This was the first Petra album I ever listened to and just about the first Christian album I heard!!
This was probably the album that turned my attention to christian music.
The album is Petra's most famous albums and many of the songs are now sung regularly in Churches, Youth Groups, etc.
The albums's first song is a sizzling rock number - I Love the Lord. Most Petra albums in fact begin with a hard rock number!
The familiar King of Kings is pretty well sung too.
Jesus, Jesus, Glorious One is is anither fairly heavy number.
This gives way to the best three songs in the album in quick succession -
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Take Me In
Salvation Belongs to Our God
All three numbers are slow and feature john schlitt's incredible vocals.
Side one then ends with the short fast burst of No Weapon.
Side two continues in the same vein with rapid changes in tempo and mood.
I Will Celebrate/When the Spirit of the Lord is a good example of how a varying tempo can get you!!
Hallowed be thy name is another slow number that we sing in Church.
The most popular song in this album is Friends, a catchy, light, finger snapping number.
The album then rolls on to an interactive version of I will Call upon the Lord before endng with the lilting melody of We Exalt Thee.
The album's main strong point is it's great variety - hard rock to soft melodies!!
If you don't like some great guitaring and rock music, you may find a few songs in this album a little noisy.
But this album has a lot for any music lover - especially for someone who loves the Lord.
Petra - Rock cries out.
(PS: Petra has also realeased Petra Praise 2 - We need Jesus. I've requested mouthshut to include this album to be reviewed)
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