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Science of Getting Rich, The - Wallace D. Wattles Reviews

Mar 30, 2017 11:27 PM 672 Views (via Mobile)

Science is the gift of natural it is very interesting book it learn how to use things and what is this science is my fav book I always read it make us very powerful we can feel science. Science help how to learn activities it is very powerful in world the gift of science is change life on the earththe .bike made by science

Jalalabad, Punjab, India India
Study means Respect
Mar 06, 2017 10:08 PM 826 Views (via Mobile)

We all know that study directly leads to money and respect. The various streams of study are there . You can choose any one from those streams.

So there are many advantages of using SCIENCE stream . There are various interesting subjects in science as you know.

So I just wanted to tell you that SCIENCE means not to learn and cramming. It is totally based on the understanding. But for getting good marks you have to learn and cram some definitions but main thing is understanding.

So choose science stream and stay always with science and read best science books.


The great psychology to be followed
Feb 19, 2017 11:32 AM 1368 Views

This book is doesn't cost much, I bought it on amazon, hardly cost me 100rs.

In this book Mr Wattles explains the psychology to be rich and successfull.

The important concept to earn money is "to do things in a certain way."

If you are traveler you will get a billion dollar skill after reading this during a journey.

its not enough just to say a billion dollar skills and also the rich psychology

I read it couple of times and I always keep reading and it looks like I am continuously heading towards success.


Science of Getting Rich, The - Wallace D. Wattles
lalatadaMouthShut Verified Member
Bengaluru India
Getting rich is science not a mystery
Jan 29, 2016 07:10 PM 893 Views

I read this when rhonda byrne author of famous book " the secret " mentioned that she had referred this book and written this.

he tells its a science not something else .how you should think in the right way and what you should if you are struck somewhere doing the job/anything which u dont like at the moment .

Anyone who can just understand minimum english can understand this book without any hurdles.Its a thin book with few pages and cost is also around 100 when I bought it.

Amlan_KMouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
The science of getting rich
Nov 29, 2015 01:58 PM 1330 Views

Written by Wallace D. Wattles and pulished in the year 1910, 'The Science of Getting Rich' is the first book of'The Science of' series by the author.

I have read a lot of non-fiction self help books in my life and I got my hands on it in summer, 2012. As I have said earlier that all self help book authors tries to say the same thing.

Our life is moulded by our thoughts. We are literally what we think and we attract into our life what we think about the most. I am sure I am not exaggerating when I say this book has changed the way I see the world.What I liked abut this book is the part about Charity. And I quote "Do not spend your time "

Tyler_Durden186MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
There is definitely a science of getting rich.
Nov 09, 2015 10:06 PM 1469 Views

The science of getting Rich is written by the famous author Wallace D Wattles and published in 1910. I am totally addicted to self help books and this is among some of the first books I have ever read.

We all know about the book'The Secret' and its author Rhonda Byrne. On the Oprah Winfrey show she told that this book is one of the inspirations to erite The Secret. That's how powerful and influential this book is.

Thoughts are everything. We are literally what we think and we bring into our lives whatever the most we think about. But we don't always think about what we want. Mostly we always think about the things we don't want. We can train ourselves to think the right way.This is the best I can summarize the entire book. Whoever you are, whatever you want in life, I can guarantee that you will definitely like this book.

The book costs less than rs. 100 but more precious than gold.

Yeah that's my genre !!!!
May 08, 2015 04:50 PM 1444 Views

Science of getting rich! I have been searching and reading many books on rich people and how to become one and I came up with this book on net this is amazing book and is highly inspiring one for me.I found it too motivating in my view as it gives you the strength of becoming rich for the reason you are standing.

I have my own reasons and so I want to become rich and in case you feel like you are falling you just get the motivation from your dream and you rise above.AMAZING BOOK

Raw Dough Baked With Thoughts.
Feb 25, 2010 01:23 PM 1208 Views

The science of getting rich by wallace d. Wattles

Book 15

Started reading on: Feb. 18th, 2010

Finished: Feb. 20th, 2010

i think i read somewhere that this book provoked the author of “the secret” to write “the secret”. The common notion between them is you will get what you want whatever is in your mind whatever you think of the most. The only difference is the flavour or the presentation which varies.

So the book says that there is this invisible substance which is with all of us. We can build it into any form with our thoughts. So if we think of a devil, we will build it. And if think of an angel, we will build it too. It says, one doesn’t need to be competitive but creative to be compatible with the powers which will bring us peace n harmony followed by riches. One should be grateful to god n every being at every juncture. And having faith in all of these is very important. One should always have the “why i want to be rich?” In his mind. This helps us be on track all the time if in case we fall out of it which is quite possible.

The book was short n insightful. It also had summaries which i like. If anyone wants to read it. It is available for free on the website of the secret.

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