I thought to share something special points for all those students who are planning their future in engineering field.
Many of you might be thinking to get a good rank in IIT JEE or AIEEE. This is a good thing.
Getting admissions in top institutions is probably 90%'s dream.
Have you ever wandered why such type of entrance examinations are not held in rest of the world? Inspite of this the engineers in UK, USA Russia are far better than than Indian Engineers?
Let me tell you the reason. The reason is, the engineers in many of the countries pursue computer programming since childhood. Hence they are able to become better computer engineers than engineers that Indian colleges produce.
For example, Mark Zuckerberg could make Facebook because he was pursuing computer programming since a very young age.
Coaching institution in India is a part of money making scam, of which many of us are a part.
The concepts that are being taught in engineering colleges is totally waste of time and outdated, the same programming, the same practical things can be easily understood by living in home and joing any small institutes which teaches them.
So just think why to waste lakhs of money over engienering colleges.
Many of the engineering graduates coming out from engineering colleges are not engineers. They are just like a common gradute with a title "Er" attached to their name.
. An engineer is a person who uses his new concepts to slove day to day life probelms related to technlogy.
Can I become an engineer without going to an engineering college?
Think wisely and take ur decicons .
Good luck engineering asprants.
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