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Samsung 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WA65K4000HA/TL) Image

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Samsung 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WA65K4000HA/TL) Reviews

nickandreMouthShut Verified Member
mumbai India
Well worth it.
Oct 28, 2015 12:08 AM 30258 Views

After having frequent issues with our previous IFB washing machine I decided it was time to get rid of it, I needed something with either 8-9kg capacity since we wear jeans almost every day. I fixed my mind to avoid ifb at all costs since they are noisy and are prone to issues.

While in the market I saw front loaders from siemens, bosch, lg and samsung.

I spotted the samsung wd(washer drier) while at that time siemens or bosch had not yet launched a washer drier model it was between lg and samsung. Features wise both they were almost identical as well as warranty wise which made things tough, and reliability wise I have heard good about both brands however the deal breaker was he samsung store offered me a good buy back and some discount.

First impressions were the machine is built out of good quality materials, including a plastic protection on the outter door and a glass on the inner side. The machine is pretty quiet while washing and you can only hear the tumbling action of clothes, while spinning the noise is way to less compared to the ifb I had before, this is more due to the direct drive system and load imbalance correction which is good and can be your worst night mare if your clothes fail to get balanced out it just wont spin.

The machine has a good choice of wash cycles from delicates to woolens to handwash and since it has a drier in built it offers you to deodorize your clothes by sending warm air into your drum and dumpling your clothes or sanitizing by using higher temperatures, you can also use fragrance pulls meant to be used in clothes drier.

One thing to note it can take some time like 2-4 hours to dry your clothes fully, this is more due to it not being a ventilated drier which throws out the warm moist air rather here it stays within the drum. Lint always will get collected around your rubber so make sure to clean it frequently.

Its been 5 years now and not a single issue faced.

The machine is made in china as stated on the rear labels.

Mumbai India
Samsung Engineers shake hands with local enginners
Oct 19, 2015 03:26 AM 26618 Views

Be aware that when you call Samsung service center for any repairs to be done on your washing machine, the engineer that visits your place may be accompanied by some local technicians! He will try to fool you by saying like

  1. This part is not available with Samsung, I will get it done from outside myself or with the help of my own technician

  2. If you get this done from Samsung it will cost Rs 5000, however I shall get it done myself in just 2000 Rs and so on. They seem to have already tied up with locals and they try to fool you or cheat you by doing so.

I wonder if Samsung is aware of such practices and they shall also tell you to cancel your service request with Samsung and get it done directly from them.

Chennai India
Relience digital products- no customer quick respo
Sep 16, 2015 11:51 AM 11744 Views

Relience digital products not not good it seems, My new washing machine worked only once, after that it not working.not response to customer complaint.

my doubt how can a new product will be faulty?

I am from manufacturing, all products are tested as Ok then only the same will be despatched.

Crasy Relieance.

no body is picking call.

if any relieance people see this, please reply me.

my advice - dont go with relience.


Samsung 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WA65K4000HA/TL)
Samsung WA62H3H5QRP 6.2 kg Fully Automatic WM
Sep 15, 2015 03:14 PM 13961 Views

I was looking out for fully automatic washing machine within 20K. This is when I came across Samsung WA62H3H5QRP 6.2 kg Fully Automatic WM.

I have been using the product since 2 years. I consider this as value for money. Various modes helps washing based on delicacy of the clothes. Drum remains very stable during Spin in full load as well. Moreover, whats important is no issues have came up till now in 2 years.

Also, the automatic function are promising and make my life so easy that my mom can do what she wants and if needed anyone from family use this since it's so simple to operate. In short, it saves time, money, and makes my mom's life so easy.

My mom loves it Thanks Samsung

Its really nice and reduces our work.
Sep 10, 2015 12:04 PM 23766 Views

We recently purchased samsung top loading washing machine with price of Rs.16, 450 with 2 years warranty.And this is fully automatic.

This is really very nice and cleans the clothes very well.And this is meets all the needs perfectly.

Its really having very nice features.The machine is very easy to use.We can load the water with the help of tap and then add best washing power then pour cloths into it.Its having two lint filters these are very impressive because these cleans the stains of the clothes and present side walls of the drum. And we can easily remove it and clean it also. wash selector also available like heavy and normal.

The diamond shaped drum washes clothes gently with out damaging fabric. After completing the wash it will practically dry the cloths.This is fully automatic so don't worry about it.

It will keeps the clothes magically lint free and rescue our clothes from detergent resides.

The chassis looks officially with light grey colour and the doors with light blue colour.

But before using it read the instructions carefully.

They will provide us customer care number so, if having any doubt then we will contact them directly.

I will surly recommend it because it really nice.

mailmeayushoneyMouthShut Verified Member
Rishra India
The best value for money top load
Sep 03, 2015 04:39 PM 23113 Views (via Mobile)

After a lot of research and gathered reviews/feedback from and online shopping websites, I shortlisted this model and finally bought it. I must say it has been worth every penny that I paid.

Amazing build quality and modern looks. Looks very neat and goes with the aesthetics of the kitchen. The controls are easy and well laid. The welcome music and good bye music is a very good touch that Samsung has given. Noise levels are absolutely less. Bare minimum noise during spinning. Washing and rinsing are just silent. And the in built heater facility is of great use to wash bed sheets/curtains/jeans and other heavy materials. Truly amazing product and amazing features. Must buy.

Worst Experience with Samsung Washing machine
Aug 25, 2015 09:22 PM 56844 Views

I have purchased Samsung washing machine two months back, from the day one I had serious issues with this brand new washing machine.

I complained the same to Samsung, the service centre guys came to identified the problem, still they were clue less. On trail and error basis they changed the compression rods.

Still it did not solve my reported problem. They have taken the machine to service centre, after one week they called me and told me that they replaced sensors and other couple of more parts and machine is ready to deliver.

But I was reluctant to take the delivery as the machine I got was defective machine. I asked the company to give the replacement, but the Samsung company guys were reluctant to give the replacement for this defective machine.

When I got the completely defective machine, it is the company responsibility to give the replacement. The company is so careless about my complaint, they are least bother to understand my points. My experience with the Samsung on my problem was too worst and they response was so careless and least bother about the customer.

Trivandrum India
Bad Experience with Samsung Product
Aug 03, 2015 10:52 AM 27918 Views

This is to bring in notice regarding the fraud and cheating done by one of the Samsung Service Center located in Trivandrum and the negligence by Samsung towards their customers. I bought a new Samsung washing machine(WA82VNLEC – Top load) on 15th Dec 2012 from QRS, TC 25/2424, 2nd Floor, Raymond Building, M.G Road, Trivandrum, Kerala 695001 with extended warranty of 2 years which is valid up to 15th Dec 2016.

I faced an issue with this washing machine on 2nd June 2015 for which I had raised a complaint and received a reference number 8449283217.

My request was send to the Samsung service center, Smart Electronics - TC 28/986(1), SWARA-46, Sreekandeswaram, Fort PO, Trivandrum.

After doing several follow-ups, one of the service person came to my house and identified that the main PCB is damaged because of insects going into it. He also advised me to change the damaged water valve as well.

I was told that I will not be able to claim warranty because the damage was caused by insects going into and I have to pay for both PCB and water valve, later on another two guys came home to repair the machine without a water valve and left the machine as it is. 2 weeks later service guys took the whole washing machine to the service center.

Again after constantly following up with the service people, they finally brought back the washing machine after 1 month(4th July 2015)!  And they charged me 6, 230 rupees for replacing the PCB, water valve and transportation! Note that all this happened under Warranty period.

Next day I found that there was some problem again with the working of the washing machine and contacted the service center. Two days later, the service guy came to inspect the machine. The service person left after saying it was a PCB fault. After he left I opened it and found that the newly replaced PCB is an old one with some fault in it, even the newly bought water valve was an old damaged one and was not connected properly.

In this situation I felt that Samsung has cheated me and contacted them by sending emails to executive customer service team, CEO office which is provided in their website but all options were useless. I have already faced lots of issues because of the 1 month delay in service, and to make things worse, after having paid for new parts, they provided me with old damaged parts. Ignorance from Samsung towards their customers is un acceptable and I could understand from the service technicians that service center is doing a big scam by charging price for new products and delivering with old products for all their customers and from Samsung’s negligence and ignorance towards my complaint leads me to doubt Samsung is also involved and they are not taking any actions! Now I am going to file a complaint against them in Consumer court.

My experience after using this Samsung product, I lost my faith on the company. Their after sales service is appalling and I would like you all to be beware of buying any Samsung products and avoid same situations to your family members or relatives. Please share it among your friends and relatives.




Samsung WD8804RJN Washing machine
Jul 27, 2015 09:50 AM 26527 Views

Hello friends last week my aunt buy this Samsung WD8804RJN wasing machine . Samsung WD8804RJN washing machine have great features and specifications.wash capacity is 8 kg. it is a fully automatic machine. the spin speed is 1400 RPM.

Keep clothes looking new with Diamond Drum You shouldn’t have to damage your favourite fabrics in order to get them perfectly clean.

That’s why the Samsung WD8804RJN features unique Diamond Drum TM technology, which replaces the typical washing drum with one covered in deep, diamond-shaped depressions. This revolutionary texture keeps your fabrics safe from snags, while creating the perfect environment for gentle but effective washing. Keep your clothes in top condition by trusting them to the Samsung WD8804RJN’s exclusive Diamond Drum.

Awesome Washing Machine
Jul 18, 2015 07:13 PM 27510 Views

I have thought for buy new washing machine for our new home after my marriage. I have visited many local stores for same as well compared many Washing Machine on online shopping site.

I have found some good reviews for Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL and thought for go with it because it have some reasonable price as well latest technology and advantages of this awesome machine.Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL have 6.2 KG capacity and its enough for small and medium family.

Advantage of Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL

1) Water Saving- This washing machine have A 3D Dynamic Wash made by Samsung's Wobble Technology™ which save water up to 30% more than other brands washing machine.

2) 5 Step Super Wash - Samsung have unique technique for wash cloth in five simple step and it give us awesome clean cloth after wash without cause issue in clothes.

3) Practically dry, straight from the washer- This awesome machine have superb advantage of  Turbo Drying System which reduce time for drying clothes as well give us straight clothes.

4) Aqua Preserve- This features reduces usage of water, by reusing last rinsed out water which help us to save money as well water.

5) Sari Course- This can give you conveniently wash your delicate sari's without any tangle.

6) Stronger glass window- The tempered glass of window is enough stronger and can give us long life of washing machine as well it reduce chance of scratches on washing machine.

7) Last Setting- This button allow you to operate washing machine which you have set for last time, it will save your time for setting again.

8) Warranty- This Machine comes with Two year Samsung warranty and we do not need to worry for machine for that time.

Disadvantage of Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL

1) Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL does not come with stand and we need to buy it with extra charges.

2) Samsung not provide service on time and we need to wait some days for it and need call them multiple time for same.

You should buy Samsung WA82VNLEC/TL?

I am using this washing machine over year and have not faced any issue in it. I am very happy with performance given by it. I recommending this to all people who have medium family and want machine that can work without issue, must go with this machine and you will be not disappointed in any condition for sure.

Jammu India
Jul 15, 2015 11:40 AM 26122 Views

I had purchased Samsung Washing Machine front load latest model of Rs 39000/- and within a year it started creating noise issue while spinning.

The Senior most Engineer (Mr. Vijay who is responsible for total loss of my machine) took the machine to the service center (Shastri Nagar/ Gangyal Service Center Jammu ) and the condition of the machine looked horrible when it was returned to me .

The body of the machine was rusted as if exchanged with some other machine. Not even the body but the parts i.e drum, shocker, barring all started creating problem one by one and in 2 years, I had to bear huge expenses for changing all parts.

Even after 2 yrs the initial issue of noise didn't resolve. I had complained almost 50 times at their toll free no. and service center but without any resolution. Now again since month I have been complaining of extreme noise while spinning but 3 engineers visited giving different statements. One says to change shockers, other says to change body but do not guarantee that even after changing, the machine would work fine. So, overall I had paid Rs 17000/- on top of the cost of machine Rs 39000/- and still it is worth throwing in the bin. NEVER EVER BUY SAMSUNG HOME APPLIANCES . Almost similar experience I had with Samsung AC too

Jammu India
Jul 10, 2015 07:03 PM 9350 Views

I had purchased Samsung Washing Machine front load latest model of Rs 39000/- and within a year it started creating noise issue while spinning.

The Senior most Engineer(Mr. Vijay who is responsible for total loss of my machine) took the machine to the service center(Shastri Nagar/ Gangyal Service Center Jammu) and the condition of the machine looked horrible when it was returned to me .

The body of the machine was rusted as if exchanged with some other machine. Not even the body but the parts i.e drum, shocker, barring all started creating problem one by one and in 2 years, I had to bear huge expenses for changing all parts. Even after 2 yrs the initial issue of noise didn't resolve. I had complained almost 50 times at their toll free no.

And service center but without any resolution. Now again since month I have been complaining of extreme noise while spinning but 3 engineers visited giving different statements. One says to change shockers, other says to change body but do not guarantee that even after changing, the machine would work fine. So, overall I had paid Rs 17000/- on top of the cost of machine Rs 39000/- and still it is worth throwing in the bin. NEVER EVER BUY SAMSUNG HOME APPLIANCES . Almost similar experience I had with Samsung AC too

Samsung B-1245A
Jun 17, 2015 11:50 PM 24143 Views

I just purchase a samsung washing machine set and i am very glade, much more valuable then comparison to other rival product in their field

Easy to handling and managing very attractive features, looking wise good and washing a clothes in a perfect way, Go in the market and buy it go go go go go fast


Washing programmes 14

Price range n 27, 900

Water consumption 54 l

Width 598 mm

Wash load 6.5 kg

Height(mm) 844 mm

Dispensers bleach, detergent

Type of washing machine fully automatic

Control type jog dial

Basket material stainless steel

Wash method tumble


Spin rpm 1200 rpm

Display type digital graphic display

Loading type front loading

Additional features

6.5 kg wash capacity

Silver nano

Max. Spin speed of 1200 rpm

Easy operation with jog dial

Quick wash time - 30 minutes

Fuzzy logic control

Digital graphic display

54 liter water consumption

Anti foam control

Child lock function

Automatic drainage

Rinse hold

One touch wash


Digital display

Auto restart

Auto power off

Product washing machine

Warranty period 2 year

Part not covered outer still casing / top lid

Worth buying
May 18, 2015 02:05 PM 27215 Views

I bought this washing machine in exchange of my old Samsung washing machine. I am fully satisfied with this product. It makes very less sound, not like my old Samsung machine.

The rat cover is quite bad in terms of quality, just a piece of plastic they could have given something in aluminum or steel for better protection, this is one thing I did not like about the machine. Piece of cake for the rats to bite it off and enter the machine. Overall, it is very good washing machine I and my wife loved it.

Pune,Maharashtra, India India
Washing machine
Apr 30, 2015 11:41 PM 31306 Views (via Mobile)

Samsung is one of the oldest and the best manufacturer of the various products in the world. Samsung also creates various washing machine .

Samsung karisma is one the best washing machine Samsung has created.  It has good style and design in comparison of other washing machine.

The clothes are washed perfectly and the ease of using it is good. It cost something around 10, 000 rupees to 15, 000 rupees. My dad bought for something 13, 000 rupees as I don't know what the perfect rate my dad bought.

As it is easy to move anywhere as the big wheel beside it is and the time taken to wash the clothes takes less time. It also dry up the clothes inside it.

Samsung washing machine - not worth buying
Apr 24, 2015 11:44 AM 27020 Views

I have been using Samsung washing machine, different models for many years. Only of late I found out that the quality of the product has really come down. Initially, I had a semi automatic model. Later I got rid of it and purchased fully auto.Firstly the performance was good.

Then troubles started shooting up one by one. Always water used to leak from either the place where the tube gets connected to the tap or from the drain pipe. So many times I have complained to the service center. The mechanic will come, repair it. In a month's time the same problem will start again and the machine surrounding will be full of water. Drying the floor itself will be a big trouble.

So, I am planning to shift to some other company soon.

Efficient and fast
Apr 24, 2015 01:19 AM 27210 Views

Recently, 1 year before I bought a washing machine and the brand was one of my favorite and that is "Samsung". As I was getting difficult to wash my clothes so I thought of buying this. It really makes you comfort if you go for this product.

It has a good automatic system to wash our clothes with different options in it. There are several systems to wash your clothes and can dry your clothes inside. In this system you can pin, wash and dry your clothes. it will take maximum of 30 mins to wash your clothes and dry it without suns light. It will really give you a complete comfort and remove your headache of washing clothes as most of the boys have.

NO, Noooooo, THE WORST..... NEVER BUY !!!
Apr 02, 2015 12:37 PM 22913 Views

I have purchased this machine in Oct 2012. Its now 2 1/2 year. The bracket of the S S Drum broken. This is a very delicate bracket of aluminium casting. I have called the Sumsung Service. The engineer visited and quoted Rs. 9000/- for replacing the drum.

Actually the bracket cost hardly some. But they don't change the only bracket. So front loading machine can cost you heavy maintenance. Normally top loading machines doesn't have this kind of problem.  SO RECOMMEND NOT TO BUY FRONT LOADING SPECIALLY YOU ARE HAVING BOREWELL / HARD WATER.

Best buy
Mar 25, 2015 06:13 PM 24297 Views

This top loading washing machine has an easy open articulating handle. The window is made of tempered glass for withstanding the wear and tear due to daily usage. This appliance comes with a powerful eco storm pulsator and a plastic drum. The magic filter of this washing machine has been fitted at a lower level for effective filtration of lint during the wash cycle.

By following a 5 step super wash process, this washing machine ensures deep cleaning of clothes by effectively removing grime and dirt. Users have the convenience to choose from 8 wash programs for different kinds of fabric. There is a recall memory button that allows this washing machine to memorise the last wash cycle setting for future use.

The Sari Course allows users to wash delicate sarees without any tangle. This Samsung washing machine effectively reduces the drying time of clothes with the implementation of air turbo drying system.

Samsung WA6544200 buy at your own risk
Feb 14, 2015 05:12 PM 10977 Views

This is a warning for anyone who is planning to purchase a washing machine from the 6544 range of Samsung. Only a person who has the patience of a monk should buy this machine from Samsung.

I purchased this machine in August 2014 from Croma, Pune. This machine has given me nothing but trouble from day 1. Instead of rinsing off, the soap got stuck to the clothes. All clothes washed by this machine had soap stains on them. Almost every day i had to call the Samsung service center to lodge a complaint for the same.

Every week, an engineer from Samsung would turn up at my house to take pictures of the clothes and offer me new solutions. After many visits and photographs and solutions, the engineers told me that the machine was faulty. The company would take a decision on whether to replace the money or give me a refund. I was insistent that I wanted a refund as I felt that not just my machine but all the machines in that particular range were defective. (the engineers that had visited my house had dropped hints about the same)

Suddenly on 5/12/14, I got a call from Samsung was going to get my machine replaced and not give me a refund. The new machine was worse than the earlier one; the earlier machine just left soap on the clothes while the new machine left both soap and dirt on the clothes. There was no difference between the unwashed clothes and the clothes washed by this machine.Again i had to go through the same routine; call up the call center and wait for the visits by the engineer. Since December, I have called the Samsung call center so often, the executives recognize my voice.

I dont know what happened this time but the solutions offered by the people at the call center and the engineers were harebrained. A call center executive told me that Samsung has recommended using only Surf Excel Matic or Excel Matic for this particular model (for a top loading machine)!! On being asked if this recommendation is printed in the washing machine manual, he had no answer. One engineer asked me to make a paste of the washing powder before putting it in the machine.

Another engineer went as far to say that the machine should be cleaned every 15 days with 4-5 caps of Harpic, a toilet cleaner!!!!  Imagine, using a toilet cleaner to clean a washing machine. I  am looking forward to the next solution and will update my review with the next solution. I don't blame the field staff of Samsung for trying ; they are trying their best to help but even they know that all models in this range have the same defect. There seems to be a design flaw in the model and replacing one machine with another will not resolve the problem.


Samsung 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WA65K4000HA/TL)