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Richest Man In Babylon, The - George S. Clason Reviews

Shahdol India
The richest man and the babylon
Aug 19, 2023 09:30 PM 122 Views (via Android App)

5 principal for rich man

1 pay your self

2 leave below your means

3 make your money work for you

4 protect your capital

5 increase your ablity to earn

Real wealth building book
Nov 07, 2022 04:35 PM 247 Views (via Mobile)

Richest man in babylon is the helpful book for building a wealth. If you serious about create wealth then i recommend you to read this book.

This book teach you how to create wealth it included 7 steps-

1) Start making money

2) Control your expenditure

3) Make a list of necessary things

4) Make the gold multiply

5) Stop losses

6)Make Profitable investment

7) Increase the ability to earn

These very simple and useful steps. So, i think you must read this book.

Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh India
For Beginners, nice Basic Money Lessons in story
Apr 22, 2021 09:17 PM 540 Views

I just completed reading this book and this book is one of the best books if you are starting to learn personal finance and self growth.

This book compiled very basic lessons about Gold(money) from ancient times and they are still valid.

This book talks about Money accumulation, debt issues and importance of savings for long term. In my point of view this should be a "must read" book for everyone learning about wealth.

Little problem with this book is it's English wordings. They are sometimes a bit difficult to grab. otherwise it's good.

You should definitely read it.


Richest Man In Babylon, The - George S. Clason
Fantastic book
Mar 25, 2021 12:54 AM 978 Views

This book is written by George S. clason. Inside this book there is a story, Babylon is a place where a boy named arkad who worked hard to get rich. He followed some rules which were related to the savings and as he grew up he became a richest man in babylon. To make his surrounding society rich by savings and making expenses less. The place was arranged by the village people and he started teaching the people the golden rules to become rich in life. In this story his son elaborated about the strugling period which he experienced for that period, how he waste the money and after all when he saw he was going to the poor stage, then he followed the golden rules which his father had said and then he gradually improved himself. After these all he got to know what is hard work. Now my experience after reading this book is we should know the rules for savings which will better work in the future. Let me give an example of this "Ants collect food whole year, as they can feed themselves in the rainy season. This thing is also same as that. As we are facing corona pandemic, due to the lockdowns in the country after rising of the covid cases the government declares for the lockdown, if who have a better savings he can take the advantage of this and also in the future.

Investing and Money handling
Sep 03, 2020 01:15 PM 498 Views (via Android App)

It's a great book, I have to say. The beginning might bore reader but later it will entertain for sure.

If one needs a to know about managing and investing funds, one should go for it. Great teachings and self building thoughts are also a good part of the book.

So I only advise is to read the book till end and further you'll definitely love it

A very famous book written on wealth...
May 28, 2020 02:48 AM 475 Views

Great book! The author, writes about the wisdom of wealth possessed by ancient Babylonians.All historians agree with the fact that babylon was the richest of all of the ancient kingdoms, although it was located in the middle of a dry, arid desert.The information contained in this book is acquired by the careful transliteration of the ancient clay tablets discovered by archeologists over the many years after the discovery of the ruins of this once great kingdom in ancient mesopotamia. The first section deals with advice on money-making by a very rich & powerful man named Arkad. He is undoubtedly the richest man in Babylon for he even lends gold to the emperor in the times of crisis. The later half describes tales which are directly taken from the ancient tablets, all containing profound financial advice on the art of wealth-incremement. 150 odd pages, took me about 5 hours to finish it.Go for it, its really a good book unlike all those other books on the same subject that promise to provide a lot but is full of pseudoscience & BS.

The Guide Of Saving Money For Students
May 28, 2020 02:28 AM 811 Views (via Android App)

Few Years Back I Visited At Book shop, and Ask them to Books Regarding Money Saving and finance management.

I Said to Uncle in Book Shop "Uncle, I want to save Money. Do you Have Any Book For It? "

The Uncle in Shop Refered Me 'The Richest Man In BabyLon' by George Clason.

This Book Is All About How to we have save money in Little-Little amount. And How To make Money From from are Saved Money. The Book Teach Us Basic 7 Technique to save money , and Make that money earn From themselves.

I am Not Going to Said you To Read That Book Cause, I Read It. But I Just Want To Say You That. If You Want Save Some Money Just Have Look On It.

Bengaluru India
The rich know to use their money wisely
May 12, 2020 12:52 AM 667 Views (via Android App)

I loved this book because it standardised the mindset of the future entrepreneurs in our society the story goes in a nice way where the richest man in the Babylon is named arkad and this book shows how he learns the way to attract money towards anyone.

this book also helps in building the mindset of the rich.

if u wanna be rich first spend for yourself.

spend one tenth of the money u earn and invest that money to make more money.

in this book the author tells all this things in a beautiful story which makes it more interesting and builds the mindset of a rich.

always remember the 5 laws of gold! wanna know that ? buy and see yourself!

thank u.

Delhi India
The life changing book on the financial freedom
Jan 05, 2020 10:03 AM 685 Views (via Android App)

It is a life changing book on financial freedom.

In this book I like the rules of money most

It says. will come with more quantity to a man who invest on his/her family from atleast 10 percent of his income works hard for who search profitable investment for it. stay safe for whom, who invests it in suggestion of wise man.


And: -

How to get your purse full from money by saving and investing atleast 10-15 % of his income

And: -

How to get rid of all your debts

mohitbhatia80000MouthShut Verified Member
Varanasi India
Importance of Investing
Jul 13, 2019 05:13 PM 600 Views (via Android App)

I read this book recently, this book creates a huge impact in my life. This books helps me to change my thinking about money, I remember that time when I spent lots of money by just thinking it's very small amount saving or spending this did not make any impact in my life. But, this book totally changed my thinking. After reading this book I realize the imporance of Saving and Investing.

Story of this book is about a man who was poor but later after learning the power of investing he became the richest man in Babylon. His friends want to know how he became richest man in Babylon, then he tell his story to his friends that one man teached him about secrets of money they teached him about earning isn't makes a man rich but investing will.

'A man will never be rich by working for money, a man only be rich be rich when money works for him.'- that's the summary of this book.

If you want to learn about power of investing or want to be rich, then this book is for you. Read it once.

Rajgarh India
Richest man in Babylon baby ok of richness
Apr 06, 2019 09:28 PM 750 Views (via Android App)

Hello readers its sawan molwa actually when I came to know about finance and financial freedon after watching videos of great man sandeep maheshwari I start reading book with the help of my friend I came to about this awesome book written by georges clason when I start reading this in starting I get bored but from second chapters I forget myself and involve with these amazing book in this book george explains how rich people became rich the most important thing is they never expense money where their is no need like in entairtenment or in useless things they also never have more expens than their earnings they always save 10% of money what they are earning and they dont focus on just savings but also they invest their money for more great knowledge about this book I sugest you if you want an economical balance in your life you should read this book the co tent in these book is so valuable and the plot and story of these book is awesome so why are waiting just purchase and read this book with this word ots sawan molwa singing out

Guidance for financial literacy
Dec 16, 2018 12:14 PM 772 Views (via Android App)

The older I get more I realized the value of financial education, how important it is. There were so many questions in my mind- why just few people in the world are rich and still remains rich? What's the secret of wealth? How they think? What work they do to get rich? Poor people do hard work for their survival but still they don't get rich and rich people have lots of time to travel the world, to do what they want to do. I wanted to know the secret, the secret of wealth so started reading books on financial education.

This book "Richest man in babylon"also educate us financially. This book not tells the things that are difficult to do just few simple things which we all can apply in our daily life. In this book lots of techniques are given for leaning purse, for not remaining poor and laws of gold, how money flows and many else. This book is all about the city BABYLON which existed thousands of years ago and the wealthiest city in the world, story is about man ARKAD who was the richest man in Babylon- tells his secret of wealth.Starting few chapters are awesome to read, but last 2-3 chapters are boring. It would be enough if you just read starting 5-6 chapters. The greatest learning of this book is "Save 1/10 of your earning and invest it". This book is all about just this one line.

It would be a good decision if you are thinking about to read this book and starting few chapters are enough to understand the secret of wealth.

brijeshpatel26111MouthShut Verified Member
Ankleshwar India
How become a Rich
Jun 09, 2018 11:07 PM 668 Views (via Android App)

It about how to become a rich .it is a story of a businessman which is from babylone and richer than the king of babylone .it about the saving which said by writer as how make your wallete fat .and investent .means right or value investment . this book is excellent for readers which are want to become a rich whith simple step.

bhuminv20MouthShut Verified Member
Ahmedabad India
Richest man's advice
Mar 27, 2018 09:19 PM 966 Views (via Android App)

I want to be successful and rich man, so I started to read books. I need a book on investment and finance. After read the reviews about this book, I ordered one.

This book is wrote by George clason. In this book he described about the stories and principles of the one richest man in place named Babylon. The whole story was on Arkad the richest man, he explain his success to his friends who asked for his advice to become rich. The principles he described is so good that they will helpful for all. All the principles he described is easy to understand. The chapters in book is like the stories, so I love it. Its simple and very helpful. After all its an excellent book on investment and financial literacy. I am sure you gonna love it.

How to make money work for you
May 20, 2017 03:12 PM 1201 Views (via Android App)

Some peoples have money and don't know how to finance well , some people don't have money but they save every penny for future purposes.

RMIB ( Abbrevation for long typing purpose ) will tell you about collective finance advice that was set in one of the ancient town.

It is a financial literature about money

The 7 simple rules of money that they tell you in the book

  1. Save the money

  2. Don't spend more than you need

  3. Invest wisely

  4. Avoid loss

  5. Invest in profitable one

  6. Ensure future income

  7. Improve the ability to earn

If you know the law of making money you will get plentiful.

If you read book you can get more out of it.

One time

Two time




How many times you read that much you can reap the benefits from any book.

Thank you

Do not judge the reviews by its rating

Reviews are non - patented views of Gopal alone only spent book ( 125 ) + delivery ( 45) + Golden time

Great Book
May 05, 2017 11:24 PM 1184 Views (via Android App)

I read this book. It's really awesome. Thus book teach us money management and money saving we can save money from our salary and make it use for future generations. this book written in hundred of years ago and that babylon people know the importance of Savings. I if read this book 7 years ago then today I have lots of saving in my hand. So guy buy this book and read as soon as fast and you can save your money for your future and your children.I salute to author of this book

ziomakhtarMouthShut Verified Member
Bhubneswar India
Most influential book ever
Apr 20, 2017 02:27 AM 1554 Views (via Android App)

One of the most influential and simple as well as the most effective book that I have ever read. It focus on money management as well as to store it. It uncover the simple facts and way to become rich. The ways described in the book are very effective. The language of the book is is very simple and easy to understand. The book goes through the art of getting rich and how to better your lifestyle . As money is the most important asset so each one should read this book in order to maximize his or her personal income level as well as the net worth. Price is also very cheap.

ronakmanojshahMouthShut Verified Member
Solapur India
Classic book on Investing
Mar 27, 2017 07:40 PM 1134 Views

I have read roughly 170 books of them 20 are of wealth creation but if someone asks me which one should I start with I would recommend Richest Man in Babylon.

Richest Man in Babylon is the fundamental book on wealth creation. The language of book is very simple and the concepts of investing, allocation of funds are explained by narrating stories. There are various stories written one of which is about a person named "Arkad" who used to make tablets of clay and how he became the richest man in the Babylon.

The basic rule says "One tenth of all you earn is yours to keep".

It has 7 cures for lean purse.

The 5 laws of gold.

The way in which income should be spent.

The best part about the book is any person without the base of finance can easily read and understand. So if you want to build wealth this book is for you.

Even if you embrace any one of the concept it will improve your financial life.

Thanks for reading it really means a lot to me.

Any queries feel free to comment.

Nature Sao Tome and Principe
Jun 11, 2009 03:38 PM 3456 Views

Money! The word itself attracts our attention. Everybody wants more money. An increase of 10 percent in monthly earning will satisfy most of the people for some time. (Soon after that achievement, the target will be a further 10 percentage). A lesser number of people may go beyond that and dream of 20, 30, 50 or even 100 percentage than the present earning. Only few will dream of becoming the richest man of the world, a country, state or even town. Out of these wishes, only a small group will be able to materialize these ambitions. This doesn’t prevent our enthusiasm to know from the ancient wisdom on money management. In the book, The Richest Man in Babylon, George S Clason gives the tips from the ancient times on money making and money keeping.

Babylon was said to be one of the ancient civilizations and the richest city in the world for many years. Their attempt to build a sky touching building and its collapse is well known from the Bible days. Gold, Silver and Copper were the major trading currencies. robbers and cheaters were all around. Bad debtors may be sold as slaves and the chance of returning back to normal life was pretty difficult. Risk is inevitable in doing any kind of business but it is also important that we take only calculated risks.

Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding.” The preface tells. The book introduces Mr. Arkad, the richest man in Babylon and his success formula in simple words.

The language from the old times does irritated me for some time, but that doesn’t prevented me from enjoying the conservative, but interesting tips.

The first 3 chapters describe Arkad, the richest man in Babylon and his success formula. He suggests 7 cures for a lean purse, where saving a minimum of 10 percent from our monthly income is the base. Here the stress is on multiplying the money than earning the money. The importance of taking advice from the experts of the field before investment is stressed as well.

The fourth chapter considers a normal concept we carry over centuries – Luck. ‘Is there a way to attract luck?’ The author establishes that ‘Men of action are favored by the goddess of good luck’. It is better not to slip opportunities out of our hand and when we manage to convert the half chances to chances we consider ourselves lucky. The author also considers procrastination, which prevent luck from entering our life. This chapter is beautifully narrated and rich in content.

The fifth chapter throws us another question. ‘A bag heavy with gold or a clay tablet carved with words of wisdom; if you had the choice, which would you choose? A story is beautifully told to explain the answer. A rich man gives both (gold and wisdom) to his son to prove his ability. A very good chapter for the presentation, but the content was thin. The 5 laws of gold, given to conclude the chapter was not explained with due importance and it had shades of earlier laws.

The Sixth chapter considers another side of money management. The caution we have to take while giving out our money. The stress is on taking security before giving out our earnings. In this chapter too, the author has given a good story to pose a question and beautifully narrate how to say No with our logic, when there are personal relations too involved. Excellent chapter!

The next chapter is describing another story from the pages of ancient history, where Babylon were under threat from outside forces and how the mighty wall made around it protected its citizens. This is told to show the importance of the need for protection we need to create for any kind of assets. A short but beautifully narrated chapter!

For one who likes stories, the next chapter, The Camel Trader of the Babylon is the best. It does connect for characters and the situations created were superb. Being a person who likes stories a lot, this is the best chapter I liked from the book.

The chapter, The Clay Tablets from Babylonwas creative but the content didn’t impress much.

The luckiest man in the Babylon was however, considered the virtues of work and just ok. Keeping ourselves as slaves of work and considering work as prayer – over importance is given to this theory, where it fail to analyse the practical difficulties faced in the working environments.

The history of Babylon only acted as a distraction. A fine conclusion from the author would have been the best choice to end the book, which is missing. Even when we have to consider that the book is a collection of palm let prepared by George S Clason, wondering why the author doesn’t attempt to give a proper conclusion. The book could have been better, but when it comes to wisdom, it all depends on how we understand it. Either on gold or clay, wisdom keeps its impression on minds.

One major drawback of the book is that it doesn’t explain what to do with all the money we accumulate. The book visualizes of people who enjoy earning as an enjoyment in itself and it is their pleasure. However, many of the rich will sooner or later find the meaninglessness of it. Only we stress how to invest the money for a social cause the money management will be complete, which the book failed to explain.

The modern day money management is much different from the one visualized in the book. So, people who keep their bases in stock exchanges, broker houses and mutual funds may not find this book as an attraction, but for those who base their income on monthly earnings or doing a business the book will be very helpful.


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