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Russell Hobbs 1.8 Ltr Tea Kettle KE9000CR Reviews

luicismithMouthShut Verified Member
Delhi, India India
Not at all Durable, Expensive too
Feb 27, 2016 05:27 PM 1075 Views

I used on Russell Hobbs 1.8 Ltr Tea Kettle KE9000CR for just 3 weeks . I chose Russell Hobbs Company as it is well known by everyone and is one of the trusted brands and most used brand and has a great reputation all over the world, and my family and friends recommended to buy this Product but unfortunately my experience has not been so good, there were many problems that I faced using this product and would like to tell you some. This product is very less durable and is easily breakable, I was able to use it for just 3 weeks and It just stopped working after that, It felt like I wasted my money on such famous brand which did not provide durable product. And the customer service is also very poor It took around 1 week to get it fixed, and their staff is also not very friendly. The product requires constant need of repairing which is also expensive. I had the worst experience with this and I would not recommend this product, there are many other companies that are offering same product at less price and more durable.

mayurjain1008MouthShut Verified Member
Bagidora India
Useful kettle
Jan 28, 2016 06:43 PM 1212 Views (via Android App)

Russell hobbs is useful product. It is best for one or two people. It has 1.8 litres capacity for liquid. My neighbour buy it from dubai mall and it always decribes its goodness.

He told about it that this is so useful for prepare tea and coffee and specially for boiling noodles and milk and he used it twice a day.

This is cordless kettles. It is easy to clean and durable and easy to keep in every where. I saw it and I like it. It made by stainless steal and very well finishing and stylish. This kettles has on off power butten and red light indictor for show power on or off. I like it from top to bottam and I recommended and also ordered for me.

Worst Kettle and Cheap Switch
Jul 10, 2015 10:59 AM 1610 Views

I have got this Kettle from one of my relative who is staying in USA, they have given it as gift before one and half year. I have used it for one year and than switch getting broken and now it is useless because there no repairing available for this Kettle in our city. This is also hard to buy in India, but why should we need buy it? because this is really worst product I have bought or got.

This cordless kettle can used for various purpose like tea, coffee and food. kettle is able to boil 1-2ltr water in just some moments. Design of the kettle is traditional as well stylish and looking fine. This kettle  is made with stainless still and finishing of it is awesome.

This kettle is easy to operate with on/off switch and handle of the kettle  is staying cool even we have boiled water. There one red power indicator light is available.overall work of kettle  is awesome and easy to operate.

I do not recommending this kettle to any people in India, due to this is not famous kettle in India, so we are not able to repair it. I know that switch is really cheap and it can be broken anytime as in my case and than its going useless.


Russell Hobbs 1.8 Ltr Tea Kettle KE9000CR

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