When I desided I want a washing machine
I went to a nearest reliance digital store
I ask there about the best fully automatic washing machine to the sales exicutvie
The exicutive suggested me the samsung 6.5kg fully automatic top load washing machince
He explained me the features of the washing machine
It is 6.5kg top load fully automatic washing machine
Suitable for the small family like 4-6 people in home
It has six unique option to was the cloth
A washing powder dispenser is inside
An extra 1kg active wash tub is on top of the machine
In the actvie wash tub you can wash small cloth like hadncarchife, baby cloths
An very improtant there is an stripe inside the active wash tub were you can rub the colar of shirt directly
It has daimond cut shape tub so the cloths are wash very clean
And two down roller on which the cloth dosn't seek inside together while wash
And consume less electricity very handy to use
Personaly style ane desing is very awesome
So much gape between the opterating button in the panel that any one can easly oprate
And as always the service & supprot is good of samsung
Within 48hrs the exicutive came and given the demo of the machine free & installation too
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.