My next door neighbour's daughter and son both study in SBOA Matriculation anna nagar
The Daughter is in to her 6th standard now and due to intelligence gained after studying
there from UKG the Parents has no hesitation in putting their son there
The Son is into 1st std now and was told that he is comfortable from first week at school because
of the attitude of teachers towards not only him but also others kids studying with him
He has most studious as per Comments recd from His Parents
They give credit to the school Principal and Teachers who teaches him studies but discipline
The Daughter is into extra curricular activities in school like dance/Fancy Dress Competition.
The Son was asked to Speak like Abdul Kalam in a cultural function since he wants to be a scientist
when he grows and this show how much care the school takes of him to achieve his goal
Also school gives Certificate for excellence in student's activities and present them with Coat as being done
in College.This Encourages Everybody to excel.
Administrative staff are courteous when questions being asked for and Parents/Teachers Meeting takes place
to appraise about the students of their activities The Campus is Neatly Maintained.Their Parents feel that
the education is in safe hands till 12th std.
I was also told that principal interacts with teachers regularly to get updates
School atmosphere is such that Students love to Study and pass out in Flying Colors
Let the School Service reach Sky Limits
Education for all let this be the motive of the school

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