and the Seven Rishis in the Indian mythology who have governed the Spiritual books – The Vedas , and so are the Seven laws of Success.

There is power in the universe and this power lies embedded in each human being. Being successful is not restrictive to materialistic attributes , its far beyond the same. Invoking the divinity in you is what can be achieved by comprehending and implementing these seven laws which will unfold below.

You are what your deep, driving desire is, As your desire is, so is your will , As your will is, so is your deed , As your deed is, so is your destiny.

The law of pure potentiality help you discover the power of stillness of mind. The kind of creative power that the mind can unleash is unparalleled , witness the intelligence of nature and its beauty. Meditate and realize the potential of yourself , what you can achieve by communicating with your mind and realizing your hidden powers.

The Law of Giving helps you understand the basic message that as you give you shall receive. Enjoy the happiness , the solace one achieves in giving , The human body is a devise which captures energy, circulates it, and gives it back to the universe. Hence do not halt the natural process . Caring ,affection , attention and appreciation are wonderful gifts which must be practiced ,Touching in a caring way biologically circulates energy in our lives.

The Law of Karma, says that Karma is the Sanskrit word for choice / action. Every action made by us generates energy that is returned to us in kind. Hence listen to your heart and body , do anything that’s comfortable and bring happiness to oneself and others. Swami Vivekananda has said, ''Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. Our thoughts, words, and deeds are the threads of the net that we throw around ourselves.''.

The law of least effort mentions that nature’s intelligence accomplishes tasks effortlessly. We can do less and accomplish more if we harness our minds and thoughts. Accept things as they are, feel responsible and release pain , as pain and hurt and harbored within oneself they convert themselves into anger, anxiety and fear. The Yoga Sutras say that you are invincible when you practice defenselessness. When you are defenseless...all around you cease to feel hostility. Therefore there is nothing to attack.

Desire is pure potential seeking manifestation , The Law of Desire and intentions mentions that desire is what catapulted the universe , it was what propelled potential things to be converted into Processes. Practice present moment awareness, list your desires and surrender them to the universe.

The ego and the self are two parts of an organism, the ego takes action, anticipates response and gets wounded while the self looks in detachment. Look at yourself in detachment how you react to various actions says the Law of Detachment

''When you work you are the flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to are the cloth woven from the heart threads for your beloved to wear.'' - Khalil Gibran. Discover you creativity says the The Law of Dharma and all your hidden talents.

The Verdict

Please note that most of the transcripts of the Laws have been taken from and related websites to give an insight about the author and the book.

This book is highly inspired by the Vedas and the Bhagvad Gita and is very holistic and spiritual. I always have believed that … believe in Spirituality and practice the various points highlighted whenever possible, but never let spirituality rule you. This book is very readable and is quite small too , but cannot be used as a reference for all actions.

Om shanti om
Mar 12, 2003 05:56 PM 3136 Views

For those of you who are spiritually inclined, or those who are not but still want to taste that calm and peace, this book comes as a great read. I read this book because I was suppose to make a presentation on it to my class, and for the next 5 months after the presentation, the book was never with me. someone or the other was always borrowing it.

it was definitely a little boring, and Mr. Chopra has used a little hi- fi vocabulary, but extremely helpful. Another plus point is that it is a very small book!!!!!!!!

however, those who have a little difficulty in reading this book can try reading ''Seven spiritual Laws For Parents'' by the same author. it is a simplified version and full of good examples.

happy peace of mind.

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