Owner manuals have a periodic maintenance section. No Renault India manuals provide this info, either in the owner manual or a separate booklet. We don't even get coupons for free service! This leads to abuse of billing by the franchisees.
http: // http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/offici.review-84.html( Renault Duster: Official Review)
Originally Posted by deltadriver View Post
Surprisingly I have found Service Booklet Lacking and have no Idea of Service Interval.
Can someone please help me on whether 4th Booklet with service requirement has been given with vehicle.
Yes, I can confirm, surprisingly there is no separate service manual nor is there a section in the main manual which speaks about the service intervals and what should be done in which service. Even the typical table to record the maintenance history is missing.
I'm not miserly and allow the dealer to pad the bill a bit, but what gets my goat is when the extra work leads to problems.
However my previous car had been lined up for an engine lacquer coating and ever since, the car stalls. After innumerable service complaints( it wasn't possible to reproduce the problem as it was intermittent), I finally traced the snag to a primary circuit wire which was almost totally severed, affecting ignition performance. After twisting together the ends and taping the joint, ( the part was not available) the problem disappeared. After 10000 kms.
When I took the Scala for service, they slapped on lacquer service, wheel balancing, air conditioner vent cleaning and some oil and filter changes that were not due owing to low mileage. I struck of the first three as I did not want the lacquer, my running is only for small shopping runs( milk and bread!) and I don't use a/c as I am affected by a/c use. I allowed the oil and filter changes as they affect the warranty claims.
On collection I was charged for wheel balancing and vent cleaning. After refusing to pay, the charges were struck off, the parts removed and warnings were given to me that warranty would not be honoured if the relevant parts( blower motor) failed.
When I drove away, it began to rain . I switched on the front demister and the blower began to roar like a jet engine.
This was really upsetting, the fact that they carried out a work that I had expressly refused to take on and created problems.
Since I dreaded fighting the traffic to the workshop, I dropped in to the sales showroom. They apologised and asked me to take the car to the workshop. This made me even madder, and I felt that an apology did not suffice. It's so easy to say sorry, but it didn't solve my problem.
This troubling nuisance occurred because Renault chose to leave out the maintenance schedule in their owner's manual, opening an avenue for their franchisees to pad the service bills. If businesses adopt sharp practices, they should be prepared for the loss of goodwill.
I went back into the workshop and gave the service manager a piece of my mind. I insisted on being given the preventive maintenance manual. He directed me to the FAMILY lounge where the preventive maintenance schedule was hung in a back facing corner. He promised to email me a copy of the same.
For the trouble that Renault has given me on this issue, I am going to publicise the trick they use to extract more business for their franchisees, here in mouthshut as well as other forums. Being retired has its advantages, excess time on our hands being one.
I will also email Renault as the sales rep on the showroom offhandedly and casually advised me to do, to avoid taking on responsibility for the goof up of their service outlet, haranguing them in the email for not making available the maintenance schedule in the owners manual, a standard and useful feature, or should I say, mandatory feature in ALL owner manuals. This is the only way to prevent dealers from adding services that are not listed in the manual and insisting they are required to be eligible for warranty claims.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.