Hi I bought samsung gear s2 which very different on your wrist
why to take any other chrono watch when we have this tecky device with us
very useful while driving a car you can your android device with your smart watch by bluetooth and wifi
you can have watch faces on market or playstore
in this smart watch you can send and recieve all the notification like whatsapp, facebook, twitter, email, news
and even u can see videos and photos of ur phone
very addictive device wont let u to go alone
it can detach ur watch strip and it is standard belt size so u can wear any type of belt with it
it has one mode always on mode of smart watch when u twist ur hand to watch u will see the actual face and when u turn around ur wrist it turns to grey scale mode
it has power saving mode also
u can carry ur watch twice full day while connecting with phone
Battery is awesome
It is best from any other android smart watches
Recommended for technology type person u will feel great
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