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Santoor Talc Reviews

Not good
Jan 14, 2019 08:09 PM 2562 Views (via Android App)

Hi guys

This review is going to be about the santoor talcum powder I bought it recently to try it it costed around 130rs I think its a little heavy price for the product quantity

It containts sandle wood but it does not gives mild cheer full fragrance like sandle wood bddun pleasant odour so I dont like it

It is not a quality product in warm condition face will come cracks and also pimples so dont use this product

No effect
Jun 12, 2018 08:43 PM 2948 Views (via Android App)

Hi guys .

this review is going to be about the santoor talcum powder.i bought it recently to try it .it costed around 135 rupees.i think its a little heavy price for the product quantity.

now coming to tge product ot is in a plastic container with a is nicely packed to avoid the has mild aroma which is the only thing I like about the product because I have a sensitive nose.

the product is white in colour.the product claims is made of chemocals .it gives a finish to skin.but what I hate about the product is that it drips off with sweat.which I dont like at all.

it is travel friendly but there is nothing useful with the its a thumbs down from me.hope you guys find this review helpful.bye

Jamai Osmania., Boudhanagar Warasiguda India
Dream flower
Nov 06, 2017 12:32 PM 2840 Views (via Android App)

Santoor dream flower sandal talc is a best face powder which has a great frangnance and has radiance talc under sunscreen as it is a Hindustan Unilever product we can believe it blindly to use because of its features and normally afford by anyone to use this daily life after using this I had a glow on my face naturally beautiful and I cannot even makeup myself much with any other beauty products because I usually prepare natural products. So that I can use this product on regular basis


Santoor Talc
litanrocks33MouthShut Verified Member
Dhenkanal India
Santoor talc.
Sep 17, 2017 03:29 PM 2914 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends today I'm gonna to share my personal experience about Santoor talc.

I used it 2 to 3 years ago. it's a very good and low price talc powder. It's fragrance is very good it's smells like chandan and haldi.

After I use this I feel something new. I really liked it. I can use it on any seasons. It's a very good fragrance and talc powder. Its packaging also very good.

mbrackMouthShut Verified Member
Dharmavaram India
Santoor beauty
Jun 23, 2017 01:24 PM 3163 Views (via Android App)

Santoor wow its perfume is amazing fragrance .

A quality product from wipro enterprises my whole family are using this talc it gives fragrance good smell to attract .

After applying this talk on face we looks very nice smartly and gives clean face.

This products license number is -

M HIM/COS/04/33,

This powders gives fragrance like sandalwood extract .

No words to tell about its fragrance because its amazing powder talc I refer it to all because my family satisfied with this powder.

Thank you.

Dnt give fragrance like sandlewood...
Feb 04, 2017 07:42 PM 3756 Views (via Android App)

  • my aunty use this powder.

So when I go at her home sometimes I also use that powder.

  • but I dnt like smell of that powder.

  • it contains sandle wood.but it does not gives a mild cheerful fragrance like sandle gives badunpleasant odour so I dnt like it.

  • only good point is that it is not in white colout.

  • this powder having whitish colour like whitish if u apply this powder on whitish skin then it is work like a good tonner to ur face.

  • but only due to its odour many peaples are dnt like this powder.

hh9818380MouthShut Verified Member
Mahalingpur India
Bad fragrance
Jan 22, 2017 10:26 PM 3934 Views (via Android App)

Hi my all the friendsAfter when watching the advertisement in newspaper, I brought Santoor Talc powder four months before but I regretted for wasting my money on this product because it did not gave me the effective result which I was expecting.As I used to play badminton everyday for around 2 hour, so I used to get lot of sweating and due to sweating, very bad odor used to come from my body and sometimes I felt itching also. Therefore, one day I decided to use Santoor Talc to remove bad odor and itching of my body during summer but believe me after using it for one month, I decided not to use it further.i nlt recommend this to the people.this is only vest of money.

Santoor talc
Dec 15, 2016 12:33 AM 3828 Views (via Android App)

Hi everyone.I am Saiteja.J and now I am going to give a review on the product which I have used it recently and it is santoor talc.Usually I love Santoor product and while coming to Santoor talc.It is a good talcum powder with an extraordinary fragrance.The fragrance lasts upto many hours.How much you may sweat and it does not let the bad smell of your sweat dominate the fragrance of the talcum powder. I personally used this product and I benefited a lot with this thing and I suggest you all to use this product. Thank you all

Super talc
Apr 28, 2016 02:16 PM 4893 Views (via Android App)

Santoor talc is very good and it is also known as beauty talc. It perfumed talc with sandalwood extract.

Its ingrediants are talc, calcium carbonate, purfume, LLP and BHT.

It is a quality product of wipro enterprises. It is cheap of cost and my family uses this talc every day. Thank you for santoor talc.

naveen_eluriMouthShut Verified Member
Bellampalli India
Disappointment product from santoor
Apr 21, 2016 03:17 PM 6596 Views (via Android App)

Santoor perfumed talk powder is disappoint product from santoor.I purchased 50gms product.In this pdoducts ingredients are Talk, Calcium carbonate, perfume, Llp and Bht etc.they tells

A quality product from santoor but it failed because even smell is good we used the power to face, new pimples appeared in the face and also pain comes in face.actually in this sandalwood products nice and good results comes on any product.But in this santoor talcom powder heavy pimples produced on is not a quality product and also to use this product in warm conditions face will become craks and also dont use this product

Santoor Talc Is Not Cool Talcum Powder
Mar 26, 2016 04:39 PM 4472 Views (via Android App)

After watching the advertisement in newspaper, I brought Santoor Talc powder four months before but I regretted for wasting my money on this product because it did not gave me the effective result which I was expecting.As I used to play badminton everyday for around 1 hour, so I used to get lot of sweating and due to sweating, very bad odor used to come from my body and sometimes I felt itching also.

Therefore, one day I decided to use Santoor Talc to remove bad odor and itching of my body during summer but believe me after using it for one month, I decided not to use it further.I suggest everyone not to use it.

This powder is very nice
Nov 11, 2015 04:58 PM 6004 Views

Santoor talcum powder is a very good powder. we use santoor talcum powder so you look young and feel young aand also santoor talcum powder fragrance are very good.This powder is generally used to prevent chafing and also it prevents rashes on the skin.

It is poured into the hand and gently rubbed on the skin of the body to freshen up and keep your senses free from bad odor. this is made by  talcum , calcium , carbonate , and perfume .thats why i like this santoor talcum powder very much . Talcum powder is one of the essential cosmetic products for everyone, including infant, and for every generation of people. i am using this santoor talcum powder and my family also use santoor  talcum powder .  to much brand is there like ponds , darmi cool , nicyl , cinthol , nivea and to  much products are there but santoor talcum powder is excellent. i think every one use this powder.

mayurjain1008MouthShut Verified Member
Bagidora India
It is so irritating me
Oct 21, 2015 01:55 AM 5308 Views (via Android App)

Santoor talc has very good advertising but it is not such a real. This is not so effective on our body. When we use it in morning and evening after some hour it left its effectness and convert in bed fragance. At starting it has very good fragrance of sandal but.

One more thing that there is not be add orginal sandal mysore. It has only sandal contain cemical used. I really recommend not used it and don't waste your money.

Cool powder
Jun 03, 2015 12:08 AM 6543 Views

I am using santtor talc for  7 years. It still hasn’t lost its good qualities since I have started using it. I has a pleasant smell. Nice design of a bottle though. Even though I buy a small bottle it is still enough for me. I like a lot of things about it.

First, I like it because The Indian santoor is more rectangular and can have more strings than the Persian counterpart, which generally has 72 strings.often made of walnut, with seventy two strings. The special-shaped mallets(mezrab) are lightweight and are held between the index and middle fingers.

A typical santoor has two sets of bridges, providing a range of three octaves.One the best cool talc powder most useful in summer.

gojosh889MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Wonderful Talc.
Apr 28, 2015 07:27 PM 6034 Views

I have been using this talc for 7 years. It still hasn't lost its good qualities since I have started using it. I has a pleasant smell. Nice design of a bottle though. Even though I buy a small bottle it is still enough for me. I like a lot of things about it.

First, I like it because it has a pleasant smell. I also has a softness that when we put it on our skin it feels so good that I have a bad habit of using it again and again. My mom tells me that it gets wasted when I put it on my body. The reason is because it falls down whenever I put it on my body.

I use it the most in my home. When at the beginning when I started to use it, I used to make a creme and paste it on my face, just for fun. It was like a magic. But later when I understood that what I was doing is wrong and that it wasted a lot of powder I stopped doing it.

After that I still missed doing it. It was wrong so the guilty didn't allow me to do that anymore. I liked santoor that much. I mean, I still like it. By hearing this story, You would know that how much i'm going to rate it.

SCR: Santoor Talc
Apr 26, 2015 02:58 PM 7717 Views (via Mobile)

Shortest Commodity Reviews: Santoor Talc

Their advertisements brag about the usage of pure Sandal and all but still Mysore Sandal is a no-match talcum powder I’ve ever used, with Santoor Talc way behind.

It’s grinded fine with the good fragrance of Sandal. It is good and pricy than Mysore Sandal Talc. Mysore sandal talc has large granules which makes it easy to rub all over the body. Santoor’s fragrance is bland, and it feels artificial.

Santoor powder cannot be much recommended by me even if it is Indian. I’d always suggest you to try out Mysore Sandal if you are into Sandal or just have Cinthol’s as it has some sporty and masculine fragrances.

Softy talc @santoor santoor
Apr 26, 2015 10:46 AM 6047 Views

Santoor made me fragrant and vibrant with its different shade .my fav santoor talc changes my skin tone into golden look .the talc is feather smooth and wen applied liberally gives me even tone and thus makes me look special in the group .it also controlled my oil on my face.

It gives me fresh look every and freshness lasts long on my face all day .now it is the favorite talc to my neice also .she also loves it a lot and now my family shifted to santoor talc and now I can boldly go out in this summer as my freshness look is preserved with santoor talc.

Even my mom also now started to use santoor talc .she also loves it a lot .love santoor santoor .


Santoor Talc

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